Publications for the collection HAL LS2N-SIMS for 2015
Total of the publications found : 36International journals with reviewing committee (ART_INT)
- [1] D. Stowell, D. Giannoulis, E. Benetos, M. Lagrange, M. Plumbley. Detection and Classification of Acoustic Scenes and Events. In IEEE Transactions on Multimedia ; éd. Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, 2015, vol. 17, num. 10.
- [2] C. Gilavert, S. Moussaoui, J. Idier. Efficient Gaussian Sampling for Solving Large-Scale Inverse Problems using MCMC. In IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing ; éd. Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, 2015, vol. 63, num. 01.
- [3] Y. Matriche, S. Moussaoui, M. Feliachi, A. Zaoui, M. Abdellah. SV-Training and Kernel Change Detection Algorithm for the Abrupt Modification in EMI Data for Buried Metallic Target Localization and Identification. In Applied Computational Electromagnetics Society Journal (ACES Journal), vol. 30, num. 1. 01-01-2015
- [4] N. Magdelaine, L. Chaillous, I. Guilhem, J. Poirier, M. Krempf, C. Moog, Ã. Le Carpentier. A relevant glucose-insulin dynamics model for type 1 diabetes. In Diabetes Technology and Therapeutics ; éd. Mary Ann Liebert, 2015, vol. 17 (S1).
- [5] N. Magdelaine, L. Chaillous, I. Guilhem, J. Poirier, M. Krempf, C. Moog, E. Le Carpentier. A Long-term Model of the Glucose-Insulin Dynamics of Type 1 Diabetes. In IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering ; éd. Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, 2015, vol. 62, num. 6.
- [6] C. Soussen, J. Idier, J. Duan, D. Brie. Homotopy based algorithms for L0-regularized least-squares. In IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing ; éd. Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, 2015, vol. 63, num. 13.
- [7] H. Guyon, J. Petiot. New Conjoint Approaches to Scaling Brand Equity and Optimising share of Preference Prediction. In International Journal of Market Research ; éd. World Advertising Research Center, 2015, vol. 57, num. 5.
- [8] M. Lagrange, G. Lafay, B. Defreville, J. Aucouturier. The bag-of-frames approach: a not so sufficient model for urban soundscapes. In Journal of the Acoustical Society of America ; éd. Acoustical Society of America, 2015, vol. 138, num. 5.
- [9] C. Friedrich, S. Bourguignon, J. Idier, Y. Goussard. Reconstruction of 3-D Microwave Images based on a Block-BiCGStab Algorithm. In Journal of Physics: Conference Series ; éd. IOP Science, 2015, vol. 657.
- [10] A. Ba, P. Launeau, M. Robin, S. Moussaoui, C. Michon, M. Giraud, E. Le Menn. Apport du LiDAR dans le géoréférencement d'images hyperspectrales en vue d'un couplage LiDAR/Hyperspectral. In Revue Française de Photogrammétrie et de Télédétection ; éd. Société Française de Photogrammétrie et de Télédétection, 2015, num. 210.
- [11] M. Rossignol, G. Lafay, M. Lagrange, N. Misdariis. SimScene : a web-based acoustic scenes simulator. In 1st Web Audio Conference (WAC), janvier 2015, Paris, France.
- [12] J. Davins-Valldaura, S. Moussaoui, F. Plestan, G. Pita Gil. ParEGO Extensions for Multi-objective Optimization of Expensive Evaluation Function. In World congress on global optimization, février 2015, Gainesville, états-Unis.
- [13] M. Delangle, J. Petiot, E. Poirson. Assessing the differences between numerical methods and real experiments for the evaluation of reach envelopes of the human body. In Colloque National AIP-Priméca, mars 2015, La plagne, France.
- [14] C. Friedrich, S. Bourguignon, J. Idier, Y. Goussard. Faster resolution of the 3-D forward problems in microwave imaging by a Partial-Block BiCGStab algorithm. In 2015 9th European Conference on Antennas and Propagation (EuCAP), avril 2015, Lisbon, Portugal.
- [15] A. Roebel, J. Pons Puig, M. Liuni, M. Lagrange. On automatic drum transcription using non-negative matrix deconvolution and itakura saito divergence. In Proc of the IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP), avril 2015, Brisbane, Australie.
- [16] N. Kumar, S. Moussaoui, J. Idier, D. Brie. Impact of sparse representation on the admissible solutions of spectral unmixing by non-negative matrix factorization. In 7th Workshop on Hyperspectral Image and Signal Processing: Evolution in Remote Sensing, WHISPERS 2015, juin 2015, Tokyo, Japon.
- [17] J. Petiot, F. Cervantes Chavez, L. Boivin. A comparison of conjoint analysis and interactive genetic algorithms for the study of product semantics.. In ICED, juillet 2015, Milan, Italie.
- [18] M. Delangle, J. Petiot, E. Poirson. Assessing the differences between numerical methods, CAD evaluations and real experiments for the assessement of reach envelopes of the human body. In ICED "Design for Life", juillet 2015, Milan, Italie.
- [19] J. Duan, C. Soussen, D. Brie, J. Idier, Y. Wang, M. Wan. An optimal method to segment piecewise Poisson distributed signals with application to sequencing data. In 37th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, EMBC 2015, août 2015, Milan, Italie.
- [20] G. Busquets, M. Lagrange, I. Emmanuel, H. Andrieu. Classification of rainfall radar images using the scattering transform. In EUSIPCO, août 2015, Nice, France.
- [21] M. Rossignol, M. Lagrange, G. Lafay, E. Benetos. Alternate Level Clustering for Drum Transcription. In EUSIPCO, septembre 2015, Nice, France.
- [22] A. Ameyoe, F. Mars, P. Chevrel, E. Le Carpentier, H. Illy. Estimation of Driver Distraction Using the Prediction Error of a Cybernetic Driver Model. In Driving Simulation Conference and Exhibition, DSC'2015, septembre 2015, Tübingen, Allemagne.
- [23] A. Ameyoe, P. Chevrel, E. Le Carpentier, F. Mars, H. Illy. Identification of a Linear Parameter Varying Driver Model for the Detection of Distraction. In 1st IFAC Workshop on Linear Parameter Varying systems, octobre 2015, Grenoble, France.
- [24] J. Picaud, G. Collewet, J. Idier. Correction of RF inhomogeneities for high throughput water and fat quantification by MRI. In The fifth International Conference on Image Processing Theory, Tools and Applications IPTA'15, novembre 2015, Orléans, France.
- [25] E. Carcreff, S. Bourguignon, A. Duclos, L. Simon, J. Idier. Detection of Flat Bottom Holes Using Sparse Deconvolution. In ICU 2015 International Congress on Ultrasonics, mai 2015, Metz, France.In Physics Procedia ; éd. Elsevier, 2015, vol. 70.
- [26] S. Labouesse, M. Allain, J. Idier, S. Bourguignon, P. Liu, A. Sentenac. Blind fluorescence structured illumination microscopy: A new reconstruction strategy. In Actes du 25e colloque GRETSI, 2015, Lyon, France.
- [27] S. Bourguignon, J. Ninin, H. Carfantan, M. Mongeau. Programmation mixte en nombres entiers pour l’approximation parcimonieuse de signaux. In ROADEF 2015, 16ème congrès annuel de la Société Française de Recherche Opérationnelle et d’Aide à la Décision, février 2015, Marseille, France.
- [28] J. Davins-Valldaura, S. Moussaoui, G. Pita Gil, F. Plestan. Optimisation des paramètres d’un système de surveillance de la pression des pneumatiques d’un véhicule automobile. In 25ème colloque GRETSI, septembre 2015, Lyon, France.
- [29] S. Bourguignon, J. Ninin, H. Carfantan, M. Mongeau. Optimisation exacte de critères parcimonieux en norme L0 par programmation mixte en nombres entiers. In GRETSI 2015, XXVe Colloque GRETSI - Traitement du Signal et des Images, septembre 2015, Lyon, France.
- [30] J. Giovannelli, J. Idier. Regularization and Bayesian Methods for Inverse Problems in Signal and Image Processing. 02-03-2015
- [31] S. Bourguignon, H. Carfantan. Line spectra estimation for irregularly sampled signals in Astrophysics. In Regularization and Bayesian Methods for Inverse Problems in Signal and Image Processing. 2015
- [32] M. Legendre. Accélération algorithmique et matérielle des méthodes d’estimation de cartes d’abondances en imagerie hyperspectrale. Thèses : Ecole Centrale de Nantes (ECN).
- [33] E. Le Carpentier. Online Decoding of Intramuscular EMG.
- [34] D. Vautrin, J. Idier, N. Paul. Geometrical information based imaging of a high-contrast scattering object.
- [35] N. Magdelaine, L. Chaillous, I. Guilhem, J. Poirier, M. Krempf, C. Moog, E. Le Carpentier. A relevant glucose-insulin dynamics model for type 1 diabetes. In ATTD 2015; 8th International Conference on Advanced Technologies & Treatments of Diabetes, février 2015, Paris, France.
- [36] S. Bourguignon, J. Ninin, H. Carfantan, M. Mongeau. Optimisation globale pour la résolution de problèmes parcimonieux en norme $l_0$. In Assemblée Générale du GDR ISIS, mars 2015, Lyon, France.