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Soutenance HDR de Carito Guziolowski

25 janvier @ 10 h 00 min - 13 h 00 min

Carito Guziolowski, enseignante chercheuse au sein de l’équipe ComBi, présentera son HDR : «  Modeling Biological Networks as Logic Programs

Elle aura lieu le 25 janvier 2024 à 10h amphi du bât. 34, UFR Sciences & Techniques

Jury :

  • Elisabeth REMY, DR CNRS, I2M, Université d’Aix-Marseille, rapporteur
  • Pedro MONTEIRO, Associate Professor, University of Lisboa, Portugal, rapporteur
  • Mohamed ELATI, Professeur des Universités, Université de Lille, rapporteur
  • Jérémie BOURDON, Professeur des Universités, Nantes Université, examinateur
  • Damien EVEILLARD, Professeur des Universités, Nantes Université, examinateur
  • Marie-France SAGOT, DR INRIA, Université Claude Bernard, Lyon 1, examinateur
  • Anne SIEGEL, DR CNRS, IRISA, Université de Rennes 1, examinateur

Abstract : Modeling biological systems is just a mental exercise to describe the complexity of natural reality. This exercise can be, however, challenging and full of surprises. My research has consisted of using logic programming, among other data science tools, to unravel (constant or repetitive) patterns when combining multiple (combinatorial) factors that describe a biological network and experimental data. A unique answer is rarely achieved; noise and incomplete knowledge give rise to thousands of possibilities. My contribution was to connect these computational answers, composed of sometimes thousands or millions of compatible models, back to biology. In this talk, I will take a step-by-step walk through the complete modeling process we have proposed the last few years, from data collection to biological insights. This mental modeling exercise, combined with the power of computational capacities, may be useful in this digital data collection age. In particular, concerning biological data, to point out novel or complementary insights related to disease states from an individualized perspective.


Date :
25 janvier
Heure :
10 h 00 min - 13 h 00 min

Catégories d’Évènement:


Nantes Université Faculté des Sciences & des Techniques
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