Publication de la collection HAL LS2N pour 2023
Nombre de publications retournées : 575ART_INT | ART_NAT | COMM_INT | COMM_NAT | OUV | BRE | THESE | AUTRES |
171 | 2 | 269 | 38 | 22 | 3 | 45 | 25 |
Revues internationales avec comité de lecture (ART_INT)
- [1] A. Ak, A. Goswami, W. Hauser, P. Le Callet, F. Dufaux. RV-TMO: Large-Scale Dataset for Subjective Quality Assessment of Tone Mapped Images. In IEEE Transactions on Multimedia ; éd. Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, 2023, vol. 25.
- [2] A. Cerqueus, X. Delorme. Evaluating the scalability of reconfigurable manufacturing systems at the design phase. In International Journal of Production Research ; éd. Taylor & Francis, 2023, vol. 61, num. 23.
- [3] B. Lavisse, X. Tardif, D. Bondarenko, M. Ritou, G. Germain. In process temperature and tool wear for the machining of aeronautic aluminum under different lubrication conditions. In Machining Science and Technology ; éd. Taylor & Francis, 2023, vol. 27, num. 5.
- [4] C. Audet, J. Bigeon, R. Couderc, M. Kokkolaras. Sequential stochastic blackbox optimization with zeroth-order gradient estimators. In AIMS Mathematics ; éd. AIMS Press, 2023, vol. 8, num. 11.
- [5] C. Letellier, S. Mangiarotti, L. Minati, M. Frasca, J. Barbot. Optimal placement of sensor and actuator for controlling low-dimensional chaotic systems based on global modeling. In Chaos: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Nonlinear Science ; éd. American Institute of Physics, 2023, vol. 33, num. 1.
- [6] C. Mercier, F. Trichet. Accompagner les formateurs et les étudiants à la sobriété numérique. In Distances et Médiations des Savoirs ; éd. CNED-Centre national d'enseignement à distance, 2023, num. 43.
- [7] D. Tremblet, A. Yelles-Chaouche, E. Gurevsky, N. Brahimi, A. Dolgui. Optimizing task reassignments for reconfigurable multi-model assembly lines with unknown order of product arrival. In Journal of Manufacturing Systems, vol. 67. 2023
- [8] E. Gurevsky, D. Kopelevich, S. Kovalev, M. Kovalyov. Integer knapsack problems with profit functions of the same value range. In 4OR: A Quarterly Journal of Operations Research, vol. 21, num. 3. 2023
- [9] F. Boyer, A. Gotelli, P. Tempel, V. Lebastard, F. Renda, S. Briot. Implicit time integration simulation of robots with rigid bodies and Cosserat rods based on a Newton-Euler recursive algorithm. In IEEE Transactions on Robotics ; éd. IEEE, 2023.
- [10] F. Jouault, V. Besnard, M. Brun, T. Le Calvar, F. Chhel, M. Clavreul, J. Delatour, M. Méré, M. Pasquier, C. Teodorov. AnimUML: a Practical Tool for Partial Model Animation and Analysis. In Science of Computer Programming ; éd. Elsevier, 2023.
- [11] F. Khorram, E. Bousse, J. Mottu, G. Sunyé. Advanced Testing and Debugging Support for Reactive Executable DSLs. In Software and Systems Modeling ; éd. Springer Verlag, 2023, vol. 22.
- [12] H. Chabeauti, M. Ritou, B. Lavisse, G. Germain, V. Charbonnier. Digital twin of forged part to reduce distortion in machining. In CIRP Annals - Manufacturing Technology ; éd. Elsevier, 2023, vol. 72, num. 1.
- [13] H. El Garrab, D. Lemoine, B. Castanier, A. Lazrak, R. Heidsieck. Predicting the reverse flow of spare parts in a complex supply chain: contribution of hybrid machine learning methods in an industrial context. In International Journal of Logistics Systems and Management ; éd. Inderscience, 2023, vol. 45, num. 2.
- [14] H. Kaneko, H. Endo, N. Henry, C. Berney, F. Mahé, J. Poulain, K. Labadie, O. Beluche, R. El Hourany, S. Acinas, M. Babin, P. Bork, C. Bowler, G. Cochrane, C. de Vargas, G. Gorsky, L. Guidi, N. Grimsley, P. Hingamp, D. Iudicone, O. Jaillon, S. Kandels, E. Karsenti, F. Not, N. Poulton, S. Pesant, C. Sardet, S. Speich, L. Stemmann, M. Sullivan, S. Sunagawa, P. Wincker, R. Nakamura, L. Karp-Boss, E. Boss, C. Bowler, C. de Vargas, K. Tomii, H. Ogata, S. Chaffron. Predicting global distributions of eukaryotic plankton communities from satellite data. In ISME Communications ; éd. Springer Nature, 2023, vol. 3, num. 1.
- [15] H. Nguyen, A. Nadi, K. Tran, P. Castagliola, G. Celano, K. Tran. The Shewhart-type RZ control chart for monitoring the ratio of autocorrelated variables. In International Journal of Production Research ; éd. Taylor & Francis, 2023, vol. 61, num. 20.
- [16] H. Spiers, A. Coutrot, M. Hornberger. Explaining World‐Wide Variation in Navigation Ability from Millions of People: Citizen Science Project Sea Hero Quest. In Topics in cognitive science ; éd. Wiley, 2023, vol. 15.
- [17] I. Deutschmann, A. Krabberød, F. Latorre, E. Delage, C. Marrasé, V. Balagué, J. Gasol, R. Massana, D. Eveillard, S. Chaffron, R. Logares. Disentangling temporal associations in marine microbial networks. In Microbiome ; éd. BioMed Central, 2023, vol. 11, num. 83.
- [18] I. Mouakher, F. Dhaou, J. Attiogbé. Validating and verifying LwM2M clients with event-B. In International Journal of Internet Protocol Technology ; éd. Inderscience, 2023, vol. 16, num. 2.
- [19] J. Castillo, M. Flores, P. Leray. Predicting spotify audio features from tags. In Multimedia Tools and Applications ; éd. Springer Verlag, 2023.
- [20] J. Enet, E. Bousse, M. Tisi, G. Sunyé. Protocol-Based Interactive Debugging for Domain-Specific Languages. In The Journal of Object Technology ; éd. Chair of Software Engineering, 2023, vol. 22, num. 2.
- [21] K. Sagar, S. Caro, T. Padir, P. Long. Polytope-based Continuous Scalar Performance Measure with Analytical Gradient for Effective Robot Manipulation. In IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters ; éd. IEEE, 2023, vol. 8, num. 11.
- [22] L. Turchet, M. Lagrange, C. Rottondi, G. Fazekas, N. Peters, J. Ostergaard, F. Font, T. Backstrom, C. Fischione. The Internet of Sounds: Convergent Trends, Insights and Future Directions. In IEEE Internet of Things Journal ; éd. IEEE, 2023.
- [23] M. Ahmed, K. Masood, V. Frémont, I. Fantoni. Active SLAM: A Review on Last Decade. In Sensors ; éd. MDPI, 2023, vol. 23, num. 19.
- [24] M. Guy, J. Normand, C. Jeunet-Kelway, G. Moreau. The sense of embodiment in Virtual Reality and its assessment methods. In Frontiers in Virtual Reality ; éd. Frontiers, 2023, vol. 4.
- [25] M. Harrat, F. Belkadi, G. Caverot, A. Bernard. A fuzzy logic assessment framework for collaborative development of product-service systems. In International Journal of Value Chain Management ; éd. Inderscience, 2023, vol. 14, num. 2.
- [26] M. Leszczuk, L. Janowski, J. Nawala, J. Zhu, Y. Wang, A. Boev. Objective Video Quality Assessment and Ground Truth Coordinates for Automatic License Plate Recognition. In Electronics, vol. 12, num. 23. 2023
- [27] M. Maddah, J. Classe, I. Jaffre, K. Watson, K. Lin, D. Chablat, C. Dumas, C. Cao. A decision aid for the port placement problem in robot-assisted hysterectomy. In Laparoscopic, Endoscopic and Robotic Surgery ; éd. Elsevier, 2023, vol. 6, num. 2.
- [28] M. Tebib, M. Graa, P. Andre, O. Aktouf. A Survey on Secure Android Apps Development Life-Cycle: Vulnerabilities and Tools. In International Journal On Advances in Security ; éd. IARIA, 2023, vol. 16, num. 1 & 2.
- [29] N. Jiménez, V. Acuña, M. Cortés, D. Eveillard, A. Maass. Unveiling abundance-dependent metabolic phenotypes of microbial communities. In mSystems. 2023
- [30] O. Aouedi, K. Piamrat. F-BIDS: Federated-Blending based Intrusion Detection System. In Pervasive and Mobile Computing ; éd. Elsevier, 2023, vol. 89.
- [31] O. Bellenguez, N. Brauner, A. Tsoukias. Is there an ethical operational research practice? And what this implies for our research?. In EURO journal on decision processes ; éd. Springer, 2023, vol. 11.
- [32] R. Garcia, A. Volkova. Toward the Multiple Constant Multiplication at Minimal Hardware Cost. In IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems I: Regular Papers ; éd. IEEE, 2023.
- [33] S. Messaoudi, F. Nicolau, M. Ghanes, L. Sbita, J. Barbot. Flatness-Based Control Strategy for n Parallel Connected Boost Choppers and n Sources With Differing Characteristics. In IEEE Control Systems Letters ; éd. IEEE, 2023, vol. 7.
- [34] S. Razm, N. Brahimi, R. Hammami, A. Dolgui. A production planning model for biorefineries with biomass perishability and biofuel transformation. In International Journal of Production Economics ; éd. Elsevier [1991-....], 2023, vol. 258.
- [35] S. Venkateswaran, D. Chablat. Mapping the Tilt and Torsion Angles for a 3-SPS-U Parallel Mechanism. In Robotics ; éd. MDPI, 2023, vol. 12, num. 2.
- [36] S. Vercraene, F. Lehuédé, T. Monteiro, O. Péton. The Dial-a-Ride Problem with School Bell Time Adjustment. In Transportation Science ; éd. INFORMS, 2023, vol. 57, num. 1.
- [37] S. Wu, P. Castagliola, A. Rakitzis, P. Maravelakis. Design of Attribute EWMA Type Control Charts with Reliable Run Length Performance. In Communications in Statistics - Simulation and Computation ; éd. Taylor & Francis, 2023, vol. 52, num. 9.
- [38] S. Zschaler, E. Bousse, J. Deantoni, B. Combemale. A Generic Framework for Representing and Analysing Model Concurrency. In Software and Systems Modeling ; éd. Springer Verlag, 2023, vol. 22.
- [39] T. Perdikis, G. Celano, S. Psarakis, P. Castagliola. An exponentially weighted moving average control chart based on signed ranks for finite horizon processes. In Quality Engineering ; éd. Taylor & Francis, 2023, vol. 35, num. 2.
- [40] V. Bessonneau-Gaborit, J. Cruard, C. Guerin-Charbonnel, J. Derrien, J. Alberge, E. Douillard, M. Devic, S. Deshayes, L. Campion, F. Westermann, P. Moreau, C. Herrmann, J. Bourdon, F. Magrangeas, S. Minvielle. Exploring the impact of dexamethasone on gene regulation in myeloma cells. In Life Science Alliance ; éd. Life Science Alliance LLC, 2023, vol. 6, num. 9.
- [41] V. Toro, D. Tellez-Castro, E. Mojica-Nava, N. Rakoto-Ravalontsalama. Data-driven distributed voltage control for microgrids: A Koopman-based approach. In International Journal of Electrical Power & Energy Systems ; éd. Elsevier, 2023, vol. 145.
- [42] X. Hu, P. Castagliola, A. Tang, X. Zhou. Conditional design of the Shewhart X chart with unknown process parameters based on median run length. In European Journal of Industrial Engineering ; éd. Inderscience, 2023, vol. 17, num. 1.
- [43] Y. Zhu, S. Acounis, N. Beaupère, J. Beney, J. Bert, S. Bouvier, D. Cai, C. Canot, T. Carlier, M. Cherel, J. Cussonneau, S. Diglio, D. Giovagnoli, F. Kraeber-Bodéré, P. Le Ray, F. Lefèvre, J. Masbou, E. Morteau, J. Stutzmann, D. Visvikis, Y. Xing, D. Thers, J. Idier. Studies and optimization of scintillation light measurements for the development of the 3-gamma medical imaging XEMIS2 liquid xenon Compton camera. In Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment ; éd. Elsevier, 2023, vol. 1047.
- [44] A. Alidra, H. Bruneliere, T. Ledoux. A feature-based survey of Fog modeling languages. In Future Generation Computer Systems ; éd. Elsevier, 2023, vol. 138.
- [45] S. Dal Zilio, P. Hladik, F. Ingrand, A. Mallet. A formal toolchain for offline and run-time verification of robotic systems. In Robotics and Autonomous Systems ; éd. Elsevier, 2023, vol. 159.
- [46] T. Le Colleter, D. Dumez, F. Lehuédé, O. Péton. Small and Large Neighborhood Search for the Park-and-Loop Routing Problem with Parking Selection. In European Journal of Operational Research ; éd. Elsevier, 2023.
- [47] D. Frey, A. Mostefaoui, M. Perrin, P. Roman, F. Taiani. Differentiated consistency for worldwide gossips. In IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems ; éd. Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, 2023, vol. 35, num. 11.
- [48] O. Aouedi, K. Piamrat, G. Muller, K. Singh. Federated Semi-Supervised Learning for Attack Detection in Industrial Internet of Things. In IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics ; éd. Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, 2023, vol. 19, num. 1.
- [49] S. Bennai, K. Amroun, S. Loudni, A. Ouali. An Efficient Heuristic Approach Combining Maximal Itemsets and Area Measure for Compressing Voluminous Table Constraints. In Journal of Supercomputing ; éd. Springer Verlag, 2023, vol. 79, num. 1.
- [50] A. Lê, A. Selle, P. Aubert, T. Durand, C. Brosseau, P. Bordron, E. Delage, S. Chaffron, C. Petitfils, N. Cenac, M. Neunlist, M. Bodinier, M. Rolli-Derkinderen. Maternal prebiotic supplementation impacts colitis development in offspring mice. In Frontiers in Nutrition ; éd. Frontiers Media S.A., 2023, vol. 9.
- [51] L. Pujet, N. Tabareau. Impredicative Observational Equality. In Proceedings of the ACM on Programming Languages ; éd. ACM, 2023, vol. 7, num. POPL.
- [52] L. Fizanne, A. Villard, N. Benabbou, S. Recoquillon, R. Soleti, E. Delage, M. Wertheimer, X. Vidal‐gómez, T. Oullier, M. Martínez, M. Neunlist, J. Boursier, R. Andriantsitohaina, S. Chaffron. Faeces‐derived extracellular vesicles participate in the onset of barrier dysfunction leading to liver diseases. In Journal of Extracellular Vesicles ; éd. Taylor & Francis, 2023, vol. 12, num. 2.
- [53] P. Jacquet, R. Rouvoy, T. Ledoux. La chasse au gaspillage dans le cloud et les data centers. In The Conversation France ; éd. The Conversation Media Group [•2015-....], 2023.
- [54] A. Jiménez-Sánchez, M. Tardy, M. González Ballester, D. Mateus, G. Piella. Memory-aware curriculum federated learning for breast cancer classification. In Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine ; éd. Elsevier, 2023, vol. 229.
- [55] A. Yousefloo, R. Babazadeh, M. Mohammadi, A. Pirayesh, A. Dolgui. Design of a robust waste recycling network integrating social and environmental pillars of sustainability. In Computers & Industrial Engineering ; éd. Elsevier, 2023, vol. 176.
- [56] J. Marchix, L. Quénéhervé, P. Bordron, P. Aubert, T. Durand, T. Oullier, C. Blondeau, S. Ait Abdellah, S. Bruley Des Varannes, E. Coron, M. Neunlist, S. Chaffron. Could the Microbiota Be a Predictive Factor for the Clinical Response to Probiotic Supplementation in IBS-D? A Cohort Study. In Microorganisms ; éd. MDPI, 2023, vol. 11, num. 2.
- [57] C. Butin, D. Chablat, Y. Aoustin, D. Gouaillier. Design of a Two-Speed LAVT for Energetic Optimization of an Accessible Prosthetic Hand. In Journal of Mechanisms and Robotics ; éd. American Society of Mechanical Engineers, 2023, vol. 15, num. 1.
- [58] A. Ginnante, S. Caro, E. Simetti, F. Leborne. Kinetostatic Optimization for Kinematic Redundancy Planning of Nimbl'Bot Robot. In Journal of Mechanisms and Robotics ; éd. American Society of Mechanical Engineers, 2023.
- [59] C. Butin, D. Chablat, Y. Aoustin, D. Gouallier. Novel Kinematics of an Anthropomorphic Prosthetic Hand Allowing Lateral and Opposite Grasp with a Single Actuator. In Journal of Computational and Nonlinear Dynamics ; éd. American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME), 2023.
- [60] V. Lostanlen, L. Yan, X. Yang. From HEAR to GEAR: Generative Evaluation of Audio Representations. In Proceedings of Machine Learning Research ; éd. PMLR, 2023, num. 166.
- [61] I. Goudé, A. Bruckert, A. Olivier, J. Pettré, R. Cozot, K. Bouatouch, M. Christie, L. Hoyet. Real-time Multi-map Saliency-driven Gaze Behavior for Non-conversational Characters. In IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics ; éd. Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, 2023.
- [62] D. Dumez, C. Tilk, S. Irnich, F. Lehuédé, K. Olkis, O. Péton. A Matheuristic for a 2-Echelon Vehicle Routing Problem with Capacitated Satellites and Reverse Flows. In European Journal of Operational Research ; éd. Elsevier, 2023, vol. 305, num. 1.
- [63] M. Chetto, R. El Osta. Earliest Deadline First Scheduling for Real-Time Computing in Sustainable Sensors. In Sustainability ; éd. MDPI, 2023, vol. 15, num. 5.
- [64] A. Bourgeade, M. Ghanes, B. Jean-Pierre, B. Abdelkader, F. Maurice, B. Robert. New PWM inverter control based on optimal pulse pattern computation without phases symmetry constraints. In Control Engineering Practice ; éd. Elsevier, 2023, vol. 132.
- [65] D. Deuff, G. Venture, I. Milleville-Pennel, O. Ioana. Yōkobo - an object of sensitive presence. In .able ; éd. Actar Publishers & École des Arts Décoratifs Paris, 2023.
- [66] E. Dijoux, M. Klein, B. Misme-Aucouturier, M. Chemina, M. de Carvalho, L. Collin, D. Hassoun, E. Delage, M. Gourdel, G. Loirand, V. Sauzeau, A. Magnan, G. Bouchaud. Allergic Sensitization Driving Immune Phenotyping and Disease Severity in a Mouse Model of Asthma. In Allergy, Asthma & Immunology Research ; éd. Korean Academy of Asthma, Allergy and Clinical Immunology; Korean Academy of Pediatric Allergy and Respiratory Disease, 2023, vol. 15, num. 2.
- [67] O. Battaïa, A. Dolgui, N. Guschinsky, M. Kovalyov. Designing fast-charge urban electric bus services: An Integer Linear Programming model. In Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review ; éd. Elsevier, 2023, vol. 171.
- [68] Z. Wang, Y. Zhang, D. Dai, D. Gu, C. Chen, D. Wang, A. Bernard. A Direct Toolpath Constructive Design Method for Controllable Porous Structure Configuration with a TSP-based Sequence Planning Determination. In Chinese Journal of Mechanical Engineering: Additive Manufacturing Frontiers, vol. 2, num. 1. 03-2023
- [69] A. Bernabeu, M. Briday, S. Faucou, J. Béchennec, O. Roux. Cost-optimal timed trace synthesis for scheduling of intermittent embedded systems. In Discrete Event Dynamic Systems ; éd. Springer Verlag, 2023, vol. 33.
- [70] R. Parrot, M. Briday, O. Roux. Design and verification of pipelined circuits with Timed Petri Nets. In Discrete Event Dynamic Systems ; éd. Springer Verlag, 2023, vol. 33.
- [71] T. Gomez, H. Mouchère. Computing and evaluating saliency maps for image classification: a tutorial. In Journal of Electronic Imaging ; éd. SPIE and IS&T, 2023, vol. 32, num. 02.
- [72] M. Liu, A. Kouadri-Henni, B. Malard. Numerical Analysis of Low-Cycle Fatigue Using the Direct Cyclic Method Considering Laser Welding Residual Stress. In Coatings ; éd. MDPI, 2023, vol. 13, num. 3.
- [73] J. Gao, F. Claveau, A. Pashkevich, P. Chevrel, R. Abdessamed. Real-time motion planning for an autonomous mobile robot with wheelground adhesion constraint. In Advanced Robotics ; éd. Taylor & Francis, 2023.
- [74] S. Chen, Y. Pan, D. Wu, A. Dolgui. In-house versus outsourcing collection in a closed-loop supply chain with remanufacturing technology development. In International Journal of Production Research ; éd. Taylor & Francis, 2023, vol. 61, num. 6.
- [75] S. Chen, V. Frémont. Uncertainty-Aware Adaptive Semi-Direct LiDAR Scan Matching for Ground Vehicle Positioning. In IEEE Sensors Journal ; éd. Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, 2023.
- [76] F. Boyer, V. Lebastard, F. Candelier, F. Renda, M. Alamir. Statics and Dynamics of Continuum Robots Based on Cosserat Rods and Optimal Control Theories. In IEEE Transactions on Robotics ; éd. IEEE, 2023, vol. 39, num. 2.
- [77] D. Luo, S. Thevenin, A. Dolgui. A state-of-the-art on production planning in Industry 4.0. In International Journal of Production Research ; éd. Taylor & Francis, 2023, vol. 61, num. 19.
- [78] S. Briot, F. Boyer. A Geometrically-Exact Assumed Strain Modes Approach for the Geometrico- and Kinemato-static Modellings of Continuum Parallel Robots. In IEEE Transactions on Robotics ; éd. IEEE, 2023, vol. 39, num. 2.
- [79] Z. Li, V. Bégoc, A. Chriette, I. Fantoni. Wrench Capability Analysis and Control Allocation of a Collaborative Multi-Drone Grasping Robot. In Journal of Mechanisms and Robotics ; éd. American Society of Mechanical Engineers, 2023, vol. 15, num. 2.
- [80] G. Cantin, B. Delahaye, B. Funatsu. On the degradation of forest ecosystems by extreme events: Statistical Model Checking of a hybrid model. In Ecological Complexity. 02-04-2023
- [81] G. Castañé, A. Dolgui, N. Kousi, B. Meyers, S. Thevenin, E. Vyhmeister, P. Östberg. The ASSISTANT project: AI for high level decisions in manufacturing. In International Journal of Production Research ; éd. Taylor & Francis, 2023, vol. 61, num. 7.
- [82] A. Bagnato, A. Cicchetti, L. Berardinelli, H. Bruneliere, R. Eramo. AI-augmented Model-Based Capabilities in the AIDOaRt Project: Continuous Development of Cyber-Physical Systems. In ACM SIGAda Ada Letters, vol. 42, num. 2. 05-04-2023
- [83] D. Ivanov, A. Dolgui, J. Blackhurst, T. Choi. Toward supply chain viability theory: from lessons learned through COVID-19 pandemic to viable ecosystems. In International Journal of Production Research ; éd. Taylor & Francis, 2023, vol. 61, num. 8.
- [84] I. Balogoun, S. Marx, D. Astolfi. ISS Lyapunov Strictification via Observer Design and Integral Action Control for a Korteweg–de Vries Equation. In SIAM Journal on Control and Optimization ; éd. Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics, 2023, vol. 61, num. 2.
- [85] N. Belmecheri, N. Aribi, N. Lazaar, Y. Lebbah, S. Loudni. Boosting the Learning for Ranking Patterns. In Algorithms ; éd. MDPI, 2023, vol. 16, num. 5.
- [86] P. Clément Blaud, P. Chevrel, F. Claveau, P. Haurant, A. Mouraud. From multi-physics models to neural network for predictive control synthesis. In Optimal Control Applications and Methods ; éd. Wiley, 2023, vol. 44, num. 3.
- [87] L. Louis, S. Moussaoui, A. van Langhenhove, S. Ravoux, T. Le Jan, V. Roualdes, I. Milleville-Pennel. Cognitive tasks and combined statistical methods to evaluate, model, and predict mental workload. In Frontiers in Psychology ; éd. Frontiers Media, 2023, vol. 14.
- [88] A. Agossah, F. Krupa, M. Perreira Da Silva, G. Deconde, P. Le Callet. Déploiement de l’IA en situation de travail : une trop faible considération de l’expérience des employé·es ?. In Sciences du Design ; éd. Presses Universitaires de France, 2023, vol. n° 16, num. 2.
- [89] J. Antoni, J. Idier, S. Bourguignon. A Bayesian interpretation of the L-curve. In Inverse Problems ; éd. IOP Publishing, 2023, vol. 39, num. 6.
- [90] J. Antoni, S. Bourguignon, J. Idier. A Bayesian interpretation of the L-curve. In Inverse Problems ; éd. IOP Publishing, 2023, vol. 39, num. 6.
- [91] I. Haur, J. Béchennec, O. H. Roux. Formal verification process of the compliance of a multicore AUTOSAR OS. In Software Quality Journal ; éd. Springer Verlag, 2023, vol. 31, num. 2.
- [92] C. Armanini, F. Boyer, A. Mathew, C. Duriez, F. Renda. Soft Robots Modeling: A Structured Overview. In IEEE Transactions on Robotics ; éd. IEEE, 2023, vol. 39, num. 3.
- [93] M. Hewitt, F. Lehuédé. New Formulations for the Scheduled Service Network Design Problem. In Transportation Research Part B: Methodological ; éd. Elsevier, 2023, vol. 172.
- [94] M. Tummers, V. Lebastard, F. Boyer, J. Troccaz, B. Rosa, M. Chikhaoui. Cosserat Rod Modeling of Continuum Robots from Newtonian and Lagrangian Perspectives. In IEEE Transactions on Robotics ; éd. IEEE, 2023, vol. 39, num. 3.
- [95] V. Bonnet, J. Mirabel, D. Daney, F. Lamiraux, M. Gautier, O. Stasse. Practical whole-body elasto-geometric calibration of a humanoid robot: Application to the TALOS robot. In Robotics and Autonomous Systems ; éd. Elsevier, 2023, vol. 164.
- [96] Y. Nehmé, J. Delanoy, F. Dupont, J. Farrugia, P. Le Callet, G. Lavoué. Textured Mesh Quality Assessment: Large-scale Dataset and Deep Learning-based Quality Metric. In ACM Transactions on Graphics ; éd. Association for Computing Machinery, 2023, vol. 42, num. 3.
- [97] B. Lento, Y. Aoustin, T. Zielinska. Feasibility Study of Upper Limb Control Method Based on Electromyography-Angle Relation. In Journal of Computational and Nonlinear Dynamics ; éd. American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME), 2023, vol. 18, num. 6.
- [98] G. Jeanneau, V. Begoc, S. Briot. Experimental Safety Analysis of R-Min, an Underactuated Parallel Robot. In Journal of Mechanisms and Robotics ; éd. American Society of Mechanical Engineers, 2023, vol. 15, num. 3.
- [99] S. Briot, J. Merlet. Direct Kinematic Singularities and Stability Analysis of Sagging Cable-driven Parallel Robots. In IEEE Transactions on Robotics ; éd. IEEE, 2023, vol. 39, num. 3.
- [100] V. Di Paola, A. Goldsztejn, M. Zoppi, S. Caro. Design of a Sliding Mode-Adaptive Proportional-Integral-Derivative Control for Aerial Systems With a Suspended Load Exposed to Wind Gusts. In Journal of Computational and Nonlinear Dynamics ; éd. American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME), 2023, vol. 18, num. 6.
- [101] V. Muralidharan, N. Testard, C. Chevallereau, A. Abourachid, P. Wenger. Variable Stiffness and Antagonist Actuation for Cable-Driven Manipulators Inspired by the Bird Neck. In Journal of Mechanisms and Robotics ; éd. American Society of Mechanical Engineers, 2023, vol. 15, num. 3.
- [102] Y. Dahmane, R. Chenouard, M. Ghanes, M. Alvarado Ruiz. Optimal Electric Vehicle Fleet Charging Management with a Frequency Regulation Service. In World Electric Vehicle Journal ; éd. MDPI, 2023, vol. 14, num. 6.
- [103] C. Lacôte-Coquereau, T. Vigier, M. Perreira Da Silva. Experimenting in virtual reality with an autistic public having language and intellectual development disorders: lessons learned and recommendations. In Proceedings of the 2023 ACM International Conference on Interactive Media Experiences Workshops. 12-06-2023
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