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A dedicated framework to evaluate and compare VM placement algorithms.

Although the virtualization extensions are recent, several projects leveraging them have been already proposed. Among them, ASCOLA is working on dedicated framework to evaluate and compare VM placement algorithms. Entitled VMPlaces, this framework is composed of two major components: the injector and the VM placement algorithm. The injector is the generic part of the framework (i.e. the one you can directly use) while the VM placement algorithm is the part you want to study (or compare with available algorithms)

MAD (Canevas logiciel pour la définition et le control du deploiement d'un logiciel distribué)IMT-A-InriaGPL 3.0MAD is an implementation of the Madeus model that aims to efficiently and safely deploy distributed software from a fine-grained description of their deployment process and their dependencies.
ConcertoIMT-A-InriaGPL 3.0Concerto is an implementation of the formal model Concerto. Concerto allows to efficiently and safely reconfigure stateful service-oriented distributed software systems from a fine-grain description of the life-cycle of each of its components as well as their dependencies.
EnOS/EnosLibIMT-A-InriaGPL 3.0A library to help researchers conduct large-scale experiments.

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