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Journées du GDR Réseaux et Systèmes Distribués 2020

23 janvier 2020 @ 8 h 30 min - 24 janvier 2020 @ 16 h 00 min

Dans Le cadre du Groupe de Recherche (GdR) Réseaux et Systèmes Distribués, Benoit Parrein (équipe RIO) et Adrien Lebre (équipe STACK) organisent des journées non-thématiques

jeudi 23 et vendredi 24 janvier 2020 dans l’amphi du bât. 34 sur le site de la FST.

L’événement vise à rassembler les communautés Réseaux et Systèmes Distribués afin de présenter les défis scientifiques et techniques des deux pôles, échanger autour des résultats obtenus et faire émerger de futures collaborations.


Bringing Artificial Intelligence to the network edge par Dario ROSSI – Chief Expert Huawei
Abstract: Often, advances in hardware have been at the base of success of new computing paradigm, algorithms and techniques. This is, e.g., what might happen in the future for quantum computers, and what has recently happened in the field of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Neural Networks in particular, whose potential has been fully unleashed by commoditization of general-purpose GPUs.
In this keynote, we first introduce recent hardware advances, namely a new family of specialized architectures that are promising enablers for a deeper integration of AI at all network segments, particularly at the edge, and layers of the stack. We next discuss challenges and opportunities that are specific to the networking domain, putting them in perspective with advances in other fields.

> Rebooting virtualization » par Alain TCHANA, Full professor at École Normale Supérieure (ENS) de Lyon
Abstract: Visible or hidden, virtualization platforms remain the cornerstone of the cloud and the performance overheads of the latest generations have shrunk. Is hypervisor research dead?We argue that the upcoming trends of hardware disaggregation in the data center motivate a new chapter of virtualization research. We explain why the guest virtual machine abstraction is still relevant (not to say mandatory) in such a new hardware environment and we discuss challenges and ideas for hypervisor and guest OS design in this context. Finally, we propose the architecture of a research platform to explore these questions.

Programme complet



Début :
23 janvier 2020 @ 8 h 30 min
Fin :
24 janvier 2020 @ 16 h 00 min

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