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: Thomas.Ledouxatls2n.fr

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Revues internationales avec comité de lecture (ART_INT)

    • [1] P. Jacquet, T. Ledoux, R. Rouvoy. ScroogeVM: Boosting Cloud Resource Utilization with Dynamic Oversubscription. In IEEE Transactions on Sustainable Computing ; éd. IEEE, 2024.
    • [2] A. Alidra, H. Bruneliere, T. Ledoux. A feature-based survey of Fog modeling languages. In Future Generation Computer Systems ; éd. Elsevier, 2023, vol. 138.
    • [3] D. Saingre, T. Ledoux, J. Menaud. Measuring performances and footprint of blockchains with BCTMark: a case study on Ethereum smart contracts energy consumption. In Cluster Computing ; éd. Springer Verlag, 2022, vol. 25, num. 4.
    • [4] Z. Al-Shara, F. Alvares, H. Bruneliere, J. Lejeune, C. Prud'Homme, T. Ledoux. CoMe4ACloud: An End-to-End Framework for Autonomic Cloud Systems. In Future Generation Computer Systems ; éd. Elsevier, 2018, vol. 86.
    • [5] N. Beldiceanu, B. Dumas Feris, P. Gravey, M. Hasan, C. Jard, T. Ledoux, Y. Li, D. Lime, G. Madi-Wamba, J. Menaud, P. Morel, M. Morvan, M. Moulinard, A. Orgerie, J. Pazat, O. Roux, A. Sharaiha. Towards energy-proportional Clouds partially powered by renewable energy. In Computing ; éd. Springer Verlag, 2017, vol. 99, num. 1.
    • [6] M. Hasan, Y. Kouki, T. Ledoux, J. Pazat. Exploiting Renewable sources: when Green SLA becomes a possible reality in Cloud computing. In IEEE Transactions on Cloud Computing ; éd. IEEE, 2017, vol. 5, num. 2.
    • [7] M. Hasan, F. Alvares, T. Ledoux, J. Pazat. Investigating Energy Consumption and Performance Trade-off for Interactive Cloud Application. In IEEE Transactions on Sustainable Computing ; éd. IEEE, 2017, vol. 2, num. 2.
    • [8] D. Serrano, S. Bouchenak, Y. Kouki, F. Alvares de Oliveira Jr., T. Ledoux, J. Lejeune, J. Sopena, L. Arantes, P. Sens. SLA guarantees for cloud services. In Future Generation Computer Systems ; éd. Elsevier, 2016, vol. 54.
    • [9] Y. Kouki, T. Ledoux. RightCapacity: SLA-driven Cross-Layer Cloud Elasticity Management. In International Journal of Next-Generation Computing ; éd. Perpetual Innovation Media Pvt. Ltd., 2013, vol. 4, num. 3.
    • [10] F. Alvares de Oliveira Jr., T. Ledoux. Self-management of cloud applications and infrastructure for energy optimization. In Operating Systems Review ; éd. Association for Computing Machinery, 2012, vol. 46, num. 2.
    • [11] P. David, T. Ledoux, T. Coupaye, M. Léger. FPath and FScript: Language support for navigation and reliable reconfiguration of Fractal architectures. In Annals of Telecommunications - annales des télécommunications ; éd. Springer, 2009, vol. Volume 64.

Revues nationales avec comité de lecture (ART_NAT)

    • [12] P. Jacquet, R. Rouvoy, T. Ledoux. La chasse au gaspillage dans le cloud et les data centers. In The Conversation France ; éd. The Conversation Media Group, 2023.
    • [13] P. David, T. Ledoux. Une approche par aspects pour le développement de composants Fractal adaptatifs. In Revue des Sciences et Technologies de l'Information - Série L'Objet : logiciel, bases de données, réseaux ; éd. Hermès-Lavoisier, 2006, vol. 12, num. 2-3.
    • [14] P. Cointe, J. Noyé, R. Douence, T. Ledoux, J. Menaud, G. Muller, M. Südholt. Programmation post-objets : des langages d'aspects aux langages de composants. In Revue des Sciences et Technologies de l'Information - Série L'Objet : logiciel, bases de données, réseaux ; éd. Hermès-Lavoisier, 2004, vol. 10, num. 4.
    • [15] N. Bouraqadi, T. Ledoux. Le point sur la programmation par aspects. In TSI (Technique et Science Informatiques), vol. 20, num. 4. 2001

Conférences internationales avec comité de lecture et actes (COMM_INT)

    • [16] H. Awad, A. Alidra, H. Bruneliere, T. Ledoux, E. Leclerq, J. Rivalan. VeriFog: A Generic Model-based Approach for Verifying Fog Systems at Design Time. In SAC '24: Proceedings of the 39th ACM/SIGAPP Symposium on Applied Computing, avril 2024, Avila, Espagne.
    • [17] P. Jacquet, T. Ledoux, R. Rouvoy. SweetspotVM: Oversubscribing CPU without Sacrificing VM Performance. In CCGrid'24 - 24th IEEE/ACM international Symposium on Cluster, Cloud and Internet Computing, mai 2024, Philadelphia, états-Unis.
    • [18] A. Mokhtari, B. Jonglez, T. Ledoux. Towards Digital Sustainability: Involving Cloud Users as Key Players. In IC2E 2024 - 12th IEEE International Conference on Cloud Engineering, septembre 2024, Paphos (Cyprus), Chypre.
    • [19] P. Jacquet, T. Ledoux, R. Rouvoy. SLACKVM: Packing Virtual Machines in Oversubscribed Cloud Infrastructures. In 2024 CLUSTER - IEEE International Conference on Cluster Computing, septembre 2024, Kobe, Japon.
    • [20] A. Alidra, H. Bruneliere, H. Coullon, T. Ledoux, C. Prud'Homme, J. Lejeune, P. Sens, J. Sopena, J. Rivalan. SeMaFoR - Self-Management of Fog Resources with Collaborative Decentralized Controllers. In SEAMS 2023 - IEEE/ACM 18th Symposium on Software Engineering for Adaptive and Self-Managing Systems, mai 2023, Melbourne, Australie.
    • [21] P. Jacquet, T. Ledoux, R. Rouvoy. CloudFactory: An Open Toolkit to Generate Production-like Workloads for Cloud Infrastructures. In IC2E 2023 - 11th IEEE International Conference on Cloud Engineering, septembre 2023, Boston, Massachusetts, états-Unis.
    • [22] D. Mahoro, T. Ledoux, T. Hassan, T. Coupaye. Articulating Data and Control Planes for the Composition and Synchronization of Digital Twins. In Midd4DT 2023 - 1st International Workshop on Middleware for Digital Twin, décembre 2023, Bologna (ITALY), Italie.
    • [23] D. Saingre, T. Ledoux, J. Menaud. The cost of immortality: A Time To Live for smart contracts. In ISCC 2021 - 26th IEEE Symposium on Computers and Communications, septembre 2021, Athènes, Grèce.
    • [24] D. Saingre, T. Ledoux, J. Menaud. BCTMark: a framework for benchmarking blockchain technologies. In AICCSA 2020 - 17th IEEE/ACS International Conference on Computer Systems and Applications, novembre 2020, Antalya, Turquie.
    • [25] H. Sahli, T. Ledoux, Ã. Rutten. Modeling Self-Adaptive Fog Systems Using Bigraphs. In SEFM 2019 : 17th International Conference on Software Engineering and Formal Methods, septembre 2019, Oslo, Norvège.
    • [26] H. Bruneliere, Z. Al-Shara, F. Alvares, J. Lejeune, T. Ledoux. A Model-based Architecture for Autonomic and Heterogeneous Cloud Systems. In CLOSER 2018 - 8h International Conference on Cloud Computing and Services Science, mars 2018, Funchal, Portugal.
    • [27] S. Dupont, S. Bouri, F. Alvares de Oliveira, T. Ledoux. ElaScript: a DSL for Coding Elasticity in Cloud Computing. In SAC 2017 : Symposium on Applied Computing, avril 2017, Marrakech, Maroc.
    • [28] J. Lejeune, F. Alvares, T. Ledoux. Towards a generic autonomic model to manage Cloud Services. In The 7th International Conference on Cloud Computing and Services Science (CLOSER 2017), avril 2017, Porto, Portugal.
    • [29] M. Hasan, F. Alvares de Oliveira Jr., T. Ledoux. GPaaScaler: Green Energy aware Platform Scaler for Interactive Cloud Application. In UCC 2017 : 10th International Conference on Utility and Cloud Computing, décembre 2017, Austin, états-Unis.
    • [30] M. Hasan, F. Alvares de Oliveira, T. Ledoux, J. Pazat. Enabling Green Energy awareness in Interactive Cloud Application. In CloudCom 2016: IEEE International Conference on Cloud Computing Technology and Science, décembre 2016, Luxembourg, Luxembourg.
    • [31] N. Beldiceanu, B. Dumas Feris, P. Gravey, M. Hasan, C. Jard, T. Ledoux, Y. Li, D. Lime, G. Madi-Wamba, J. Menaud, P. Morel, M. Morvan, M. Moulinard, A. Orgerie, J. Pazat, O. Roux, A. Sharaiha. The EPOC project: Energy Proportional and Opportunistic Computing system. In International Conference on Smart Cities and Green ICT Systems (SMARTGREENS), mai 2015, Lisbonne, Portugal.
    • [32] Y. Kouki, M. Hasan, T. Ledoux. Delta Scaling: How Resources Scalability/Termination Can Be Taken Place Economically?. In 11th World Congress on Services (SERVICES), juin 2015, New York, états-Unis.
    • [33] S. Dupont, J. Lejeune, F. Alvares, T. Ledoux. Experimental Analysis on Autonomic Strategies for Cloud Elasticity. In 2015 IEEE International Conference on Cloud and Autonomic Computing (ICCAC), septembre 2015, Cambridge, états-Unis.
    • [34] Y. Kouki, F. Alvares de Oliveira Jr., S. Dupont, T. Ledoux. A Language Support for Cloud Elasticity Management. In IEEE/ACM International Symposium on Cluster, Cloud and Grid Computing, CCGrid 2014, mai 2014, Chicago, états-Unis.
    • [35] M. Hasan, Y. Kouki, T. Ledoux, J. Pazat. Cloud Energy Broker: Towards SLA-driven Green Energy Planning for IaaS Providers. In IEEE Internatonal Conference on High Performance Computing and Communications, HPCC 2014, août 2014, Paris, France.
    • [36] Y. Kouki, T. Ledoux. SCAling : SLA-driven Cloud Auto-scaling. In ACM Symposium on Applied Computing, SAC 2013, mars 2013, Coimbra, Portugal.
    • [37] D. Serrano, S. Bouchenak, Y. Kouki, T. Ledoux, J. Lejeune, J. Sopena, L. Arantes, P. Sens. Towards QoS-Oriented SLA Guarantees for Online Cloud Services. In The 13th IEEE/ACM International Symposium on Cluster, Cloud and Grid Computing (CCGrid 2013), mai 2013, Delft, Pays-Bas.
    • [38] F. Alvares de Oliveira Jr., T. Ledoux, R. Sharrock. A framework for the coordination of multiple autonomic managers in cloud environments. In IEEE International Conference on Self-Adaptive and Self-Organizing Systems (SASO), juin 2013, Philadelphia (PA), états-Unis.
    • [39] Y. Kouki, T. Ledoux. CSLA : a Language for improving Cloud SLA Management. In International Conference on Cloud Computing and Services Science, CLOSER 2012, avril 2012, Porto, Portugal.
    • [40] Y. Kouki, T. Ledoux. SLA-driven Capacity Planning for Cloud applications. In IEEE International Conference on Cloud Computing Technology and Science, CloudCom 2012, décembre 2012, Taipei, Taïwan.
    • [41] F. Alvares de Oliveira Jr., R. Sharrock, T. Ledoux. Synchronization of Multiple Autonomic Control Loops: Application to Cloud Computing. In 14th International Conference on Coordination Models and Languages (COORDINATION), juin 2012, Stockholm, Suède.In Marjan Sirjani (éds.), . Springer, 2012.
    • [42] Y. Kouki, T. Ledoux, R. Sharrock. Cross-layer SLA selection for Cloud services. In IEEE International Symposium on Network Cloud Computing and Applications, NCCA 2011, novembre 2011, Toulouse, France.
    • [43] F. Alvares de Oliveira Jr., T. Ledoux. Self-management of applications QoS for energy optimization in datacenters. In 2nd International Workshop on Green Computing Middleware (GCM'2011), décembre 2011, , Portugal.
    • [44] J. Menaud, A. Lebre, T. Ledoux, J. Noyé, P. Cointe, R. Douence, M. Südholt. Vers une réification de l'énergie dans le domaine du logiciel. In Journées du GDR Génie de la Programmation et du Logiciel, mars 2010, Pau, France.
    • [45] F. Alvares de Oliveira Jr., T. Ledoux. Self-optimisation of the energy footprint in Service-Oriented Architectures. In 1st International Workshop on Green Computing Middleware, novembre 2010, , Inde.
    • [46] M. Léger, T. Ledoux, T. Coupaye. Reliable Dynamic Reconfiguration in a Reflective Component Model. In CBSE 2010, juin 2010, Prague, République tchèque.In Springer Berlin / Heidelberg (éds.), . , 2010.
    • [47] M. Lacouture, H. Grall, T. Ledoux. CREOLE: a Universal Language for Creating, Requesting, Updating and Deleting Resources. In International Workshop on the Foundations of Coordination Languages and Software Architectures (FOCLASA 2010), septembre 2010, PARIS, France.In M.R. Mousavi and G. Salaün (éds.), . , 2010.
    • [48] B. Morin, T. Ledoux, M. Ben Hassine, F. Chauvel, O. Barais, J. Jézéquel. Unifying Runtime Adaptation and Design Evolution. In IEEE 9th International Conference on Computer and Information Technology (CIT'09), 2009, Xiamen, China, Chine.
    • [49] P. David, M. Léger, H. Grall, T. Ledoux, T. Coupaye. A Multi-Stage Approach for Reliable Dynamic Reconfigurations of Component-Based Systems. In 8th IFIP WG 6.1 International Conference, DAIS 2008, juin 2008, Oslo, Norvège.
    • [50] F. Baligand, N. Rivierre, T. Ledoux. QoS Policies for Business Processes in Service Oriented Architectures. In International Conference on Service Oriented Computing, décembre 2008, Sydney, Australie.In Springer Berlin / Heidelberg (éds.), Service-Oriented Computing – ICSOC 2008. , 2008.
    • [51] F. Baligand, N. Rivierre, T. Ledoux. A Declarative Approach for QoS-Aware Web Service Compositions. In ICSOC 2007, septembre 2007, Vienna, Autriche.
    • [52] M. Léger, T. Ledoux, T. Coupaye. Reliable Dynamic Reconfigurations in the Fractal Component Model. In The 6th Workshop on Adaptive and Reflective Middleware, novembre 2007, Newport Beach, CA, états-Unis.
    • [53] P. David, T. Ledoux. Safe Dynamic Reconfigurations of Fractal Architectures with FScript. In 5th Fractal Workshop at ECOOP 2006, 2006, Nantes, France.
    • [54] F. Baligand, D. Le Botlan, T. Ledoux, P. Combes. A Language for Quality of Service Requirements Specification in Web Services Orchestrations. In Second International Workshop on Engineering Service-Oriented Applications (WESOA'06), décembre 2006, Chicago, états-Unis.
    • [55] P. David, T. Ledoux. An Aspect-Oriented Approach for Developing Self-Adaptive Fractal Components. In Software composition (SC 2006), Satellite event of ETAPS 2006, 2006, Vienna, Autriche.In Welf Löwe, Mario Südholt (éds.), . Springer Berlin / Heidelberg, 2006.
    • [56] P. David, T. Ledoux. WildCAT: a generic framework for context-aware applications. In The 3rd International Workshop on Middleware for Pervasive and Ad-Hoc Computing, 2005, Grenoble, France.
    • [57] P. David, T. Ledoux. Towards a Framework for Self-Adaptive Component-Based Applications. In Proceedings of Distributed Applications and Interoperable Systems 2003, the 4th IFIP WG6.1 International Conference, DAIS 2003, 2003, Paris, France.In Jean-Bernard Stefani and Isabelle Demeure and Daniel Hagimont (éds.), . Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2003.
    • [58] P. David, T. Ledoux. An Infrastructure for Adaptable Middleware. In On the Move to Meaningful Internet Systems 2002: CoopIS, DOA, and ODBASE., 2002, Irvine, états-Unis.
    • [59] T. Ledoux. OpenCorba: a Reflective Open Broker. In Reflection 1999: Meta-Level Architectures and Reflection, 1999, Saint-Malo, France.
    • [60] N. Bouraqadi-Saâdani, T. Ledoux, F. Rivard. Safe metaclass programming. In OOPSLA98: Conference on Object Oriented Programming Systems Languages and Applications, octobre 1998, Vancouver British Columbia Canada, Canada.
    • [61] T. Ledoux, P. Cointe. Explicit metaclasses as a tool for improving the design of class libraries. In Object Technologies for Advanced Software (ISOTAS), 1996, Kanazawa, Japon.

Conférences nationales avec comité de lecture et actes (COMM_NAT)

    • [62] D. Saingre, T. Ledoux, J. Menaud. BCTMark - Vers un outil pour l’évaluation des performances et du coût énergétique des technologies blockchain. In COMPAS 2019 - Conférence d’informatique en Parallélisme, Architecture et Système, juin 2019, Anglet, France.
    • [63] Y. Kouki, T. Ledoux, D. Serrano, S. Bouchenak, J. Lejeune, L. Arantes, J. Sopena, P. Sens. SLA et qualité de service pour le Cloud Computing. In Conférence d'informatique en Parallélisme, Architecture et Système, ComPAS 2013, janvier 2013, Grenoble, France.
    • [64] F. Baligand, T. Ledoux, P. Combes. Une Approche pour Garantir la Qualité de Service dans les Orchestrations de Services Web.. In NOTERE 2007, juin 2008, Marrakesh, Maroc.
    • [65] M. Léger, T. Coupaye, T. Ledoux. Contrôle dynamique de l'intégrité des communications dans les architectures à composants. In LMO 2006, 2006, Nîmes, France.In R. Rousseau, C. Urtado, S. Vauttier (éds.), Langages et Modèles à Objets 2006. pub.lavoisier, 2006.

Ouvrages - Chapitres d‘ouvrages et directions d‘ouvrages (OUV)

    • [66] Y. Kouki, F. Alvares de Oliveira, T. Ledoux. Cloud Capacity Planning and Management. In Encyclopedia of Cloud Computing. 07-2016
    • [67] F. Alvares de Oliveira Jr., A. Lebre, T. Ledoux, J. Menaud. Self-management of applications and systems to optimize energy in data centers. In Achieving Federated and Self-Manageable Cloud Infrastructures: Theory and Practice. 14-02-2012

Theses et HDR (THESE)

Autres publications (AUTRES)

    • [70] T. Aubonnet, I. Ayadi, L. Henrio, Y. Kouki, T. Ledoux, E. Madelaine. Modèle logique avancé (plateforme OpenCloudware).. Rapport technique, 2014 ; CEDRIC Lab/CNAM.
    • [71] T. Aubonnet, E. Madelaine, L. Henrio, T. Ledoux, Y. Kouki, P. Moreaux, F. Pourraz, I. Ayadi, N. Simoni. Modèle logique avancé - version V1. Rapport technique, 2013 ; CEDRIC Lab/CNAM.
    • [72] D. Serrano, S. Bouchenak, Y. Kouki, T. Ledoux, J. Lejeune, J. Sopena, L. Arantes, P. Sens. Towards QoS-Oriented SLA Guarantees for Online Cloud Services. Rapport technique, 2012 ; LIG.
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