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Clément HUNEAU
Enseignant-ChercheurPublications référencées sur HAL
Revues internationales avec comité de lecture (ART_INT)
- [1] S. Hssain-Khalladi, A. Giron, C. Huneau, C. Gitton, D. Schwartz, N. George, M. Le van Quyen, G. Marrelec, V. Marchand-Pauvert. Further characterisation of late somatosensory evoked potentials using electroencephalogram and magnetoencephalogram source imaging. In European Journal of Neuroscience ; éd. Wiley, 2024, vol. 60, num. 1.
- [2] C. Huneau, M. Houot, A. Joutel, B. Béranger, C. Giroux, H. Benali, H. Chabriat. Altered dynamics of neurovascular coupling in CADASIL. In Annals of Clinical and Translational Neurology ; éd. Wiley, 2018.
- [3] C. Capone, F. Dabertrand, C. Baron-Menguy, A. Chalaris, L. Ghezali, V. Domenga-Denier, S. Schmidt, C. Huneau, S. Rose-John, M. Nelson, A. Joutel. Mechanistic insights into a TIMP3-sensitive pathway constitutively engaged in the regulation of cerebral hemodynamics. In eLife ; éd. eLife Sciences Publication, 2016, vol. 5.
- [4] A. Garnier, A. Vidal, C. Huneau, H. Benali. A neural mass model with direct and indirect excitatory feedback loops: identification of bifurcations and temporal dynamics. In Neural Computation ; éd. Massachusetts Institute of Technology Press (MIT Press), 2015, vol. 27, num. 2.
- [5] C. Huneau, H. Benali, H. Chabriat. Investigating Human Neurovascular Coupling Using Functional Neuroimaging: A Critical Review of Dynamic Models. In Frontiers in Neuroscience ; éd. Frontiers, 2015, vol. 9.
- [6] M. Boillot, C. Huneau, E. Marsan, K. Lehongre, V. Navarro, S. Ishida, B. Dufresnois, E. Ozkaynak, J. Garrigue, R. Miles, B. Martin, E. Leguern, M. Anderson, S. Baulac. Glutamatergic neuron-targeted loss of LGI1 epilepsy gene results in seizures. In Brain - A Journal of Neurology ; éd. Oxford University Press, 2014, vol. 137, num. 11.
- [7] J. Schubert, A. Siekierska, M. Langlois, P. May, C. Huneau, F. Becker, H. Muhle, A. Suls, J. Lemke, C. de Kovel, H. Thiele, K. Konrad, A. Kawalia, M. Toliat, T. Sander, F. Rüschendorf, A. Caliebe, I. Nagel, B. Kohl, A. Kecskés, M. Jacmin, K. Hardies, S. Weckhuysen, E. Riesch, T. Dorn, E. Brilstra, S. Baulac, R. Møller, H. Hjalgrim, B. Koeleman, K. Jurkat-Rott, F. Lehman-Horn, J. Roach, G. Glusman, L. Hood, D. Galas, B. Martin, P. de Witte, S. Biskup, P. de Jonghe, I. Helbig, R. Balling, P. Nürnberg, A. Crawford, C. Esguerra, Y. Weber, H. Lerche. Mutations in STX1B, encoding a presynaptic protein, cause fever-associated epilepsy syndromes. In Nature Genetics ; éd. Nature Publishing Group, 2014, vol. 46, num. 12.
- [8] C. Huneau, P. Benquet, G. Dieuset, A. Biraben, B. Martin, F. Wendling. Shape features of epileptic spikes are a marker of epileptogenesis in mice.. In Epilepsia ; éd. Wiley, 2013, vol. 54, num. 12.
- [9] F. Wendling, F. Bartolomei, F. Mina, C. Huneau, P. Benquet. Interictal spikes, fast ripples and seizures in partial epilepsies - combining multi-level computational models with experimental data.. In European Journal of Neuroscience ; éd. Wiley, 2012, vol. 36, num. 2.
- [10] C. Huneau, S. Demont-Guignard, P. Benquet, B. Martin, F. Wendling. Time-domain features of epileptic spikes as potential bio-markers of the epileptogenesis process.. In Conference proceedings : ... Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society. IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society. Annual Conference ; éd. Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), 2010, vol. 1.
- [11] C. Huneau, F. Rigal, J. Idier. Estimateur explicite de modèles polynomiaux inverses par moindres carrés pondérés. In 28e colloque GRETSI, septembre 2022, Nancy, France.
- [12] O. Bordron, C. Huneau, Ã. Le Carpentier, Y. Aoustin. Joint torque estimation during a squat motion. In Congrès Français de Mécanique (Brest), août 2019, Brest, France.
- [13] O. Bordron, Y. Aoustin, C. Huneau, E. Le Carpentier. Contribution of a Knee Orthosis to Walking. In Challenges and trends in Wearable Robotics, 2018, Pisa, Italie.
- [14] C. Huneau, H. Benali, H. Chabriat. ASL Combined with EEG for neurovascular coupling assessment in a clinical model of vascular dementia. In 28th Symposium on Cerebral Blood Flow, Metabolism and Function, avril 2017, Berlin, Allemagne.
- [15] D. Mornas, C. Huneau, J. Idier. Modèle Fast-Slow de l’hyperémie fonctionnelle pour l’IRMf ASL. In Recherche en Imagerie et Technologie pour la Santé, RITS 2019, mai 2019, Tours, France.
- [16] D. Mornas, C. Huneau, J. Idier. Modèle Fast-Slow du couplage neurovasculaire. In 27e colloque GRETSI, août 2019, Villeneuve-d’Ascq, France.
- [17] A. Garnier, C. Huneau, A. Vidal, F. Wendling, H. Benali. Complex dynamics for the study of neural activity in the human brain. In Journées RITS 2015, mars 2015, Dourdan, France.
- [18] C. Huneau, H. Chabriat, H. Benali. Potential of dynamic models to investigate neurovascular coupling using ASL fMRI. In Journées RITS 2015, mars 2015, Dourdan, France.
- [19] H. Chabriat, C. Huneau, H. Benali. Method for investigating cerebral blood flow in a subject. N° brevet : EP17305045.
- [20] O. Bordron, C. Huneau, E. Le Carpentier, Y. Aoustin. Impact of a knee orthosis over walking. In ROMANSY 22 – Robot Design, Dynamics and Control. CISM International Centre for Mechanical Sciences (Courses and Lectures), vol 584. Springer, Cham. 2018
- [21] C. Huneau. Détection et modélisation biomathématique d'évènements transitoires dans les signaux EEG intracérébraux : application au suivi de l'épileptogenèse dans un modèle murin. Thèses : Université de Rennes.