Publication de la collection HAL LS2N-SIMS pour 2016
Nombre de publications retournées : 44ART_INT | COMM_INT | COMM_NAT | OUV | BRE | THESE | AUTRES |
14 | 12 | 5 | 3 | 1 | 4 | 5 |
Revues internationales avec comité de lecture (ART_INT)
- [1] G. Lafay, M. Lagrange, M. Rossignol, E. Benetos, A. Roebel. A morphological model for simulating acoustic scenes and its application to sound event detection. In IEEE/ACM Transactions on Audio, Speech and Language Processing ; éd. Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, 2016, vol. 24, num. 10.
- [2] R. Tournemenne, J. Gilbert, J. Petiot. The Capacity for Simulation by Physical Modeling to Elicit Perceptual Differences Between Trumpet Sounds. In Acta Acustica united with Acustica ; éd. Hirzel Verlag, 2016, vol. 102, num. 6.
- [3] W. Lu, J. Petiot. Investigation on a Non-verbal Emotion Assessment Tool in Cross-cultural Context. In International Journal of Affective Engineering, vol. 15, num. 2. 2016
- [4] J. Picaud, G. Collewet, J. Idier. Quantification of mass fat fraction in fish using water–fat separation MRI. In Magnetic Resonance Imaging ; éd. Elsevier, 2016, vol. 34, num. 1.
- [5] N. Magdelaine, L. Chaillous, I. Guilhem, J. Poirier, F. Anne-Laure, M. Krempf, C. Moog, E. Le Carpentier. A Relevant Glucose-Insulin Model: Validation using Clinical Data. In Diabetes Technology and Therapeutics ; éd. Mary Ann Liebert, 2016, vol. 18(S1).
- [6] S. Bourguignon, J. Ninin, H. Carfantan, M. Mongeau. Exact Sparse Approximation Problems via Mixed-Integer Programming: Formulations and Computational Performance. In IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing ; éd. Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, 2016, vol. 64, num. 6.
- [7] C. Rondeau-Mouro, R. Kovrlija, E. van Steenberge, S. Moussaoui. Two dimensional IR-FID-CPMG acquisition and adaptation of a maximum entropy reconstruction. In Journal of Magnetic Resonance ; éd. Elsevier, 2016, vol. 265.
- [8] B. Gazengel, J. Dalmont, J. Petiot. Link between objective and subjective characterizations of Bb clarinet reeds. In Applied Acoustics ; éd. Elsevier, 2016, vol. 106.
- [9] A. Negash, S. Labouesse, N. Sandeau, M. Allain, H. Giovannini, J. Idier, R. Heintzmann, P. Chaumet, K. Belkebir, A. Sentenac. Improving the axial and lateral resolution of three-dimensional fluorescence microscopy using random speckle illuminations. In Journal of the Optical Society of America. A, Optics and image science ; éd. Optical Society of America, 2016, vol. 33.
- [10] G. Busquets, M. Lagrange, H. Andrieu, I. Emmanuel, S. Loubrie. Classification of rainfall radar images using the scattering transform. In Journal of Hydrology ; éd. Elsevier, 2016.
- [11] G. Lafay, N. Misdariis, M. Lagrange, M. Rossignol. Semantic browsing of sound databases without keywords. In Journal of the Audio Engineering Society ; éd. Audio Engineering Society, 2016, vol. 64, num. 9.
- [12] R. Amhaz, S. Chambon, J. Idier, V. Baltazart. Automatic Crack Detection on Two-Dimensional Pavement Images: An Algorithm Based on Minimal Path Selection. In IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems ; éd. IEEE, 2016, vol. 17, num. 10.
- [13] J. Duan, C. Soussen, D. Brie, J. Idier, M. Wan, Y. Wang. Generalized LASSO with under-determined regularization matrices. In Signal Processing ; éd. Elsevier, 2016, vol. 127.
- [14] D. Testa, H. Carfantan, M. Albergante, P. Blanchard, S. Bourguignon, A. Fasoli, A. Goodyear, A. Klein, J. Lister, T. Panis. Sparse representation of signals: from astrophysics to real-time data analysis for fusion plasmas and system optimization analysis for ITER and TCV. In Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion ; éd. IOP Publishing, 2016, vol. 58, num. 12.
- [15] M. Boudineau, H. Carfantan, S. Bourguignon, M. Bazot. Sampling schemes and parameter estimation for nonlinear Bernoulli-Gaussian sparse models. In IEEE Statistical Signal Processing Workshop, 2016, Palma de Mallorca, Espagne.
- [16] N. Bouhlel, S. Bourguignon. Deconvolution of ultrasonic signals in porous materials : Estimation of acoustic propagation parameters and wave separation. In Review of Progress in Quantitaive Nondestructive Evaluation (QNDE), 2016, Atlanta, états-Unis.
- [17] P. Liu, S. Bourguignon, J. Idier, M. Allain, S. Labouesse, A. Sentenac. A marginal image reconstruction approach in fluorescence microscopy with pseudo-random illumination patterns. In OSA Conference : Imaging and Applied Optics, 2016, Heidelberg, Allemagne.
- [18] S. Bourguignon, E. Carcreff, C. Lin, J. Peng. Blind sparse deconvolution of regularly spaced ultrasonic echoes for thickness measurement. In Review of Progress in Quantitative Nondestructive Evaluation (QNDE), 2016, Atlanta, états-Unis.
- [19] S. Labouesse, J. Idier, P. Liu, M. Allain, S. Bourguignon, A. Sentenac. Super-resolution capacity of imagers using random illuminations. In OSA Conference : Imaging and Applied Optics, 2016, Heidelberg, Allemagne.
- [20] E. Benetos, G. Lafay, M. Lagrange, M. Plumbley. Detection of Overlapping Acoustic Events using a Temporally-Constrained Probabilistic Model. In ICASSP, mars 2016, Shanghai, Chine.
- [21] J. Davins-Valldaura, S. Moussaoui, G. Pita Gil, F. Plestan. Sliding mode observer design for the road curvature estimation in Traffic Jam Pilot system. In 14th International Workshop on Variable Structure Systems, juin 2016, Nanjing, Chine.
- [22] M. Kermadi, S. Moussaoui, A. Taieb Brahimi, M. Feliachi. Application of Kernel Change Detection Method in Eddy Current Non-destructive Testing. In 8th European Workshop on Structural Health Monitoring, juillet 2016, Bilbao, Espagne.
- [23] R. Tournemenne, B. Talgorn, J. Petiot, M. Kokkolaras. BRASS INSTRUMENTS DESIGN USING PHYSICS-BASED SOUND SIMULATION MODELS AND SURROGATE-ASSISTED DERIVATIVE-FREE OPTIMIZATION. In International design engineering technical conferences & computers and information in engineering conference, août 2016, Charlotte, états-Unis.
- [24] S. Labouesse, M. Allain, A. Negash, P. Liu, A. Sentenac, J. Idier, S. Bourguignon. Fluorescence blind structured illumination microscopy: a new reconstruction strategy. In IEEE International Conference on Image Processing, septembre 2016, Phoenix, états-Unis.
- [25] M. Lagrange, M. Rossignol. Computational experiments in Science: Horse wrangling in the digital age. In Research workshop on “Horses” in Applied Machine Learning, octobre 2016, London, Royaume-Uni.
- [26] L. Jaschinski, S. Denjean, J. Petiot, F. Mars, V. Roussarie. Impact of interface sonification with touchless gesture command in a car. In Human Factors and Ergonomics Society Europe Chapter 2016 Annual Conference, octobre 2016, Prague, République tchèque.In D. de Waard (éds.), . , 2016.
- [27] R. Tournemenne, J. Petiot, J. Gilbert. Optimisation de la géométrie d’une trompette à partir de simulations par modèle physique. In Congrés français d'acoustique 2016, avril 2016, Le Mans, France.
- [28] C. Soussen, J. Idier, J. Duan, D. Brie. Algorithmes de type homotopiques pour la minimisation des moindres carrés régularisés par la "norme" $\ell_0$. In 43e Congrès National d'Analyse Numérique, CANUM 2016, mai 2016, Obernai, France.
- [29] S. Kumar, V. Renaudin, Y. Aoustin, E. Le Carpentier, C. Combettes. Model - based and Experimental Analysis of the Symmetry in Human Walking in Different Device Carrying Modes. In BioRob 2016, 6th IEEE International Conference on Biomedical Robotics and Biomechatronics, juin 2016, SINGAPOUR, Singapour.
- [30] J. Gloaguen, A. Can, M. Lagrange, J. Petiot. Estimating traffic noise levels using acoustic monitoring: a preliminary study. In DCASE 2016, Detection and Classification of Acoustic Scenes and Events, septembre 2016, BUDAPEST, Hongrie.
- [31] J. Petiot. Etude de la qualité sonore de lave-linges domestiques. In 14ième Journée du Sensolier, octobre 2016, Paris, France.
- [32] H. Illy, A. Ameyoe, P. Chevrel, F. Mars, E. Le Carpentier. Procédé et dispositif de détection d'un changement de comportement de conducteur d'un véhicule automobile. N° brevet : FR3032919 / WO2016/132032.
- [33] N. Dobigeon, Y. Altmann, N. Brun, S. Moussaoui. Linear and nonlinear unmixing in hyperspectral imaging. In Data Handling in Science and Technology, Resolving Spectral Mixtures with Applications from Ultrafast Time-Resolved Spectroscopy to Super-Resolution Imaging. 2016
- [34] E. Matheson, Y. Aoustin, E. Le Carpentier, A. Léon, J. Perrin. Anthropomorphic Underactuated Hand with 15 Joints. In New Trends in Medical and Service Robots. 21-04-2016
- [35] D. Brie, S. Moussaoui, S. Miron, C. Carteret, M. Dossot. Bayesian positive source separation for spectral mixture analysis. In Resolving Spectral Mixtures with Applications from Ultrafast Time-Resolved Spectroscopy to Super-Resolution Imaging. 09-2016
- [36] M. Delangle. Outils de réalité virtuelle pour la conception universelle. Thèses : Ecole Centrale de Nantes (ECN).
- [37] J. Davins-Valldaura. Surveillance et estimation de l'état de véhicules automobiles : un champ d'applications pour l'optimisation multi-objectif. Thèses : Ecole Centrale de Nantes (ECN).
- [38] C. Friedrich. Méthodes de reconstruction en tomographie de diffraction 3D. Thèses : Ecole Centrale de Nantes, France / Ecole Polytechnique de Montréal.
- [39] A. Ameyoe. Estimation de la distraction fondée sur un modèle dynamique de conducteur : principes et algorithmes. Thèses : Ecole des Mines de Nantes.
- [40] E. Le Carpentier, Y. Aoustin. Une main bionique commandée par les muscles.
- [41] A. Ameyoe, P. Chevrel, E. Le Carpentier, H. Illy. Estimation de l’état du conducteur pour la détection de distraction.
- [42] G. Collewet, V. Perrouin, C. Deligny, J. Idier, T. Lucas. Estimating fat, paste and gas in a proving Danish paste by MRI – Description of the method and evaluation of its performances (bias and accuracy, sensitivity threshold).
- [43] N. Magdelaine, L. Chaillous, I. Guilhem, J. Poirier, M. Krempf, F. Anne-Laure, C. Moog, E. Le Carpentier. A Relevant Glucose-Insulin Model: Validation using Clinical Data. In ATTD 2016; 9th International Conference on Advanced Technologies & Treatments of Diabetes, Feb 2016, Milan, Italy., février 2016, Milano, Italie.
- [44] Y. Altmann, N. Brun, N. Dobigeon, K. March, S. Moussaoui, O. Schneegans. Hyperspectral EELS Image Unmixing. In 6th Conference in Spectral Imaging (IASIM 2016), juillet 2016, Chamonix, France.