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4th Mojette Day

17 janvier 2019 @ 9 h 00 min - 17 h 00 min

We are delighted to invite you to the Fourth Mojette Day which will be held at Polytech Nantes on Thursday, January 17th 2019.
We look forward to welcoming you in the main amphitheater (A1) in the IRESTE building at Polytech Nantes, France.

Mojette Day is our unique annual occasion for a review of ongoing research concerning Discrete Tomography, including the Mojette transform, the Finite Radon Transform and related projective representations.

As at the last edition, we shall have (at least) three guest speakers:
1. Rob Tijdeman, from Leiden University, Netherlands, who has worked on Discrete Tomography since 1999 with many colleagues around the word. Rob will present some ongoing research about redundancy created by the tomographic representation.
2. Imants Svalbe, from Monash University in Melbourne Australia. Imants works on several aspects on Discrete Tomography, especially on the Finite Radon Transform, its strong links with the Mojette transform and their application as tools to build perfect auto-correlation arrays.
3. Silvia Maria Carla Pagani, from Politecnico di Milano. Silvia has an expertise on binary tomography, particularly regarding ghosts or switching elements and the characterization of regions of uniqueness.

8:30 – 9:00 | Coffee at IPI
9:00 | Welcome by Philippe Dépincé, Director Polytech Nantes
9:10 | Silvia Pagani (Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore, Brescia, Italia): »A conjecture about hv-convex sets: some recent developments »
9:55 | Robert Tijdeman (Mathematical Institute, Leiden University, Netherland): »Maximal and near-minimal ghost components. »
10:40 | Coffee break at IPI
11:15 | Imants Svalbe (Monash Univ. Melbourne, Australia): « Discrete 1D projections to forge 2D discrete shapes »
12:00 | Apéro + Lunch + coffee at IPI
14:00 | Şuayb Ş. Arslan (MEF University, Istanbul, Turkey) : »Asymptotically MDS Array BP-XOR Codes »
14:30 | Nicolas Normand : »Lagrange ghost prints »
15:00 | Didier Féron (Rozo Systems, Nantes / San Francisco): « Optimized Mojette transform implementation for fast storage »
15:30 | Jean-Pierre Guédon : »Generating Mojette projections sets from Halphen series »
16:00 | Open discussion 1: Tools for Discrete Tomography
16:30 | Open discussion 2: Open problems in Discrete Tomography
17:00: End of the Mojette Day – Pot at IPI

There are no attendance fees, but you must register to attend (to ensure we have sufficient food and Muscadet for the lunch, sponsored by ROZO systems).

Nicolas Normand & Jean-Pierre Guédon, co-organizers, team IPI / Polytech


Date :
17 janvier 2019
Heure :
9 h 00 min - 17 h 00 min

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Polytech Nantes, Rue Christian Pauc
Nantes, 44306 France
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