Publications for the collection HAL LS2N-GDD for 2016
Total of the publications found : 17International journals with reviewing committee (ART_INT)
- [1] A. Mostéfaoui, M. Raynal. Intrusion-Tolerant Broadcast and Agreement Abstractions in the Presence of Byzantine Processes. In IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems ; éd. Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, 2016, vol. 27, num. 4.
- [2] A. Mostefaoui, H. Moumen, M. Raynal. Modular randomized byzantine k-set agreement in asynchronous message-passing systems. In The 17th International Conference on Distributed Computing and Networking (ICDCN'16), janvier 2016, Singapore, Singapour.
- [3] M. Perrin, A. Mostefaoui, C. Jard. Causal Consistency: Beyond Memory. In 21st ACM SIGPLAN Symposium on Principles and Practice of Parallel Programming, mars 2016, Barcelone, Espagne.
- [4] A. Mostefaoui, M. Raynal. Time-Efficient Read/Write Register in Crash-Prone Asynchronous Message-Passing Systems. In The 4th International Conference on Networked Systems, mai 2016, Marrakech, Maroc.
- [5] N. Rivetti, Y. Busnel, A. Mostefaoui. Résumer efficacement des flux de données massifs en fenêtre glissante. In ALGOTEL 2016 - 18èmes Rencontres Francophones sur les Aspects Algorithmiques des Télécommunications, mai 2016, Bayonne, France.
- [6] P. Folz, H. Skaf-Molli, P. Molli. CyCLaDEs: A Decentralized Cache for Triple Pattern Fragments. In ESWC: Extended Semantic Web Conference, mai 2016, Heraklion, Grèce.
- [7] A. Gaignard, H. Skaf-Molli, A. Bihouée. From scientific workflow patterns to 5-star linked open data. In TaPP 2016: 8th USENIX Workshop on the Theory and Practice of Provenance, juin 2016, Washington D.C., états-Unis.
- [8] A. Mostefaoui, M. Raynal. Two-Bit Messages are Sufficient to Implement Atomic Read/Write Registers in Crash-prone Systems. In The 2016 ACM Symposium on Principles of Distributed Computing (PODC'16), juillet 2016, Chicago, états-Unis.
- [9] D. Frey, A. Mostefaoui, M. Perrin, P. Roman, F. Taïani. Speed for the elite, consistency for the masses: differentiating eventual consistency in large-scale distributed systems. In Proceedings of the 2016 IEEE 35th Symposium on Reliable Distributed Systems (SRDS 2016), septembre 2016, Budapest, Hongrie.
- [10] G. Nassopoulos, P. Serrano-Alvarado, P. Molli, E. Desmontils. FETA: Federated QuEry TrAcking for Linked Data. In International Conference on Database and Expert Systems Applications (DEXA), septembre 2016, Porto, Portugal.
- [11] M. Perrin, M. Petrolia, A. Mostefaoui, C. Jard. On Composition and Implementation of Sequential Consistency. In 30th International Symposium on Distributed Computing, septembre 2016, Paris, France.
- [12] B. Nédelec, P. Molli, A. Mostefaoui. CRATE: Writing Stories Together with our Browsers. In 25th World Wide Web Conference, avril 2016, Montréal, Canada.In ACM (éds.), . , 2016.
- [13] G. Montoya. Answering SPARQL Queries using Views. Thèses : Université de Nantes.
- [14] M. Perrin. Spécification des objets partagés dans les systèmes répartis sans-attente. Thèses : Université de Nantes (Unam).
- [15] N. Rivetti. Efficient Stream Analysis and its Application to Big Data Processing. Thèses : Université de Nantes, Sapienza Università di Roma (Italie), .
- [16] B. Nédelec. Édition collaborative décentralisée dans les navigateurs. Thèses : Université de Nantes.
- [17] A. Mostéfaoui, M. Raynal. Two-Bit Messages are Sufficient to Implement Atomic Read/Write Registers in Crash-prone Systems.