IPI - Image Perception Interaction
Team leader : Harold MOUCHERE : Harold.Mouchereatls2n.fr
Area(s) of expertise :
Within the laboratory, the IPI team's research is grouped around five themes:
- Discreet representation of information
- Representation and perception: psycho-visual models
- Interaction and perception: image quality and Quality of Experience
- Representation and multimedia communication
- Interpretation: learning and pattern recognition for structured handwritten documents
The obvious complementarities with the teams of the SIEL cluster are of several kinds:
- with SIMS on the basis of the tools we use and on non-destructive testing issues (link with discrete representation theme)
- with TALN in connection with our theme "Interpretation: learning and pattern recognition for structured handwritten documents".
- and with PACCE on human factors (theme 1: Interaction and Perception: image quality and QoE (Quality of Experience) and 2) Representation and perception: psychovisual models).
Links around interaction and usage analysis with the DUKe team will be fostered by our common commitment to the university centre in Hall 6.
The team project contributes to the transversal themes of the laboratory:
- Industries of the future : with activities in ergonomics, non-destructive testing, digital infrastructures;
- Life sciences: with activities in medical imaging, diagnostic quality, telemedicine, development of activities with the Ile de Nantes University Hospital;
- Design, Culture and Digital Society: with activities on Heritage (old documents), Arts and technologies, the scientific management of the RFI Cultural and Creative Industries, the animation of the PRI Design'IN platform, the animation of the UserLab university centre Quartier de la Création (Hall 6), immersive experience and QoE.
National and international positioning
The team presents internationally recognized and visible activities with a few nuggets for which we are in a position of international leadership. Strong and sustainable relationships are maintained with the ecosystem. The team also provides innovative training.
Team topics