STR - Real Time Systems
The STR team develops methods, techniques and tools for the design, verification and implementation of real-time IT systems, particularly in the field of critical embedded systems.
Team leader : Sebastien FAUCOU :
Deputy Head : Didier LIME :
Bringing together researchers from Nantes Université (École Centrale, Faculté des sciences et techniques, IUT, and Polytech) and CNRS, the STR team focuses on the entire development cycle of communicating real-time systems, mainly on the software side and on communication protocols. It thus develops original work combining formal methods, safety, execution platforms, real-time scheduling, and IoT protocols. Most of these works are implemented in practice in freely available software.
In particular, it develops the RTOS Trampoline and the model-checker Roméo.
The team also participates to the deployment of the national test-platform FIT IoT Lab.
Team topics