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Publication  de  la  collection  HAL LS2N  pour  2020

Nombre de publications retournées : 551

Récapitulatif du nombre de publications de la collection par types

Revues internationales avec comité de lecture (ART_INT)

    • [1] A. Bah, P. André, C. Attiogbé, J. Konate. Service Promotion in a Federation of Security Domains. In Revue Africaine de Recherche en Informatique et Mathématiques Appliquées ; éd. African Society in Digital Science, 2020, vol. 34, num. Spécial CARI 2020-2021.
    • [2] A. Bérard, L. Jeanson, J. Davoigneau, F. Laroche. Donner toute sa place au cercle méridien de Toulouse-Jolimont à l'aide d'outils numériques : l'exemple des travaux du projet ReSeed. In Patrimoines du sud ; éd. Conseil Régional d'Occitanie, 2020, vol. 12.
    • [3] A. Dolgui, D. Ivanov. Manufacturing modelling, management and control: IFAC TC 5.2 past, present and future. In Annual Reviews in Control ; éd. Elsevier, 2020, vol. 49.
    • [4] A. Hakim, A. Amirat, M. Oussalah. Non-Intrusive Contextual Dynamic Reconfiguration of Ambient Intelligent IoT Systems. In Journal of Ambient Intelligence and Humanized Computing ; éd. Springer, 2020, vol. 11.
    • [5] A. Hernan Gonzalez, P. Rivadeneira, A. Ferramosca, N. Magdelaine, C. Moog. Stable Impulsive Zone MPC for Type 1 Diabetic Patients based on a long-term model. In Optimal Control Applications and Methods ; éd. Wiley, 2020, vol. 41, num. 6.
    • [6] A. Messali, M. Hamida, M. Ghanes, M. Koteich. An Estimation Procedure Based on Less Filtering and Robust Tracking for a Self-Sensing Control of IPMSM. In IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics ; éd. Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, 2020.
    • [7] A. Oliveira, G. Jean, G. Fertin, K. Brito, L. Bulteau, U. Dias, Z. Dias. Sorting Signed Permutations by Intergenic Reversals. In IEEE/ACM Transactions on Computational Biology and Bioinformatics ; éd. Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, 2020.
    • [8] A. Sabil, C. Marien, M. Levaillant, G. Baffet, N. Meslier, F. Gagnadoux. Diagnosis of Sleep Apnea Without Sensors on the Patient's Face. In Journal of Clinical Sleep Medicine ; éd. American Academy of Sleep Medicine, 2020.
    • [9] B. Boussaha, N. Hernandez, C. Jacquin, E. Morin. End-to-End Response Selection Based on Multi-LevelContext Response Matching. In Computer Speech and Language ; éd. Elsevier, 2020.
    • [10] C. Califano, C. Moog. Observability of nonlinear time-delay systems and its application to their state realization. In IEEE Control Systems Letters ; éd. IEEE, 2020, vol. 4, num. 4.
    • [11] C. Gauzente, P. Kuntz, A. Milliat, Y. Roy. Q sorting dynamics - A note on a computer-mediated tool and its added value to Q-methodology. In Operant Subjectivity - The international Journal of Q Methodology ; éd. International Society for the Scientific Study of Subjectivity, 2020.
    • [12] D. Leroy, P. Jeanjean, E. Bousse, M. Wimmer, B. Combemale. Runtime Monitoring for Executable DSLs. In The Journal of Object Technology ; éd. Chair of Software Engineering, 2020, vol. 19, num. 2.
    • [13] D. Winterauer, D. Funes-Hernando, J. Duvail, S. Moussaoui, T. Batten, B. Humbert. Nanoscale Spatial Resolution in Far-Field Raman Imaging Using Hyperspectral Unmixing in Combination with Positivity Constrained Super-Resolution. In Applied Spectroscopy ; éd. Society for Applied Spectroscopy, 2020.
    • [14] D. Yesiltepe, A. Ozbil Torun, A. Coutrot, M. Hornberger, H. Spiers, R. Conroy Dalton. Computer models of saliency alone fail to predict subjective visual attention to landmarks during observed navigation. In Spatial Cognition and Computation ; éd. Taylor & Francis, 2020.
    • [15] F. Belkadi, M. Dhuieb, J. Aguado, F. Laroche, A. Bernard, F. Chinesta. Intelligent assistant system as a context-aware decision-making support for the workers of the future. In Computers & Industrial Engineering ; éd. Elsevier, 2020, vol. 139.
    • [16] F. Khenfri, K. Chaaban, M. Chetto. Efficient mapping of runnables to tasks for embedded AUTOSAR applications. In Journal of Systems Architecture ; éd. Elsevier, 2020, vol. 110.
    • [17] F. Lehuédé, O. Péton, F. Tricoire. A lexicographic minimax approach to the vehicle routing problem with route balancing. In European Journal of Operational Research ; éd. Elsevier, 2020, vol. 282, num. 1.
    • [18] G. Celano, P. Castagliola. On‐line monitoring of extreme values of geometric profiles in finite horizon processes. In Quality and Reliability Engineering International ; éd. Wiley, 2020, vol. 36, num. 4.
    • [19] G. Fertin, C. Komusiewicz. Graph Motif Problems Parameterized by Dual. In Journal of Graph Algorithms and Applications ; éd. Brown University, 2020, vol. 24, num. 3.
    • [20] G. Jaber. SyTeCi: Automating Contextual Equivalence for Higher-Order Programs with References. In Proceedings of the ACM on Programming Languages ; éd. ACM, 2020, vol. 28.
    • [21] H. Nguyen, K. Tran, G. Celano, P. Maravelakis, P. Castagliola. On the effect of the measurement error on Shewhart t and EWMA t control charts. In International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology ; éd. Springer Verlag, 2020, vol. 107, num. 9-10.
    • [22] H. Sabahno, P. Castagliola, A. Amiri. A variable parameters multivariate control chart for simultaneous monitoring of the process mean and variability with measurement errors. In Quality and Reliability Engineering International ; éd. Wiley, 2020, vol. 36, num. 4.
    • [23] H. Sabahno, P. Castagliola, A. Amiri. An adaptive variable-parameters scheme for the simultaneous monitoring of the mean and variability of an autocorrelated multivariate normal process. In Journal of Statistical Computation and Simulation ; éd. Taylor & Francis, 2020, vol. 90, num. 8.
    • [24] I. Milleville-Pennel, F. Mars, L. Pouliquen-Lardy. Sharing spatial information in a virtual environment: How do visual cues and configuration influence spatial coding and mental workload?. In Virtual Reality ; éd. Springer Verlag, 2020, vol. 24, num. 4.
    • [25] I. Slama, O. Ben-Ammar, A. Dolgui, F. Masmoudi. Approches d’optimisation pour un problème de planification de désassemblage sous incertitude des délais de désassemblage. In Génie industriel et productique ; éd. ISTE OpenScience, 2020, vol. 3, num. 1.
    • [26] I. Slama, O. Ben-Ammar, A. Dolgui, F. Masmoudi. New mixed integer approach to solve a multi-level capacitated disassembly lot-sizing problem with defective items and backlogging. In Journal of Manufacturing Systems ; éd. Elsevier, 2020, vol. 56.
    • [28] J. Ríos, G. Staudter, M. Weber, R. Anderl, A. Bernard. Uncertainty of data and the digital twin: a review. In International Journal of Product Lifecycle Management ; éd. Inderscience, 2020, vol. 12, num. 4.
    • [29] L. Jeanson, F. Laroche, J. Kerouanton, A. Bernard. Knowledge management for modelled Heritage objects, requirement specification towards a tool for heterogeneity embracing. In International Journal on Interactive Design and Manufacturing ; éd. Springer Verlag, 2020, vol. 14, num. 4.
    • [30] L. Jeanson, M. Cotte, L. Bland-Dupré, F. Laroche, L. Jeanson. Comment évaluer l’importance patrimoniale d’un lieu unique et complexe grâce au numérique. L’exemple du Pic du Midi.. In Patrimoines du sud ; éd. Conseil Régional d'Occitanie, 2020, vol. 12.
    • [31] L. Koh, A. Dolgui, J. Sarkis. Blockchain in transport and logistics – paradigms and transitions. In International Journal of Production Research ; éd. Taylor & Francis, 2020, vol. 58, num. 7.
    • [32] L. Michel, M. Ghanes, F. Plestan, Y. Aoustin, J. Barbot. Semi-Implicit Euler Discretization for Homogeneous Observer-based Control: one dimensional case. In IFAC-PapersOnLine ; éd. Elsevier, 2020, vol. 53, num. 2.
    • [33] L. Morganti, H. Haddou Benderbal, L. Benyoucef, M. Bortolini, F. Gabriele Galizia. A New Process Quality-based Multi-objective Multi-part Approach for the Integrated Process Planning and Scheduling (IPPS) Problem in Reconfigurable Manufacturing Environment. In IFAC-PapersOnLine ; éd. Elsevier, 2020, vol. 53, num. 2.
    • [34] M. Angulo, A. Aparicio, C. Moog. Structural accessibility and structural observability of nonlinear networked systems. In IEEE Transactions on Network Science and Engineering ; éd. IEEE, 2020.
    • [35] M. Bonilla, L. Blas, V. Azhmyakov, M. Malabre, S. Salazar. Robust structural feedback linearization based on the nonlinearities rejection. In Journal of The Franklin Institute ; éd. Elsevier, 2020, vol. 357.
    • [36] M. Ghanes, J. Barbot, L. Fridman, A. Levant, R. Boisliveau. A New Varying Gain Exponent based Differentiator/Observer: an Efficient Balance between Linear and Sliding-Mode Algorithms. In IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control ; éd. Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, 2020, vol. 65, num. 12.
    • [37] M. Hamida, M. Taherzadeh, M. Ghanes, M. Koteich. A New Approach on Stator Flux Estimation of IPMSMs Considering Magnetic and Cross-Coupling Saturations. In IFAC-PapersOnLine ; éd. Elsevier, 2020, vol. 53, num. 2.
    • [38] M. Harrat, F. Belkadi, A. Bernard. Towards a modeling framework of collaboration in PSS development project: A review of key factors. In Procedia CIRP ; éd. ELSEVIER, 2020, vol. 90.
    • [39] M. Kouki, B. Marinescu, F. Xavier. Exhaustive Modal Analysis of Large-Scale Interconnected Power Systems with High Power Electronics Penetration. In IEEE Transactions on Power Systems ; éd. Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, 2020.
    • [40] M. Millardet, S. Moussaoui, D. Mateus, J. Idier, T. Carlier. Local-mean preserving post-processing step for non-negativity enforcement in PET imaging: application to 90 Y-PET. In IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging ; éd. Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, 2020, vol. 39.
    • [41] M. Pourmahmood Aghababa, B. Marinescu, F. Xavier. Observer-based Tracking Control for Single Machine Infinite Bus System Via Flatness Theory. In International Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering ; éd. Institute of Advanced Engineering and Science (IAES), 2020.
    • [42] M. Sadallah, B. Encelle, A. Maredj, Y. Prié. Leveraging Learners’ Activity Logs for Course Reading Analytics Using Session-Based Indicators. In International journal of technology enhanced learning, vol. 12, num. 1. 2020
    • [43] M. Thébault, V. Blondeau, O. Aubert, D. Schmitt. XEmotion : saisir l’expérience sensible. In Revue des Interactions Humaines Médiatisées (RIHM) = Journal of Human Mediated Interactions ; éd. Europia, 2020, vol. 21, num. 2.
    • [44] N. Cambier, R. Miletitch, V. Frémont, M. Dorigo, E. Ferrante, V. Trianni. Language Evolution in Swarm Robotics: A Perspective. In Frontiers in Robotics and AI ; éd. Frontiers Media S.A., 2020, vol. 7.
    • [45] N. Gálvez Ramírez, E. Monfroy, F. Saubion, C. Castro. Improving complex SMT strategies with learning. In International Transactions in Operational Research ; éd. Wiley, 2020.
    • [46] N. Laroche, S. Bourguignon, E. Carcreff, J. Idier, A. Duclos. An inverse approach for ultrasonic imaging from full matrix capture data. Application to resolution enhancement in NDT.. In IEEE Transactions on Ultrasonics, Ferroelectrics and Frequency Control ; éd. Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, 2020, vol. 67, num. 9.
    • [47] N. Magdelaine, P. Rivadeneira, L. Chaillous, A. Fournier-Guilloux, M. Krempf, T. Mohammadridha, M. Aït-Ahmed, C. Moog. The Hypoglycemia-Free Artificial Pancreas Project. In IET Systems Biology ; éd. Institution of Engineering and Technology, 2020, vol. 14, num. 1.
    • [48] P. Blaud, P. Haurant, F. Claveau, B. Lacarrière, P. Chevrel, A. Mouraud. Modelling and control of multi-energy systems through multi-prosumer node and economic model predictive control. In International Journal of Electrical Power & Energy Systems ; éd. Elsevier, 2020, vol. 118, num. 105778.
    • [49] P. Halffmann, T. Dietz, A. Przybylski, S. Ruzika. An inner approximation method to compute the weight set decomposition of a triobjective mixed-integer problem. In Journal of Global Optimization ; éd. Springer Verlag, 2020.
    • [50] P. Loiseau, C. Boultifat, P. Chevrel, F. Claveau, S. Espie, F. Mars. Rider model identification: neural networks and quasi-LPV models. In IET Intelligent Transport Systems ; éd. Institution of Engineering and Technology, 2020, vol. 14, num. 10.
    • [51] R. Ling, Y. Feng, F. Claveau, P. Chevrel. Design and Realizations of Networked Estimators: A Descriptor Model Approach. In IEEE Access ; éd. IEEE, 2020, vol. 8.
    • [52] R. Lobjois, F. Mars. Effects of motorcycle simulator configurations on steering control and gaze behavior in bends.. In Journal of Experimental Psychology: Applied ; éd. American Psychological Association, 2020, vol. 26, num. 1.
    • [53] S. Derbel, F. Nicolau, N. Feki, J. Barbot, M. Abbes, M. Haddar. Faults diagnosis via a dynamical sparse recovery method and application to a gearbox system. In Journal of Vibration and Control ; éd. SAGE Publications, 2020.
    • [54] S. Hashemi-Petroodi, S. Kovalev, S. Thevenin, A. Dolgui. Operations management issues in design and control of hybrid human-robot collaborative manufacturing systems: a survey. In Annual Reviews in Control ; éd. Elsevier, 2020, vol. 49.
    • [55] S. Hosseini, D. Ivanov, A. Dolgui. Ripple effect modelling of supplier disruption: integrated Markov chain and dynamic Bayesian network approach. In International Journal of Production Research ; éd. Taylor & Francis, 2020, vol. 58, num. 11.
    • [56] S. Shongwe, J. Malela‐majika, P. Castagliola. On monitoring the process mean of autocorrelated observations with measurement errors using the w‐of‐w runs‐rules scheme. In Quality and Reliability Engineering International ; éd. Wiley, 2020, vol. 36, num. 3.
    • [57] T. Cerqueus, J. Bonnaud, O. Dashkov, E. Morin. Thesaurus Matching in Electronic Commerce. In Electronic Commerce Research ; éd. Springer Verlag, 2020.
    • [58] T. Mullari, . Kotta, Z. Bartosiewicz, M. Sarafrazi, C. Moog, E. Pawluszewicz. Weak reachability and controllability of discrete-time nonlinear systems: generic approach and singular points. In International Journal of Control ; éd. Taylor & Francis, 2020, vol. 93, num. 3.
    • [59] T. Vaneker, A. Bernard, G. Moroni, I. Gibson, Y. Zhang. Design for additive manufacturing: Framework and methodology. In CIRP Annals - Manufacturing Technology ; éd. Elsevier, 2020, vol. 69, num. 2.
    • [60] V. Rosato, P. François, F. Laroche. Patrimoine industriel numérique 3D : Reconstruction de la Forge d'Arthez-d'Asson. In Patrimoine industriel ; éd. CILAC, 2020.
    • [61] W. Aroufi, C. Pavageau, J. Sturque, A. Zlowodzki, G. Georgescou, F. Denis. Hereditary angioedema type II and dental extraction: case report and literature review. In Journal of Oral Medicine and Oral Surgery ; éd. EDP Sciences, 2020, vol. 26, num. 3.
    • [62] W. Torki, J. Barbot, M. Ghanes, L. Sbita. Sparse Recovery Diagnosis Method Applied to Hybrid Dynamical System: The Case of Three-Phase DC-AC Inverter for Wind Turbine. In OALib Journal ; éd. Open Access Library, 2020, vol. 07, num. 09.
    • [63] X. Hu, P. Castagliola, A. Tang, X. Zhou, P. Zhou. Conditional median run length performance of the synthetic X¯ chart with unknown process parameters. In Quality and Reliability Engineering International ; éd. Wiley, 2020, vol. 36, num. 3.
    • [64] Y. Bian, D. Lemoine, N. Bostel, T. Yeung. Two-level uncapacitated lot sizing problem considering financial cost of working capital requirement.. In Frontiers of Engineering Management ; éd. Higher Education Press, 2020, vol. 7.
    • [65] Y. Zhang, Z. Wang, Y. Zhang, S. Gomes, A. Bernard. Bio-inspired generative design for support structure generation and optimization in Additive Manufacturing (AM). In CIRP Annals - Manufacturing Technology ; éd. Elsevier, 2020, vol. 69, num. 1.
    • [66] Z. Cheng, M. Tisi, R. Douence. CoqTL: A Coq DSL for Rule-Based Model Transformation. In Software and Systems Modeling ; éd. Springer Verlag, 2020, vol. 19.
    • [67] F. Arcelli Fontana, H. Bruneliere, H. A. Müller, C. Raibulet. Guest editors’ introduction to the special issue on Model Driven Engineering and Reverse Engineering: Research and Practice. In Journal of Systems and Software ; éd. Elsevier, 2020, vol. 159.
    • [68] M. Xu, A. Borji, C. Zhu, E. Delp, M. Mrak, P. Le Callet. Introduction to the Issue on Perception-Driven 360° Video Processing. In IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Signal Processing ; éd. IEEE, 2020, vol. 14, num. 1.
    • [69] M. Xu, C. Li, S. Zhang, P. Le Callet. State-of-the-Art in 360° Video/Image Processing: Perception, Assessment and Compression. In IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Signal Processing ; éd. IEEE, 2020, vol. 14, num. 1.
    • [70] X. Min, J. Zhou, G. Zhai, P. Le Callet, X. Yang, X. Guan. A Metric for Light Field Reconstruction, Compression, and Display Quality Evaluation. In IEEE Transactions on Image Processing ; éd. Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, 2020, vol. 29.
    • [71] J. Picaut, A. Can, N. Fortin, J. Ardouin, M. Lagrange. Low-Cost Sensors for Urban Noise Monitoring Networks-A Literature Review. In Sensors ; éd. MDPI, 2020, vol. 20, num. 8.
    • [72] . André, B. Delahaye, P. Fournier. Consistency in Parametric Interval Probabilistic Timed Automata. In Journal of Logical and Algebraic Methods in Programming ; éd. Elsevier, 2020.
    • [73] F. Julca-Aguilar, H. Mouchère, C. Viard-Gaudin, N. Hirata. A general framework for the recognition of online handwritten graphics. In International Journal on Document Analysis and Recognition ; éd. Springer Verlag, 2020.
    • [74] Z. Li, J. Erskine, S. Caro, A. Chriette. Design and Control of a Variable Aerial Cable Towed System. In IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters ; éd. IEEE, 2020, vol. 5, num. 2.
    • [75] A. Perrin, V. Krassanakis, L. Zhang, V. Ricordel, M. da Silva, O. Le Meur. EyeTrackUAV2: a Large-Scale Binocular Eye-Tracking Dataset for UAV Videos. In Drones ; éd. MDPI, 2020, vol. 4, num. 2.
    • [76] Z. Zake, F. Chaumette, N. Pedemonte, S. Caro. Robust 2 1/2D Visual Servoing of a Cable-Driven Parallel Robot Thanks to Trajectory Tracking. In IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters ; éd. IEEE, 2020, vol. 5, num. 2.
    • [77] M. Harrat, E. Maleki, F. Belkadi, A. Bernard. Extended Enterprise Model for PSS Within a Systems Engineering Perspective. In Africa Insight ; éd. Africa Institute of South Africa, 2020, vol. 22, num. 4.
    • [78] D. Six, S. Briot, J. Erskine, A. Chriette. Identification of the Propeller Coefficients and Dynamic Parameters of a Hovering Quadrotor from Flight Data. In IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters ; éd. IEEE, 2020, vol. 5, num. 2.
    • [79] H. Mhamdi, J. Bourdon, A. Larhlimi, M. Elloumi. Bayesian Integrative Modeling of Genome-Scale Metabolic and Regulatory Networks. In Informatics ; éd. MDPI, 2020, vol. 7, num. 1.
    • [80] M. Folschette, V. Legagneux, A. Poret, L. Chebouba, C. Guziolowski, N. Théret. A pipeline to create predictive functional networks: application to the tumor progression of hepatocellular carcinoma. In BMC Bioinformatics ; éd. BioMed Central, 2020, vol. 21, num. 1.
    • [81] T. Rasheed, P. Long, S. Caro. Wrench-Feasible Workspace of Mobile Cable-Driven Parallel Robots. In Journal of Mechanisms and Robotics ; éd. American Society of Mechanical Engineers, 2020, vol. 12, num. 3.
    • [82] N. Ugwuanyi, X. Kestelyn, O. Thomas, B. Marinescu, A. Messina. A New Fast Track to Nonlinear Modal Analysis of Power System Using Normal Form. In IEEE Transactions on Power Systems ; éd. Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, 2020.
    • [83] B. Ahrens, A. Hirschowitz, A. Lafont, M. Maggesi. Reduction Monads and Their Signatures. In Proceedings of the ACM on Programming Languages ; éd. ACM, 2020.
    • [84] M. Sozeau, S. Boulier, Y. Forster, N. Tabareau, T. Winterhalter. Coq Coq Correct! Verification of Type Checking and Erasure for Coq, in Coq. In Proceedings of the ACM on Programming Languages ; éd. ACM, 2020.
    • [86] W. Derigent, O. Cardin, D. Trentesaux. Industry 4.0: contributions of holonic manufacturing control architectures and future challenges. In Journal of Intelligent Manufacturing ; éd. Springer Verlag (Germany), 2020, vol. 32.
    • [87] . André, D. Lime, N. Markey. Language Preservation Problems in Parametric Timed Automata. In Logical Methods in Computer Science ; éd. Logical Methods in Computer Science Association, 2020, vol. 16, num. 1.
    • [88] J. Gutiérrez, T. Vigier, P. Le Callet. Quality Evaluation of 3D Objects in Mixed Reality For Different Lighting Conditions. In Electronic Imaging ; éd. ingenta CONNECT, 2020, vol. 32, num. 11.
    • [89] I. Milleville-Pennel, S. Marquez. Comparison between elderly and young drivers’ performances on a driving simulator and self-assessment of their driving attitudes and mastery. In Accident Analysis & Prevention ; éd. Elsevier, 2020, vol. 135.
    • [90] M. Acevedo, M. Orvañanos-Guerrero, R. Velazquez, V. Arakelian. An Alternative Method for Shaking Force Balancing of the 3RRR PPM through Acceleration Control of the Center of Mass. In Applied Sciences ; éd. Multidisciplinary digital publishing institute (MDPI), 2020, vol. 10, num. 4.
    • [91] M. Sozeau, A. Anand, S. Boulier, C. Cohen, Y. Forster, F. Kunze, G. Malecha, N. Tabareau, T. Winterhalter. The MetaCoq Project. In Journal of Automated Reasoning ; éd. Springer Verlag, 2020.
    • [92] R. Chenouard, R. El-Sehiemy. An interval branch and bound global optimization algorithm for parameter estimation of three photovoltaic models. In Energy Conversion and Management ; éd. Elsevier, 2020, vol. 205.
    • [93] K. Brito, G. Jean, G. Fertin, A. Oliveira, U. Dias, Z. Dias. Sorting by Genome Rearrangements on Both Gene Order and Intergenic Sizes. In Journal of Computational Biology ; éd. Mary Ann Liebert, 2020, vol. 27, num. 2.
    • [94] K. Karunakaran, S. Negi, A. Nambolan, A. Patel, Y. Patil, M. Pandya, S. Kapil, D. Trushnikov, M. Sealy, A. Bernard. Challenges in path planning of high energy density beams for additive manufacturing. In IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering ; éd. IOP Publishing, 2020, vol. 759.
    • [95] S. Lessanibahri, P. Cardou, S. Caro. A Cable-Driven Parallel Robot with an Embedded Tilt-Roll Wrist. In Journal of Mechanisms and Robotics ; éd. American Society of Mechanical Engineers, 2020, vol. 12, num. 2.
    • [96] C. Couret, M. Servant, P. Lebranchu, M. Hamidou, M. Weber. Efficacy and Safety of Interferon Alpha 2A and Pegylated Interferon Alpha 2A in Inflammatory Macular Edema. In Ocular Immunology and Inflammation ; éd. Taylor & Francis, 2020, vol. 28, num. 2.
    • [97] H. Park, K. Piamrat, K. Singh, H. Chen. Data Analysis for Self-Driving Vehicles in Intelligent Transportation Systems. In Journal of Advanced Transportation ; éd. Hindawi Publishing Corporation, 2020, vol. 2020.
    • [98] F. Belkadi, E. Sanfilippo, A. Bernard, L. Vidal. A Product-Process Model for Decision-Aid Perspective in Additive Manufacturing Field. In Computer-Aided Design and Applications ; éd. CAD Solutions LLC (imprimé) and Taylor & Francis Online (en ligne), 2020, vol. 17, num. 6.
    • [99] D. Ali, A. Houari, A. Saim, M. Aït-Ahmed, S. Pierfederici, M. Benkhoris, M. Machmoum, M. Ghanes. Flatness Based Grey Wolf Control for Load Voltage Unbalance Mitigation in Three-Phase Four-Leg Voltage Source Inverters. In IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications ; éd. Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, 2020, vol. 56, num. 2.
    • [100] H. Mroue, B. Parrein, S. Hamrioui, P. Bakowski, A. Nasser, E. Cruz, W. Vince. LoRa+: An extension of LoRaWAN protocol to reduce infrastructure costs by improving the Quality of Service. In Internet of Things ; éd. Elsevier, 2020, vol. 9.
    • [101] M. Hamida, R. El-Sehiemy, T. Mesbahi. Parameter identification and state-of-charge estimation for lithium-polymer battery cells using enhanced sunflower optimization algorithm. In International Journal of Hydrogen Energy ; éd. Elsevier, 2020, vol. 45, num. 15.
    • [102] M. Uddin, A. Mamun, M. Jakaria, S. Thangapandiyan, J. Ahmad, M. Rahman, B. Mathew, M. Abdel-Daim, L. Aleya. Emerging promise of sulforaphane-mediated Nrf2 signaling cascade against neurological disorders. In Science of the Total Environment ; éd. Elsevier, 2020, vol. 707.
    • [103] Y. He, C. Artigues, C. Briand, N. Jozefowiez, S. Ngueveu. A Matheuristic with Fixed-Sequence Reoptimization for a Real-Life Inventory Routing Problem. In Transportation Science ; éd. INFORMS, 2020, vol. 54, num. 2.
    • [104] A. Dolgui, D. Ivanov, M. Rozhkov. Does the ripple effect influence the bullwhip effect? An integrated analysis of structural and operational dynamics in the supply chain. In International Journal of Production Research ; éd. Taylor & Francis, 2020, vol. 58, num. 5.
    • [105] N. Ugwuanyi, X. Kestelyn, B. Marinescu, O. Thomas. Power System Nonlinear Modal Analysis Using Computationally Reduced Normal Form Method. In Energies ; éd. MDPI, 2020.
    • [106] M. Boudana, S. Ladaci, J. Loiseau. Analysis and Control Design for a Class of Fractional Order Time-Delay Systems. In ALGERIAN JOURNAL OF SIGNALS AND SYSTEMS ( AJSS), vol. 5, num. 1. 15-03-2020
    • [107] L. Jezequel, A. Madalinski, S. Schwoon. Distributed computation of vector clocks in Petri net unfoldings for test selection. In Discrete Event Dynamic Systems ; éd. Springer Verlag, 2020.
    • [108] F. Boyer, V. Lebastard, S. Ferrer, F. Geffard. Underwater pre-touch based on artificial electric sense. In The International Journal of Robotics Research ; éd. SAGE Publications, 2020.
    • [109] D. Đorđević Čegar, M. Barreda-Angeles, D. Kukolj, P. Le Callet. Modelling effects of S3D visual discomfort in human emotional state using data mining techniques. In Multimedia Tools and Applications ; éd. Springer Verlag, 2020.
    • [110] A. Marendet, A. Goldsztejn, G. Chabert, C. Jermann. A standard branch-and-bound approach for nonlinear semi-infinite problems. In European Journal of Operational Research ; éd. Elsevier, 2020, vol. 282, num. 2.
    • [111] J. Ducloyer, G. Le Meur, P. Lebranchu, F. Billaud, M. Weber. Macular Fold Complicating a Subretinal Injection of Voretigene Neparvovec. In Ophthalmology Retina ; éd. Elsevier, 2020, vol. 4, num. 4.
    • [112] A. Volkova, T. Hilaire, C. Lauter. Arithmetic approaches for rigorous design of reliable Fixed-Point LTI filters. In IEEE Transactions on Computers ; éd. Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, 2020, vol. 69, num. 4.
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    • [208] Y. Nehmé, J. Farrugia, F. Dupont, P. Le Callet, G. Lavoué. Comparison of Subjective Methods for Quality Assessment of 3D Graphics in Virtual Reality. In ACM Transactions on Applied Perception ; éd. Association for Computing Machinery, 2020, vol. 18, num. 1.
    • [209] E. Scharbarg, C. Califano, E. Le Carpentier, C. Moog. Practical identification of a glucose-insulin dynamics model. In 21st IFAC World Congress, juillet 2020, Berlin, Allemagne.In IFAC-PapersOnLine ; éd. Elsevier, 2020, vol. 53, num. 2.

Revues nationales avec comité de lecture (ART_NAT)

    • [210] H. Atifi, Z. Touati. Nouvelles revendications féministes et médias numériques. Contournement des interdits sociaux et religieux en Tunisie et Maroc. In ESSACHESS – Journal for Communication Studies ; éd. ESSACHESS editors, 2020, vol. Vol 13, num. N°1(25).
    • [211] R. Affogbolo, C. Gauzente, P. Kuntz, A. Guénoche. Bénéfices et risques de l’IdO : Que pouvons-nous en apprendre à propos du changement du Business Model ?. In Systèmes d'Information et Management ; éd. Eska, 2020, vol. 25, num. 4.
    • [212] J. Vanbuis, G. Baffet, M. Feuilloy, A. Le Duff, J. Girault, N. Meslier, F. Gagnadoux. Classification automatique et patient-dépendante des stades de sommeil, basée sur un processus de machine learning s’inspirant de la lecture manuelle. In Médecine du sommeil ; éd. Elsevier Masson, 2020, vol. 17, num. 1.
    • [213] A. Dolgui, G. Levin, B. Rozin. Structural-Parametric Optimization of a Complex of Intersecting Sets of Operations under Nonstationary Demand. In Automation and Remote Control / Avtomatika i Telemekhanika ; éd. MAIK Nauka/Interperiodica, 2020, vol. 81, num. 5.
    • [214] V. Rosato, P. François, F. Laroche. Le Virtuel au service du Patrimoine : la reconstruction 3D de la forge d’Arthez-d’Asson. In Revue d’histoire industrielle des Pyrénées occidentales. 07-2020
    • [215] C. Jacquot, M. Jahjah. L'énigme du textiel littéraire. In CORELA - COgnition, REprésentation, LAngage ; éd. CERLICO-Cercle Linguistique du Centre et de l'Ouest (France), 2020, num. HS-33.

Conférences internationales avec comité de lecture et actes (COMM_INT)

    • [216] C. Zhang, F. Plestan. Power and motion control of a floating wind turbine: an original approach based on adaptive second order sliding mode control. In IFAC World Congress, 2020, Berlin, Allemagne.
    • [217] H. Dubois, P. Le Callet, M. Hornberger, H. Spiers, A. Coutrot. Capturing and Explaining Trajectory Singularities using Composite Signal Neural Networks. In European Signal Processing Conference, 2020, Amsterdam, Pays-Bas.
    • [218] M. Martin de Campo, A. Loukianov, F. Plestan. Robust Error Feedback Sliding Mode Regulator for Nonlinear Systems in Regular Form. In IFAC World Congress, 2020, Berlin, Allemagne.
    • [219] S. Sankar Das, Y. Shtessel, F. Plestan. Phase Margins in a Class of Nonlinear Systems: Lyapunov, Circle Criterion and Describing Function Approaches. In IFAC World Congress, 2020, Berlin, Allemagne.
    • [220] . Miquey. Revisiting the duality of computation: an algebraic analysis of classical realizability models. In CSL 2020 - Conference on Computer Science Logic, janvier 2020, Barcelone, Espagne.
    • [221] A. Mörtberg, L. Pujet. Cubical Synthetic Homotopy Theory. In CPP 2020 - 9th ACM SIGPLAN International Conference on Certified Programs and Proofs, janvier 2020, New Orleans, états-Unis.
    • [222] P. François. Expérimenter les espaces du Théâtre à la Foire Saint-Germain. In Séminaire du CERHiC, janvier 2020, Reims, France.
    • [223] L. Jeanson. Modélisation du patrimoine scientifique et technique, l'exemple des cercles méridiens Gautier. In Séminaire du Centre François Viète, février 2020, Brest, France.
    • [224] N. Moreau, C. Rousseau, L. Ferrer, M. Campone, M. Colombié, N. Normand, M. Rubeaux. Comparison between traditional and deep learning-based semi-automatic segmentation methods for metastatic breast cancer lesions monitoring. In 4th Nuclear Technologies for Health Symposium (NTHS2020), février 2020, Nantes, France.
    • [225] R. Vallée, A. de Maissin, A. Coutrot, H. Mouchère, A. Bourreille, N. Normand. CrohnIPI: An endoscopic image database for the evaluation of automatic Crohn's disease lesions recognition algorithms. In SPIE Medical Imaging, février 2020, Houston, France.
    • [226] D. Diaz, C. Gueret, O. Bellenguez, L. Billard. Nurse rostering avec prise en compte des remplacements : application au CHU de Nantes. In ROADEF 2020 : 21ème Congrès Annuel de la Société Française de Recherche Opérationnelle et d’Aide à la Décision, février 2020, Montpellier, France.
    • [227] O. Ben-Ammar, B. Bettayeb, A. Dolgui. Multi-period supply planning problem under a dynamic demand, stochastic lead times and a supplier selection. In 21st International Working Seminar on Production Economics, février 2020, Innsbrück, Autriche.
    • [228] P. Andre, M. Tebib. Refining Automation System Control with MDE. In 8th International Conference on Model-Driven Engineering and Software Development, février 2020, Valletta, Malte.
    • [229] M. Spur, V. Tourre, E. David, G. Moreau, P. Le Callet. MapStack: Exploring Multilayered Geospatial Data In Virtual Reality. In 11th International Conference on Information Visualization Theory and Applications, février 2020, Valletta, Malte.
    • [230] . Miquey, X. Montillet, G. Munch-Maccagnoni. Dependent Type Theory in Polarised Sequent Calculus (abstract). In TYPES 2020 - 26th International Conference on Types for Proofs and Programs, mars 2020, Torino, Italie.
    • [231] G. Santini, C. Fourcade, C. Rousseau, L. Ferrer, M. Campone, M. Colombié, M. Rubeaux. Segmentation automatique des métastases hépatiques en imagerie TEP/TDM basée sur l’apprentissage profond dans le cadre du cancer du sein métastatique. In Journées Francophones de Médecine Nucléaire, mars 2020, Paris, France.
    • [232] M. Tardy, D. Mateus. Lightweight U-Net for high-resolution breast imaging. In 2020 IEEE 17th International Symposium on Biomedical Imaging (ISBI), avril 2020, Iowa City, états-Unis.
    • [233] A. Oliveira, G. Jean, G. Fertin, K. Brito, U. Dias, Z. Dias. A 3.5-Approximation Algorithm for Sorting by Intergenic Transpositions. In 7th International Conference, AlCoB 2020 (Algorithms for Computational Biology ), avril 2020, Missoula, états-Unis.
    • [234] I. Berrouyne, M. Adda, J. Mottu, J. Royer, M. Tisi. A Model-Driven Approach to Unravel the Interoperability Problem of the Internet of Things. In Advanced Information Networking and Applications, avril 2020, Nantes, France.
    • [235] O. Meski, P. François, F. Laroche. An in virtuo system linking data corpus to 3D virtual model for industry 4.0. In ConVRgence, avril 2020, Laval, France.
    • [236] H. El Garrab, B. Castanier, D. Lemoine, A. Lazrak, R. Heidsieck. Towards Hybrid Machine Learning Models in Decision Support Systems for predicting the Spare Parts Reverse Flow in a Complex Supply Chain. In Information system, Logistics & Supply Chain - ILS 2020, avril 2020, Austin, états-Unis.
    • [237] V. Enes, C. Baquero, T. Rezende, A. Gotsman, M. Perrin, P. Sutra. State-machine replication for planet-scale systems. In The Fifteenth European Conference on Computer Systems (EuroSys), avril 2020, Heraklion, Grèce.
    • [238] B. Fasquelle, M. Furet, P. Khanna, D. Chablat, C. Chevallereau, P. Wenger. A bio-inspired 3-DOF light-weight manipulator with tensegrity X-joints. In ICRA'2020, mai 2020, Paris, France.
    • [239] C. Lanza, A. Hazem, B. Daille. Towards Automatic Thesaurus Construction and Enrichment.. In 6th International Workshop on Computational Terminology (COMPUTERM 2020), mai 2020, Marseille, France.
    • [240] Y. Wang, B. Daille, N. Hathout. A study of semantic projection from single word terms to multi-word terms in the environment domain. In 6th International Workshop on Computational Terminology (COMPUTERM 2020), mai 2020, Marseille, France.
    • [241] A. Caubrière, S. Ghannay, N. Tomashenko, R. de Mori, A. Laurent, E. Morin, Y. Estève. Error analysis applied to end-to end spoken language understanding. In 45th International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing (ICASSP 2020), mai 2020, Barcelona, Espagne.
    • [242] L. Nus, S. Miron, B. Jaillais, S. Moussaoui, D. Brie. A semi-supervised rank tracking algorithm for on-line unmixing of hyperspectral images. In International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing, ICASSP 2020, mai 2020, Barcelone, Espagne.
    • [243] R. Ben Mhenni, S. Bourguignon, J. Idier. A Greedy Sparse Approximation Algorithm Based On L1-Norm Selection Rules. In ICASSP 2020 - 2020 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP), mai 2020, Barcelona, Espagne.
    • [244] R. Ben Mhenni, S. Bourguignon, M. Mongeau, J. Ninin, H. Carfantan. Sparse Branch and Bound for Exact Optimization of L0-Norm Penalized Least Squares. In ICASSP 2020, IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing, mai 2020, Barcelona, Espagne.
    • [245] X. Zhang, G. Cheung, P. Le Callet, J. Tan. Sparse Directed Graph Learning for Head Movement Prediction in 360 Video Streaming. In ICASSP 2020 - 2020 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP), mai 2020, Barcelona, Espagne.
    • [246] D. Kadidiatou, M. Oussalah, J. Konate. Evolution style Mining in software architecture. In 15th ENASE (Evaluation of Novel Approaches to Software Engineering), springer ed, mai 2020, Prague, Slovaquie.
    • [247] A. Caubrière, S. Rosset, Y. Estève, A. Laurent, E. Morin. Where are we in Named Entity Recognition from Speech?. In 12th International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC), mai 2020, Marseille, France.
    • [248] A. Hazem, B. Daille, M. Bonhomme, M. Maarand, M. Boillet, C. Kermorvant, D. Stutzmann. Books of Hours: the First Liturgical Corpus for Text Segmentation. In 12th Language Resources and Evaluation Conference, mai 2020, Marseille (Virtual), France.
    • [249] A. Hazem, M. Bouhandi, F. Boudin, B. Daille. TermEval 2020: TALN-LS2N System for Automatic Term Extraction. In 6th International Workshop on Computational Terminology (COMPUTERM 2020), mai 2020, Marseille, France.
    • [250] D. Espinel Sarmiento, A. Lebre, L. Nussbaum, A. Chari. Multi-site Connectivity for Edge Infrastructures DIMINET:DIstributed Module for Inter-site NETworking. In CCGRID 2020: 20th IEEE/ACM International Symposium on Cluster, Cloud and Internet Computing, mai 2020, Melbourne, Australie.
    • [251] K. Iwatsuki, F. Boudin, A. Aizawa. An Evaluation Dataset for Identifying Communicative Functions of Sentences in English Scholarly Papers. In 12th Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC 2020), mai 2020, Marseille, France.
    • [252] M. Chardet, H. Coullon, C. Pérez. Predictable Efficiency for Reconfiguration of Service-Oriented Systems with Concerto. In CCGrid 2020 : 20th IEEE/ACM International Symposium on Cluster, Cloud and Internet Computing, mai 2020, Melbourne, Australie.
    • [253] S. Mdhaffar, Y. Estève, A. Laurent, N. Hernandez, R. Dufour, D. Charlet, G. Damnati, S. Quiniou, N. Camelin. A Multimodal Educational Corpus of Oral Courses: Annotation, Analysis and Case Study. In LREC, mai 2020, Marseille, France.
    • [254] J. Gorroñogoitia Cruz, A. Sadovykh, D. Truscan, H. Bruneliere, P. Pierini, L. Lopez Muñiz. MegaM@Rt2 EU Project: Open Source Tools for Mega-Modelling at Runtime of CPSs. In The 16th International Conference on Open Source Systems (OSS 2020), mai 2020, Innopolis, Russie.
    • [255] N. Ramuzat, F. Forget, V. Bonnet, S. Boria, O. Stasse, M. Gautier. Actuator Model, Identification and Differential Dynamic Programming for a TALOS Humanoid Robot. In European Control Conference (ECC20), mai 2020, Saint Petersburg, Russie.
    • [256] F. Gontier, M. Lagrange, C. Lavandier, J. Petiot. Privacy aware acoustic scene synthesis using deep spectral feature inversion. In IEEE ICASSP, mai 2020, Barcelona, Espagne.
    • [257] M. Lagrange, F. Gontier. Bandwidth extension of musical audio signals with no side information using dilated convolutional neural networks. In IEEE ICASSP, mai 2020, Barcelona, Espagne.
    • [258] W. Ellahi, T. Vigier, P. Le Callet. Can Visual Scanpath Reveal Personal Image Memorability? Investigation of HMM Tools for Gaze Patterns Analysis. In 2020 Twelfth International Conference on Quality of Multimedia Experience (QoMEX 2020), mai 2020, Athlone, Irlande.
    • [259] W. Tang, S. Wu, T. Vigier, M. Perreira. Influence of Emotions on Eye Behavior in Omnidirectional Content. In Twelfth International Conference on Quality of Multimedia Experience (QoMEX), mai 2020, Athlone, Irlande.
    • [260] D. Six, S. Briot, J. Erskine, A. Chriette. Identification of the Propeller Coefficients and Dynamic Parameters of a Hovering Quadrotor from Flight Data. In IEEE 2020 International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA 2020), mai 2020, Paris, France.
    • [261] G. Jeanneau, V. Begoc, S. Briot, A. Goldsztejn. R-Min: a Fast Collaborative Underactuated Parallel Robot for Pick-and-Place Operations. In IEEE 2020 International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA 2020), mai 2020, Paris, France.
    • [262] J. Liu, E. Morin, S. Peña Saldarriaga, J. Lark. A unified and unsupervised framework for bilingual phrase alignment on specialized comparable corpora. In 24th European Conference on Artificial Intelligence (ECAI), juin 2020, Santiago de Compostela, Espagne.
    • [263] B. Moreau, P. Serrano-Alvarado. Assessing the Quality of RDF Mappings with EvaMap. In 17th Extended Semantic Web Conference (ESWC2020), juin 2020, Heraklion, Grèce.
    • [264] E. Paquet, S. Le Loch, B. Furet, A. Bernard, S. Garnier. Numerical Simulation and Experimentation of Additive Manufacturing Processes with Polyurethane Foams. In The International Joint Conference on Mechanics, Design Engineering and Advanced Manufacturing (JCM 2020), juin 2020, Aix en Provence, France.
    • [265] F. Goualard. Generating Random Floating-Point Numbers by Dividing Integers: a Case Study. In Proceedings of ICCS 2020, juin 2020, Amsterdam, Pays-Bas.
    • [266] A. Grall, T. Minier, H. Skaf-Molli, P. Molli. Processing SPARQL Aggregate Queries with Web Preemption. In 17th Extended Semantic Web Conference (ESWC 2020), juin 2020, Heraklion, Grèce.
    • [267] C. Lauter, A. Volkova. A Framework for Semi-Automatic Precision and Accuracy Analysis for Fast and Rigorous Deep Learning. In IEEE Symposium on Computer Arithmetic (ARITH), juin 2020, Portland, états-Unis.
    • [268] A. Quillet, A. Queudet, D. Lime. Analysis of Polka Contention Manager for use in Multicore Hard Real-Time Systems. In International Conference on Real-Time Networks and Systems (RTNS’20), juin 2020, Paris, France.
    • [269] M. Chetto, A. Queudet. EDF-based real-time scheduling for self-powered sensors: a survey of main theoretical results. In 2020 International Conference on Intelligent Systems and Computer Vision (ISCV), juin 2020, Fez, Maroc.
    • [270] K. Boukir, J. Béchennec, A. Déplanche. Requirement specification and model-checking of a real-time scheduler implementation. In 28th International Conference on Real-Time and Network Systems (RTNS 2020), juin 2020, Paris, France.
    • [271] M. Chetto, A. Queudet. EDF-based real-time scheduling for self-powered sensors : a survey of main theoretical results. In IEEE International Conference on Intelligent Systems and Computer Vision, juin 2020, Fez, Maroc.
    • [272] S. Ling, A. Pastor, J. Li, Z. Che, J. Wang, J. Kim, P. Le Callet. Few-Shot Pill Recognition. In 2020 IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR), juin 2020, Seattle, états-Unis.
    • [273] D. Dumez, K. Olkis, S. Irnich, F. Lehuédé, O. Péton, C. Tilk. Large neighborhood search heuristic with exact components for generalized vehicle routing problems with time windows. In VeRoLog 2020, juin 2020, Hambourg, Allemagne.
    • [274] M. Hamida, G. Rigatos, P. Wira, M. Abbaszadeh, J. Pomares. Nonlinear optimal control for the 3-DOF laboratory helicopter. In 2020 IEEE 29th International Symposium on Industrial Electronics (ISIE), juin 2020, Delft, France.
    • [275] F. Laroche. French National Project ReSeed Semantic reverse-engineering of digital heritage objects. In FAIR Heritage: Digital Methods, Scholarly Editing and Tools for Cultural and Natural Heritage, juin 2020, Tours, France.
    • [276] A. Jiménez-Sánchez, A. Kazi, S. Albarqouni, C. Kirchhoff, P. Biberthaler, N. Navab, S. Kirchhoff, D. Mateus. Precise Proximal Femur Fracture Classification for Interactive Training and Surgical Planning. In International Conference on Information Processing in Computer-Assisted Interventions (IPCAI), juin 2020, Munich, Allemagne.
    • [277] A. Nayak, S. Briot. Singularities in the Image-based Visual Servoing of Five Points. In Advances in Robot Kinematics (ARK 2020), juin 2020, Ljubljana, Slovénie.
    • [278] E. Idá, S. Briot, M. Carricato. Robust Trajectory Planning of Under-Actuated Cable-Driven Parallel Robot with 3 Cables. In Advances in Robot Kinematics (ARK 2020), juin 2020, Ljubljana, Slovénie.
    • [279] R. Affeldt, C. Cohen, M. Kerjean, A. Mahboubi, D. Rouhling, K. Sakaguchi. Competing inheritance paths in dependent type theory: a case study in functional analysis. In IJCAR 2020 - International Joint Conference on Automated Reasoning, juin 2020, Paris, France.
    • [280] S. Devie, P. Robet, Y. Aoustin, M. Gautier. Bilateral Master-Slave operation based on cascaded loop structure in force-position and velocity. In 2020 7th International Conference on Control, Decision and Information Technologies (CoDIT), juin 2020, Prague, République tchèque.
    • [281] A. Grall, T. Minier, H. Skaf-Molli, P. Molli. Traitement des requêtes d’agrégation sur un serveur SPARQL préemptif. In 31es Journées francophones d'Ingénierie des Connaissances, juin 2020, Angers, France.
    • [282] A. Kalouguine, V. De-León-Gómez, C. Chevallereau, S. Dalibard, Y. Aoustin. Definition of a Walking with starting and stopping motions for the Humanoid Romeo. In 17th International Conference on Informatics in Control, Automation and Robotics (ICINCO 2020), juillet 2020, Paris (on line), France.
    • [283] F. Quesque, A. Coutrot, A. Ibanez, M. Hornberger, M. Bertoux. The impact of culture on neuropsychological performance: a global social cognition study across 12 countries. In Alzheimer's Association International Conference, juillet 2020, Amsterdam, Pays-Bas.
    • [284] H. Dubois, P. Le Callet, A. Coutrot. Modélisation sur graphe de la singularité de trajectoires contraintes. In Rencontre des Jeunes Chercheur.se.s en Intelligence Artificielle, juillet 2020, Online, France.
    • [285] S. Rouquet, M. Ghanes, L. Merienne, J. Barbot. Power Management in Serial Hybrid Electric Vehicle: A singular perturbation approach. In IFAC World Congress, juillet 2020, Berlin, Allemagne.
    • [286] Y. Aoustin, A. Formalskii. An original walking composed of a ballistic single-support and a finite time double-support phases. In 10th European Nonlinear Dynamics Conference, juillet 2020, Lyon, France.
    • [287] A. Ak, S. Ling, P. Le Callet. NO-REFERENCE QUALITY EVALUATION OF LIGHT FIELD CONTENT BASED ON STRUCTURAL REPRESENTATION OF THE EPIPOLAR PLANE IMAGE. In The 1st ICME Workshop on Hyper-Realistic Multimedia for Enhanced Quality of Experience, juillet 2020, London, Royaume-Uni.
    • [288] F. Boudin, B. Daille, E. Jacquey, J. Nie. The DELICES project: Indexing scientific literature through semantic expansion. In Joint Conference of the Information Retrieval Communities in Europe (CIRCLE), juillet 2020, Samatan (en ligne), France.
    • [289] F. Boudin, Y. Gallina, A. Aizawa. Keyphrase Generation for Scientific Document Retrieval. In The 58th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics (ACL), juillet 2020, Online, états-Unis.
    • [290] M. Bhat, J. Thiesse, P. Le Callet. A Case Study of Machine Learning Classifiers for Real-Time Adaptive Resolution Prediction in Video Coding. In 2020 IEEE International Conference on Multimedia and Expo, juillet 2020, Virtual Conference, Royaume-Uni.
    • [291] M. Tardy, D. Mateus. Improving Mammography Malignancy Segmentation by Designing the Training Process. In Medical Imaging with Deep Learning, juillet 2020, Montreal, Canada.
    • [292] S. Ling, Y. Baveye, P. Le Callet, J. Skinner, I. Katsavounidis. Towards Perceptually-Optimized Compression Of User Generated Content (UGC): Prediction Of UGC Rate-Distortion Category. In 2020 IEEE International Conference on Multimedia and Expo (ICME), juillet 2020, London, Royaume-Uni.
    • [293] D. Hauweele, R. Koutsiamanis, B. Quoitin, G. Papadopoulos. Pushing 6TiSCH Minimal Scheduling Function (MSF) to the Limits. In ISCC 2020 - IEEE Symposium on Computers and Communications, juillet 2020, Rennes, France.
    • [294] W. Zhao, A. Pashkevich, A. Klimchik, D. Chablat. Equilibrium configurations of compliant tensegrity mechanism based on planar dual-triangles. In ICINCO 2020: International Conference on Informatics in Control, Automation and Robotics, juillet 2020, Paris, France.
    • [295] W. Zhao, A. Pashkevich, A. Klimchik, D. Chablat. Stiffness Analysis of a New Tensegrity Mechanism Based on Planar Dual-triangles. In ICINCO 2020: 17th International Conference on Informatics in Control, Automation and Robotics, juillet 2020, Paris, France.
    • [296] P. Pédrot. Russian Constructivism in a Prefascist Theory. In LICS 2020 - Thirty-Fifth Annual ACM/IEEE Symposium on Logic in Computer Science, juillet 2020, Saarbrücken, Allemagne.
    • [297] R. El Osta, H. El Ghor, M. Chetto. Scheduling mixed task sets in energy harvesting embedded systems. In First IEEE International Conference on Emerging Frontiers in Electrical and Electronic Technologies, juillet 2020, Patna, Inde.
    • [298] W. Ellahi, T. Vigier, P. Le Callet. HMM-Based Framework to Measure the Visual Fidelity of Tone Mapping Operators. In IEEE International Conference on Multimedia & Expo Workshops (ICMEW), juillet 2020, London, Royaume-Uni.
    • [299] A. Yelles-Chaouche, E. Gurevsky, N. Brahimi, A. Dolgui. Minimizing task reassignments in the design of reconfigurable manufacturing lines with space restrictions. In 21st IFAC World Congress, juillet 2020, Berlin, Allemagne.
    • [300] B. Bou Farraa, R. Abbou, J. Loiseau. Robust stabilization of an elementary logistic system with an input delay. In IFAC World Congress 2020, juillet 2020, Berlin, Allemagne.
    • [301] E. Picard, E. Tahoumi, F. Plestan, S. Caro, F. Claveau. A new control scheme of cable-driven parallel robot balancing between sliding mode and linear feedback. In IFAC 2020: 21st IFAC World Congress, juillet 2020, Berlin, Allemagne.
    • [302] I. Slama, O. Ben-Ammar, A. Dolgui, F. Masmoudi. A Newsboy formulae to optimize planned lead times for two-level disassembly systems. In 21st IFAC World Congress, juillet 2020, Berlin, Allemagne.
    • [303] M. Castillo, M. Bonilla, J. Loiseau, M. Malabre, V. Azhmyakov. On the LQ Based Stabilization for a Class of Switched Dynamic Systems. In 21st IFAC World Congress (IFAC 2020), juillet 2020, Berlin, Allemagne.
    • [304] P. Hedayatinia, D. Lemoine, G. Massonnet, J. Viviani. Analysis of the Impact of Demand Volatility and Return Policies on a Price-setting Newsvendor. In IFAC 2020 : 21st IFAC World Congress, juillet 2020, Berlin, France.
    • [305] P. Loiseau, C. Boultifat, P. Chevrel, F. Claveau, S. Espie, F. Mars. Rider model identification using dynamic neural networks. In IFAC World Congress 2020, juillet 2020, BERLIN, Allemagne.
    • [306] C. Fourcade, L. Ferrer, G. Santini, N. Moreau, C. Rousseau, M. Lacombe, C. Guillerminet, M. Colombié, M. Campone, D. Mateus, M. Rubeaux. Combining Superpixels and Deep Learning Approaches to Segment Active Organs in Metastatic Breast Cancer PET Images. In EMBC - Engineering in Medecine and Biology Conference, juillet 2020, Montréal, Canada.
    • [307] N. Moreau, C. Rousseau, C. Fourcade, G. Santini, L. Ferrer, M. Lacombe, C. Guillerminet, M. Campone, M. Colombié, M. Rubeaux, N. Normand. Deep learning approaches for bone and bone lesion segmentation on 18 FDG PET/CT imaging in the context of metastatic breast cancer*. In EMBC - Engineering in Medecine and Biology Conference, juillet 2020, Montréal, Canada.
    • [308] J. Herault, . Clement, J. Brossillon, S. Lagrange, V. Lebastard, F. Boyer. Standing on the Water: Stability Mechanisms of Snakes on Free Surface. In Living Machines 2020 : 9th International Conference on Biomimetic and Biohybrid Systems, juillet 2020, Freiburg, Allemagne.
    • [309] D. Yesiltepe, R. Dalton, A. Ozbil Torun, A. Coutrot, M. Hornberger, H. Spiers. A Study on Visual and Structural Characteristics of Landmarks and Experts’ and Non-experts’ Evaluations. In 12th International Conference, Spatial Cognition 2020, août 2020, Riga, Lettonie.
    • [310] S. Rouquet, M. Ghanes, J. Barbot, Y. Shtessel, L. Merienne. Energy management in a mechatronics system with delay: A series hybrid electric vehicle case.. In IEEE Conference on Control Technology and Applications, août 2020, Montréal, Canada.
    • [311] T. Mehdi, M. Hamida, M. Ghanes, M. Koteich. A New Approach on Stator Flux Estimation of IPMSMs Considering Magnetic and Cross-Section Saturations. In IFAC World Congress, août 2020, Berlin, Allemagne.
    • [312] Y. Gallina, F. Boudin, B. Daille. Large-Scale Evaluation of Keyphrase Extraction Models. In ACM/IEEE Joint Conference on Digital Libraries (JCDL), août 2020, Wuhan, Chine.
    • [313] M. Perrin, A. Mostefaoui, G. Bonin. Extending the Wait-free Hierarchy to Multi-Threaded Systems. In PODC '20: ACM Symposium on Principles of Distributed Computing, août 2020, Virtual Event Italy, France.
    • [314] G. Jeanneau, V. Begoc, S. Briot. Geometrico-Static Analysis of a New Collaborative Parallel Robot for Safe Physical Interaction. In 2020 International Design Engineering Technical Conferences & Computers and Information in Engineering Conference (IDETC-CIE 2020), août 2020, St. Louis, états-Unis.
    • [315] M. Métillon, S. Lessanibahri, P. Cardou, K. Subrin, S. Caro. A Cable-Driven Parallel Robot with Full-Circle End-Effector Rotations. In The ASME 2020 International Design Engineering Technical Conferences & Computers and Information in Engineering Conference IDETC/CIE 2020, août 2020, Saint-Louis, Missouri, états-Unis.
    • [316] S. Venkateswaran, D. Chablat, P. Hamon. Design of a piping inspection robot by optimization approach. In The ASME 2020 International Design Engineering Technical Conferences & Computers and Information in Engineering Conference,IDETC/CIE 2020, août 2020, Saint-Louis, Missouri, états-Unis.
    • [317] D. Chablat, J. Geng, V. Arakelian. Shaking Force Balancing of the Delta Robot. In The ASME 2020 International Design Engineering Technical Conferences & Computers and Information in Engineering Conference, IDETC/CIE 2020, août 2020, Saint Louis, états-Unis.
    • [318] W. Zhao, A. Pashkevich, A. Klimchik, D. Chablat. The Stability and Stiffness Analysis of a Dual-Triangle Planar Rotation Mechanism. In ASME 2020 : International Design Engineering Technical Conferences and Computers and Information in Engineering Conference, août 2020, Virtual, états-Unis.
    • [320] M. Makni, I. Haidar, J. Barbot, F. Plestan. Analysis and control of Twin Wind Turbine subject to asymmetric fault. In 2020 IEEE Conference on Control Technology and Applications (CCTA), août 2020, Montréal, Canada.
    • [321] S. Ling, Y. Baveye, P. Le Callet. Rate-distortion video coding and uncertainties: to be blindly chasing marginal improvement or to be greener. In Applications of Digital Image Processing XLIII, août 2020, Online Only, états-Unis.
    • [322] S. Rouquet, M. Ghanes, J. Barbot, Y. Shtessel, L. Merienne. Energy management in a mechatronics system with delay: A series hybrid electric vehicle case. In 2020 IEEE Conference on Control Technology and Applications (CCTA), août 2020, Montreal, France.
    • [323] Y. Dahmane, R. Chenouard, M. Ghanes, M. Alvarado-Ruiz. Coordinated Charging of Large Electric Vehicle Fleet in a Charging Station With Limited Transformer Power. In 2020 IEEE Conference on Control Technology and Applications (CCTA), août 2020, Montreal, France.
    • [324] Y. Deng, V. Léchappé, S. Rouquet, E. Moulay, F. Plestan. A practical online time-varying delay estimation of remote control system based on adaptive super-twisting algorithm. In Proceedings of the 4th Conference on Control Techology and Applications (CCTA), août 2020, Montreal, Canada.
    • [325] T. Béziers La Fosse, Z. Cheng, J. Rocheteau, J. Mottu. Model-Driven Engineering of Monitoring Application for Sensors and Actuators Networks. In Software Engineering and Advanced Applications, août 2020, Portorož, Slovénie.
    • [326] D. Sourailidis, R. Koutsiamanis, G. Papadopoulos, D. Barthel, N. Montavont. RFC 6550: On Minimizing the Control Plane Traffic of RPL-based Industrial Networks. In WoWMoM 2020 - IEEE 21st International Symposium on "A World of Wireless, Mobile and Multimedia Networks", août 2020, Cork, Irlande.
    • [327] E. Dufraisse, P. Leray, R. Nedellec, T. Benkhelif. Interactive anomaly detection in mixed tabular data using Bayesian networks. In 10th International Conference on Probabilistic Graphical Models (PGM 2020), septembre 2020, Aalborg, Danemark.
    • [328] L. Jeanson, J. Davoigneau, F. Le Guet Tully. Dissimilar shelters for similar instruments. In XXXIX Scientific Instrument Symposium : Spaces for instruments, septembre 2020, Londres, Royaume-Uni.
    • [329] R. Parrot, D. Lime. Backward Symbolic Optimal Reachability in Weighted Timed Automata. In 18th International Conference on Formal Modeling and Analysis of Timed Systems (FORMATS 2020), septembre 2020, Vienna, Autriche.
    • [330] A. Djerioui, A. Houari, M. Machmoum, M. Ghanes, T. Mesbahi, M. Benkhoris. Grey Wolf Optimizer Based Predictive Torque Control for Electric Vehicle Applications. In 2020 22nd European Conference on Power Electronics and Applications (EPE'20 ECCE Europe), septembre 2020, Lyon, France.
    • [331] A. Gontier, C. Truchet, C. Prud'Homme. Conflict analysis in CP solving: Explanation generation from constraint decomposition. In CP 2020: 26th International Conference on Principles and Practice of Constraint Programming: Workshop: From Constraint Programming to Trustworthy AI, septembre 2020, Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgique.
    • [332] P. Robet, M. Gautier, Y. Aoustin. Generic control law for DC and AC machines. In 2020 22nd European Conference on Power Electronics and Applications (EPE'20 ECCE Europe), septembre 2020, Lyon, France.
    • [333] S. Rohou, A. Bedouhene, G. Chabert, A. Goldsztejn, L. Jaulin, B. Neveu, V. Reyes, G. Trombettoni. Towards a Generic Interval Solver for Differential-Algebraic CSP. In CP 2020 - 26th International Conference on Principles and Practice of Constraint Programming, septembre 2020, Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgique.
    • [334] A. da Silva, C. Mommessin, P. Neyron, D. Trystram, A. Bauskar, A. Lebre, A. Kempen, Y. Ngoko, Y. Ricordel. Evaluating Computation and Data Placements in Edge Infrastructures through a Common Simulator. In SBAC-PAD 2020 - IEEE 32nd International Symposium on Computer Architecture and High Performance Computing, septembre 2020, Porto, Portugal.
    • [335] A. Suzanne, G. Raschia, J. Martinez. Temporal Aggregation of Spanning Event Stream: A General Framework. In The 31st International Conference on Database and Expert Systems Applications (DEXA2020), septembre 2020, Bratislava (virtual), Slovaquie.
    • [336] R. Dubois, A. Eudes, V. Frémont. AirMuseum: a heterogeneous multi-robot dataset for stereo-visual and inertial Simultaneous Localization And Mapping. In 2020 IEEE International Conference on Multisensor Fusion and Integration (MFI 2020), septembre 2020, Karlsruhe, Allemagne.
    • [337] A. Colotti, A. Cenedese, S. Briot, I. Fantoni, A. Goldsztejn. Stability Analysis and Reconfiguration Strategy for Multi-agent D-formation Control. In 23rd CISM IFToMM Symposium on Robot Design, Dynamics and Control (RoManSy 2020), septembre 2020, Sapporo, Japon.
    • [338] F. Zaccaria, S. Briot, M. Chikhaoui, E. Idá, M. Carricato. An Analytical Formulation for the Geometrico-static Problem of Continuum Planar Parallel Robots. In 23rd CISM IFToMM Symposium on Robot Design, Dynamics and Control (RoManSy 2020), septembre 2020, Sapporo, Japon.
    • [339] M. Zhu, A. Chriette, S. Briot. Control-based Design of a DELTA robot. In 23rd CISM IFToMM Symposium on Robot Design, Dynamics and Control (RoManSy 2020), septembre 2020, Sapporo, Japon.
    • [340] R. Balderas Hill, S. Briot, A. Chriette, P. Martinet. Minimizing the Energy Consumption of a Delta Robot by Exploiting the Natural Dynamics. In RoManSy 2020 - 23rd CISM IFToMM Symposium on Robot Design, Dynamics and Control, septembre 2020, Sapporo /Virtual, Japon.
    • [341] Z. Li, X. Song, V. Begoc, A. Chriette, I. Fantoni. Dynamic Modeling and Controller Design of a novel aerial grasping robot. In 23rd CISM IFToMM Symposium on Robot Design, Dynamics and Control (RoManSy 2020), septembre 2020, Sapporo, Japon.
    • [342] K. Riou, J. Zhu, S. Ling, M. Piquet, V. Truffault, P. Le Callet. Few-Shot Object Detection in Real Life: Case Study on Auto-Harvest. In 2020 IEEE 22nd International Workshop on Multimedia Signal Processing (MMSP), septembre 2020, Tampere, Finlande.
    • [343] N. Beldiceanu, M. Restrepo, H. Simonis. Parameterised Bounds on the Sum of Variables in Time-Series Constraints. In CPAIOR 2020 : 17th International Conference on the Integration of Constraint Programming, Artificial Intelligence, and Operations Research, septembre 2020, Vienna, Autriche.
    • [344] A. Suzanne, G. Raschia, J. Martinez, D. Tassetti. Window-Slicing Techniques Extended to Spanning-Event Streams. In 27th International Symposium on Temporal Representation and Reasoning (TIME 2020), septembre 2020, Bolzano (virtual), Italie.
    • [345] S. Othman, M. Allali, I. Mrad, D. Chariag, M. Ghanes, L. Sbita, J. Barbot. Robust hybrid control based on Petri Nets for a multicellular inverter. In 2020 6th IEEE International Energy Conference (ENERGYCon), septembre 2020, Gammarth, France.
    • [346] A. Lechappe, M. Chollet, J. Rigaud, C. Cao. Assessment of Situation Awareness during Robotic Surgery using Multimodal Data. In ICMI 2020 Workshop on Modeling Socio-Emotional and Cognitive Processes from Multimodal Data in the Wild, octobre 2020, Utrecht, Pays-Bas.
    • [347] T. Nguyen, C. Soussen, J. Idier, E. Djermoune. Exact recovery analysis of non-negative greedy algorithms. In GDR MIA, journée Optimisation parcimonieuse non-convexe, octobre 2020, Toulouse, France.
    • [348] G. Santini, C. Fourcade, N. Moreau, C. Rousseau, L. Ferrer, M. Lacombe, V. Fleury, M. Campone, P. Jézéquel, M. Rubeaux. Unpaired PET/CT image synthesis of liver region using CycleGAN. In 16th International Symposium on Medical Information Processing and Analysis, octobre 2020, Lima, Pérou.
    • [349] V. Gonzalez Duque, D. Al Chanti, M. Crouzier, A. Nordez, L. Lacourpaille, D. Mateus. Spatio-temporal Consistency and Negative Label Transfer for 3D freehand US Segmentation. In the 23rd International Conference on Medical Image Computing and Computer Assisted Intervention,, octobre 2020, Lima, Pérou.
    • [351] M. Yagoubi, R. Chaibi, M. Lunel. Descriptor Recurrent Neural Network Model and L2 gain Control Design for Systems with Dry Friction. In ICSTCC 2020 : 24th International Conference on Systems Theory, Control and Computing, octobre 2020, Sinaia, Roumanie.
    • [352] P. François. Le calcul du débit des siphons lyonnais et ses implications sur le parcours. In Les aqueducs romains de Lyon, octobre 2020, Lyon, France.
    • [353] R. Chaibi, M. Yagoubi, T. El Houssaine. Output Feedback H_\infty Control Design For Polynomial T–S Systems: A Novel SOS Approach. In ICSTCC 2020 : 24th International Conference on System Theory, Control and Computing, octobre 2020, Sinaia, Roumanie.
    • [354] B. Pano, F. Claveau, P. Chevrel, C. Sentouh, F. Mars. Systematic H2 /H∞ haptic shared control synthesis for cars, parameterized by sharing level. In SMC 2020: IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, octobre 2020, Toronto, Canada.
    • [355] Y. Zhao, B. Pano, P. Chevrel, F. Claveau, F. Mars. Driver Model Validation through Interaction with Varying Levels of Haptic Guidance. In SMC 2020: IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, octobre 2020, Toronto, Canada.
    • [356] Y. Zhao, P. Chevrel, F. Claveau, F. Mars. Towards a Driver Model to Clarify Cooperation Between Drivers and Haptic Guidance Systems. In SMC 2020: IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, octobre 2020, Toronto, Canada.
    • [357] J. Li, S. Ling, J. Wang, P. Le Callet. A Probabilistic Graphical Model for Analyzing the Subjective Visual Quality Assessment Data from Crowdsourcing. In MM '20: The 28th ACM International Conference on Multimedia, octobre 2020, Seattle WA USA, états-Unis.
    • [358] O. Aouedi, K. Piamrat, D. Bagadthey. A Semi-supervised Stacked Autoencoder Approach for Network Traffic Classification. In 2020 IEEE 28th International Conference on Network Protocols (ICNP), octobre 2020, Madrid, Espagne.
    • [359] S. Ling, J. Wang, W. Huang, Y. Guo, L. Zhang, Y. Jing, P. Le Callet. A Subjective Study of Multi-Dimensional Aesthetic Assessment for Mobile Game Image. In MM '20: The 28th ACM International Conference on Multimedia, octobre 2020, Seattle WA USA, états-Unis.
    • [360] S. Ling, Y. Baveye, D. Nandakumar, S. Sethuraman, P. Le Callet. Towards Better Quality Assessment of High-Quality Videos. In MM '20: The 28th ACM International Conference on Multimedia, octobre 2020, Seattle WA USA, états-Unis.
    • [361] F. Khorram, J. Mottu, G. Sunyé. Challenges & Opportunities in Low-Code Testing. In ACM/IEEE 23rd International Conference on Model Driven Engineering Languages and Systems (MODELS ’20 Companion), octobre 2020, Virtual, Canada.
    • [362] M. Abid, M. Perreira Da Silva, P. Le Callet. Perceptual Characterization of 3D Graphical Contents based on Attention Complexity Measures. In Workshop QoEVMA ‘20, part of MM '20: The 28th ACM International Conference on Multimedia, octobre 2020, Seattle WA USA, états-Unis.
    • [363] A. Djerioui, A. Houari, M. Machmoum, T. Mesbahi, M. Ghanes. Cascade GW Controllers for Speed Ripple Minimization at Low Speed Operation of PMSM Drives for EV. In IECON 2020 - 46th Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society, octobre 2020, Singapore, Singapour.
    • [364] A. Niati, C. Selma, D. Tamzalit, H. Bruneliere, N. Mebarki, O. Cardin. Towards a Digital Twin for Cyber-Physical Production Systems: A Multi-Paradigm Modeling Approach in the Postal Industry. In ACM/IEEE 23rd International Conference on Model Driven Engineering Languages and Systems (MODELS '20 Companion), octobre 2020, Virtual Event, Canada.
    • [365] J. Lagha, J. Béchennec, S. Faucou, O. Roux. Toward an Exact Simulation Interval for Multiprocessor Real-Time Systems Validation. In VALID 2020, The Twelfth International Conference on Advances in System Testing and Validation Lifecycle, octobre 2020, Lisbon, Portugal.
    • [366] Z. Cheng, M. Tisi, J. Hotonnier. Certifying a Rule-Based Model Transformation Engine for Proof Preservation. In ACM/IEEE 23rd International Conference on Model Driven Engineering Languages and Systems, octobre 2020, Montreal, Canada.
    • [367] J. Philippe, H. Coullon, M. Tisi, G. Sunyé. Towards Transparent Combination of Model Management Execution Strategies for Low-Code Development Platforms. In 23rd ACM/IEEE International Conference on Model Driven Engineering Languages and Systems: Companion Proceedings, octobre 2020, Montreal (Virtually), Canada.
    • [368] M. Sharbaf, B. Zamani, G. Sunyé. A Formalism for Specifying Model Merging Conflicts. In System Analysis and Modelling (SAM) conference, octobre 2020, Virtual Event, Canada.
    • [369] S. Dominguez, G. Garcia, A. Hamon, V. Frémont. Longitudinal Dynamics Model Identification of an Electric Car Based on Real Response Approximation. In 2020 IEEE Intelligent Vehicles Symposium (IV), octobre 2020, Las Vegas, états-Unis.
    • [370] T. Lambert, D. Guyon, S. Ibrahim. Rethinking Operators Placement of Stream Data Application in the Edge. In CIKM 2020- 29th ACM International Conference on Information and Knowledge Management, octobre 2020, Dublin, Irlande.
    • [371] A. Caubrière, Y. Estève, A. Laurent, E. Morin. Confidence measure for speech-to-concept end-to-end spoken language understanding. In Interspeech 2020, octobre 2020, Shangaï, Chine.
    • [372] E. Gabory, M. Chollet. Investigating the Influence of Sound Design for Inducing Anxiety in Virtual Public Speaking. In ICMI 2020 Workshop on Social affective multimodal interaction for health, octobre 2020, Utrecht (Virtual), Pays-Bas.
    • [373] F. Fusco, O. Kermorgant, P. Martinet. Integrating Features Acceleration in Visual Predictive Control. In IROS 2020 - IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems, octobre 2020, Las Vegas / Virtual, états-Unis.
    • [374] M. Abid, M. Perreira, P. Le Callet. Towards Visual Saliency Computation on 3D Graphical Contents for Interactive Visualization. In 2020 IEEE International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP), octobre 2020, Abu Dhabi, émirats arabes unis.
    • [375] R. Dubois, A. Eudes, J. Moras, V. Frémont. Dense Decentralized Multi-robot SLAM based on locally consistent TSDF submaps. In IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS 2020), octobre 2020, Las Vegas, états-Unis.
    • [376] E. Paquet, B. Furet, S. Garnier, S. Le Loch, A. Bernard. Solutions de simulation numérique de l'impression 3d de matériaux expansifs pour la réalisation de pièces de très grandes dimensions. In NAFEMS FRANCE 2020, novembre 2020, Paris, France.
    • [377] J. Aimonier-Davat, H. Skaf-Molli, P. Molli. How to execute SPARQL property path queries online and get complete results?. In 4rth Workshop on Storing, Querying and Benchmarking the Web of Data (QuWeDa 2020) Workshop at ISWC2020, novembre 2020, Virtual, Grèce.
    • [378] A. Queudet, M. Chetto. Energy-aware Aperiodic Task Servers for Firm Real-time Energy harvesting Systems. In IEEE International Conference on Green Computing and Communications, novembre 2020, Rhodes Island, Grèce.
    • [379] D. Saingre, T. Ledoux, J. Menaud. BCTMark: a framework for benchmarking blockchain technologies. In AICCSA 2020 - 17th IEEE/ACS International Conference on Computer Systems and Applications, novembre 2020, Antalya, Turquie.
    • [380] S. Sayadi, E. Geffard, M. Südholt, N. Vince, P. Gourraud. Distributed Contextualization of Biomedical Data: a case study in precision medicine. In AICCSA 2020 - 17th IEEE/ACS International Conference on Computer Systems and Applications, novembre 2020, Antalya, Turquie.
    • [381] E. Cadorel, H. Coullon, J. Menaud. Online Multi-User Workflow Scheduling Algorithm for Fairness and Energy Optimization. In CCGrid2020 : 20th International Symposium on Cluster, Cloud and Internet Computing, novembre 2020, Melbourne, Australie.
    • [382] E. Kamal, E. Thau, B. Marinescu, G. Denis. Robust Constrained Controller Design for HVDC Link Embedded in a Large-scale AC Grid. In 2020 Electrical Power and Energy Conference, novembre 2020, Edmonton, Alberta (virtual), Canada.
    • [383] E. Thau, E. Kamal, B. Marinescu, G. Denis. EMT Implementation and Validation of MPC for VSC-HVDC Embedded in AC Meshed Grid. In 2020 Electrical Power and Energy Conference, novembre 2020, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada.
    • [384] H. Ngo, E. Kamal, B. Marinescu, F. Xavier. Robust H∞ Decentralized Control Design for HVDC Link Embedded in a Large-scale AC Grid. In 2020 Electrical Power and Energy Conference, novembre 2020, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada.
    • [385] J. Chopin, J. Fasquel, H. Mouchère, R. Dayot, I. Bloch. Semantic image segmentation based on spatial relationships and inexact graph matching. In International Conference on Image Processing Theory, Tools and Applications (IPTA), novembre 2020, Paris, France.
    • [386] M. Kouki, B. Marinescu, F. Xavier. Exhaustive Modal Analysis of InterconnectedEuropean Power System. In 2020 IEEE Electric Power and Energy Conference (EPEC), novembre 2020, Edmonton, AB, Canada.
    • [387] Y. Xing, E. Kamal, B. Marinescu, F. Xavier. Robust H ∞ Dynamic Output-feedback Control of Power Oscillation Damped via VSC-HVDC Transmission Systems. In 2020 Electrical Power and Energy Conference, novembre 2020, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada.
    • [388] E. Capawa Fotsoh, P. Castagna, N. Mebarki, P. Berruet. MODULARITY OF RMS: WHAT ABOUT THE AGGREGATION?. In 13ème CONFERENCE INTERNATIONALE DE MODELISATION, OPTIMISATION ET SIMULATION (MOSIM2020, novembre 2020, AGADIR (virtuel), Maroc.
    • [389] H. Rezaei, N. Bostel, V. Hovelaque, O. Péton. A finance driven supply chain network design model. In MOSIM 2020 : 13th International Conference on Modeling, Optimization and Simulation, novembre 2020, Agadir (virtuel), Maroc.
    • [390] I. Slama, O. Ben-Ammar, A. Dolgui. Modélisation et optimisation du problème de planification de type RMRP. In MOSIM'20 : 13eme Conference Francophone de Modelisation, Optimisation et Simulation, novembre 2020, Agadir, Maroc.
    • [391] M. Mohammadi, S. Thevenin, A. Dolgui. Multi-period Multi-item Lot sizing under Random Yield and Stochastic Capacity. In 13th International Conference on Modeling, Optimization and Simuation - MOSIM'20, novembre 2020, Agadir (en ligne), Maroc.
    • [393] P. François. De la réalité matérielle à la réalité virtuelle : nouvelles sources et nouveau regard sur les marionnettes des théâtres de la Foire. La Salle.. In Représentations(s). Cultures visuelles des spectacles marginaux (XVIIIe-XIXe siècles), novembre 2020, Lausanne, Suisse.
    • [394] T. Béziers La Fosse, M. Tisi, J. Mottu, G. Sunyé. Annotating Executable DSLs with Energy Estimation Formulas. In SLE 2020 - Software Language Engineering, novembre 2020, Chicago, Illinois / Virtual, états-Unis.
    • [395] A. Bitaillou, B. Parrein, G. Andrieux. New results on Q-routing protocol for wireless networks. In EAI ADHOCNETS 2020, novembre 2020, Paris, France.
    • [396] P. .S.A, F. Belkadi, C. da Cunha, A. Chriette, A. Bernard. A semantic interface model to support the integration of drones in a cyber-physical factory. In International conference on Interoperability for Enterprise Systems and Applications, novembre 2020, Tarbes, France.
    • [397] H. Tan, L. Nurahmi, B. Pramujati, S. Caro. On the Reconfiguration of Cable-Driven Parallel Robots with Multiple Mobile Cranes. In The 5th International Conference on Robotics and Automation Engineering, novembre 2020, Singapore, Singapour.
    • [398] G. Rigatos, G. Cuccurullo, P. Siano, M. Hamida, M. Abbaszadeh. A nonlinear optimal control approach for distributed marine-turbine power generation units. In INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE OF NUMERICAL ANALYSIS AND APPLIED MATHEMATICS ICNAAM 2019, novembre 2020, Rhodes, France.
    • [399] G. Rigatos, G. Cuccurullo, P. Siano, M. Hamida, M. Abbaszadeh. Nonlinear optimal control for the industrial crystallization process. In INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE OF NUMERICAL ANALYSIS AND APPLIED MATHEMATICS ICNAAM 2019, novembre 2020, Rhodes, France.
    • [400] S. Labouesse, J. Idier, A. Sentenac, T. Mangeat. Uniqueness of the Random Illumination Microscopy Variance Equation. In International Traveling Workshop on Interactions between low-complexity data models and Sensing Techniques, décembre 2020, Online, France.
    • [401] T. Nguyen, C. Soussen, J. Idier, E. Djermoune. Exact recovery analysis of non-negative orthogonal greedy algorithms. In International Traveling Workshop on Interactions between low-complexity data models and Sensing Techniques, iTWIST 2020, décembre 2020, Nantes, France.
    • [402] E. Carcreff, M. Polichetti, F. Varray, N. Laroche, B. Nicolas. Real-time ultrasonic imaging with a nonlinear beamformer based on p-th root compression. In Forum Acusticum, décembre 2020, Lyon, France.
    • [404] J. Petiot, S. Denjean, S. Villa, E. Diaz. Design of warning sounds using an Interactive Genetic Algorithm. In Forum Acusticum, décembre 2020, Lyon, France.
    • [405] J. Picaut, A. Can, N. Fortin, J. Ardouin, M. Lagrange. Low-cost sensors for noise monitoring networks: a review. In Forum Acusticum, décembre 2020, Lyon, France.
    • [406] N. Laroche, E. Carcreff, J. Idier, A. Duclos, S. Bourguignon. An inverse problem framework for ultrasonic imaging in attenuative and dispersive media. In Forum Acusticum, décembre 2020, Lyon, France.
    • [407] A. Hazem, B. Daille, L. Chevalier, D. Stutzmann, C. Kermorvant. Hierarchical Text Segmentation for Medieval Manuscripts. In COLING'2020 The 28th International Conference on Computational Linguistics, décembre 2020, Barcelona, Espagne.
    • [408] C. Yang, I. Taralova, J. Loiseau, S. El-Assad. A Stream Cipher Based on Fractional Pseudo Chaotic Random Number Generator. In 2020 15th International Conference for Internet Technology and Secured Transactions (ICITST), décembre 2020, London, Royaume-Uni.
    • [409] S. Sakka, H. Penhoat. (im)mobilités : voyages entre réalité et imaginaires, du robot au paysage. In La Brachylogie et la Cité, décembre 2020, Tunis, Tunisie.
    • [410] N. Sanchez-Pi, L. Marti, A. Abreu, O. Bernard, C. de Vargas, D. Eveillard, A. Maass, P. Marquet, J. Sainte-Marie, J. Salomon, M. Schoenauer, M. Sebag. Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning and Modeling for Understanding the Oceans and Climate Change. In NeurIPS 2020 Workshop - Tackling Climate Change with Machine Learning, décembre 2020, Santiago / Virtual, Chili.
    • [411] D. Koung, I. Fantoni, O. Kermorgant, L. Belouaer. Consensus-based formation control and obstacle avoidance for nonholonomic multi-robot system. In International Conference on Control, Automation, Robotics and Vision (ICARCV), décembre 2020, Shenzhen, Chine.
    • [412] D. Pérez-Morales, O. Kermorgant, S. Domínguez-Quijada, P. Martinet. Multi-Sensor-Based Predictive Control for Autonomous Parking in Presence of Pedestrians. In ICARCV 2020 - 16th International Conference on Control, Automation, Robotics and Vision, décembre 2020, Shenzhen, Chine.
    • [413] A. Khezri, H. Haddou Benderbal, L. Benyoucef, A. Dolgui. Diagnosis on Energy and Sustainability of Reconfigurable Manufacturing System (RMS) Design: A Bi-level Decomposition Approach. In 2020 IEEE International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management (IEEM), décembre 2020, Singapour, Singapour.
    • [414] M. Yagoubi, R. Chaibi. A Nonsmooth Newton Method for the Design of State Feedback Stabilizers under Structure Constraints. In CDC 2020: 59th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, décembre 2020, Jeju, Corée du Sud.
    • [415] S. Marx, L. Brivadis, D. Astolfi. Forwarding design for stabilization of a coupled transport equation-ODE with a cone-bounded input nonlinearity. In 59th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, décembre 2020, Jeju Island, Corée du Sud.
    • [416] R. Koutsiamanis, G. Papadopoulos, B. Quoitin, N. Montavont. A Centralized Controller for Reliable and Available Wireless Schedules in Industrial Networks. In MSN 2020 : 16th International Conference on Mobility, Sensing and Networking, décembre 2020, Virtual, Japon.
    • [417] D. Chablat, W. Zhao, A. Pashkevich, A. Klimchik. Mechanics of compliant serial manipulator composed of dual-triangle segments. In 3rd International Conference on Control and Robots, décembre 2020, Tokyo, Japon.
    • [418] A. Hirschowitz, T. Hirschowitz, A. Lafont. Modules over monads and operational semantics. In 5th International Conference on Formal Structures for Computation and Deduction (FSCD 2020), 2020, Paris, France.In Zena M. Ariola (éds.), . Schloss Dagstuhl--Leibniz-Zentrum für Informatik, 2020.
    • [419] J. Petit, C. Charron, F. Mars. A pilot study on the dynamics of online risk assessment by the passenger of a self-driving car among pedestrians. In 22nd International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction, juillet 2020, Copenhagen, Danemark.In Krömker H. (éds.), . Springer, 2020.
    • [420] H. Haddou Benderbal, A. Dolgui, A. Yelles-Chaouche. A Digital Twin Modular Framework for Reconfigurable Manufacturing Systems. In APMS 2020: Advances in Production Management Systems. Towards Smart and Digital Manufacturing, août 2020, Novi Sad, Serbie.In Bojan Lalic (éds.), . Springer International Publishing, 2020.
    • [421] I. Slama, O. Ben-Ammar, A. Dolgui, F. Masmoudi. A Stochastic Model for a Two-Level Disassembly Lot-Sizing Problem Under Random Lead Time. In IFIP International Conference on Advances in Production Management Systems (APMS), août 2020, Novi Sad, Serbie.In Bojan Lalic (éds.), . Springer International Publishing, 2020.
    • [422] S. Hashemi-Petroodi, S. Thevenin, S. Kovalev, A. Dolgui. The Impact of Dynamic Tasks Assignment in Paced Mixed-Model Assembly Line with Moving Workers. In APMS 2020: Advances in Production Management Systems. Towards Smart and Digital Manufacturing, août 2020, Novi Sad, Serbie.In Bojan Lalic (éds.), . Springer International Publishing, 2020.
    • [423] A. Hien, S. Loudni, N. Aribi, Y. Lebbah, M. Laghzaoui, A. Ouali, A. Zimmermann. A Relaxation-based Approach for Mining Diverse Closed Patterns. In Machine Learning and Knowledge Discovery in Databases - European Conference, {ECML} {PKDD} 2020, septembre 2020, Ghent (virtual), Belgique.In Frank Hutter (éds.), . Springer, 2020.
    • [424] G. Conte, A. Perdon, E. Zattoni, C. Moog, E. Scharbarg. Invariance and Controlled Invariance in Switching Structured Systems with Application to Disturbance Decoupling. In 9th International Conference on Mechatronics and Control Engineering (ICMCE), juillet 2020, Rome, Italie.In IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering ; éd. IOP Publishing, 2020, vol. 922, num. 1.

Conférences nationales avec comité de lecture et actes (COMM_NAT)

    • [425] B. Moreau, N. Terpolilli, P. Serrano-Alvarado. SemanticBot: Intégration Semi-Automatique de Données au Web des Données. In Atelier Web des Données (AWD) dans EGC, janvier 2020, Bruxelles, Belgique.
    • [426] C. Fourcade, G. Santini, L. Ferrer, C. Rousseau, M. Colombié, M. Campone, M. Rubeaux, D. Mateus. Active Organs Segmentation in Metastatic Breast Cancer Images combining Superpixels and Deep Learning Methods. In NTHS - Nuclear Technology for Health Symposium, février 2020, Nantes, France.
    • [427] L. Morvan, T. Carlier, D. Mateus. The Limitations of Deep Learning: A Focus on Survival Analysis with PET Images.. In 4th Nuclear Technologies for Health Symposium (NTHS 2020), février 2020, Nantes, France.
    • [428] A. Yelles-Chaouche, E. Gurevsky, A. Dolgui, N. Brahimi. Optimizing task reassignments in the design of reconfigurable manufacturing lines. In 21st Congress of the French Society of Operations Research and Decision Aid (ROADEF 2020), février 2020, Montpellier, France.
    • [429] D. Dumez, K. Olkis, S. Irnich, F. Lehuédé, O. Péton, C. Tilk. Renforcements de la recherche à voisinage large pour les problèmes de tournées de véhicules généralisés. In ROADEF 2020 : 21ème Congrès Annuel de la Société Française de Recherche Opérationnelle et d’Aide à la Décision, février 2020, Montpellier, France.
    • [430] F. Larroche, O. Bellenguez, G. Massonnet. Approche de résolution d'un problème industriel de lot-sizing avec réglages dépendant de la séquence. In ROADEF 2020 : 21ème Congrès Annuel de la Société Française de Recherche Opérationnelle et d’Aide à la Décision, février 2020, Montpellier, France.
    • [431] S. Thevenin, O. Ben-Ammar, N. Brahimi. A Robust Approach for the Joint Lot-Sizing and Supplier Selection. In ROADEF 2020 : 21ème Congrès Annuel de la Société Française de Recherche Opérationnelle et d’Aide à la Décision, février 2020, Montpellier, France.
    • [432] X. Schepler, A. Dolgui, E. Gurevsky, A. Rossi. Résolution du problème de bin-packing robuste par un algorithme de branch-and-price. In 21ème Congrès Annuel de la Société Française de Recherche Opérationnelle et d’Aide à la Décision (ROADEF 2020), février 2020, Montpellier, France.
    • [433] I. Slama, O. Ben-Ammar, A. Dolgui, F. Masmoudi. Newsboy problem with two-level disassembly system and stochastic lead time. In Congrès Annuel de la Société Française de Recherche Opérationnelle et d'Aide à la Décision (ROADEF 2020), mars 2020, Montpellier, France.
    • [434] R. Ben Mhenni, S. Bourguignon, J. Ninin. Algorithme branch-and-bound pour l’approximation parcimonieuse en traitement du signal et en statistiques. In 20è conférence ROADEF, avril 2020, Montpellier, France.
    • [435] G. Jouis, H. Mouchère, F. Picarougne, A. Hardouin. Tour d’horizon autour de l’explicabilité des modèles profonds. In Rencontres des Jeunes Chercheur·ses en Intelligence Artificielle (RJCIA 2020), juin 2020, Angers, France.
    • [436] J. Chopin, J. Fasquel, H. Mouchère, I. Bloch, R. Dahyot. Méthode d’analyse sémantique d’images combinant apprentissage profond et relations structurelles par appariement de graphes. In Rencontres des Jeunes Chercheur·ses en Intelligence Artificielle (RJCIA 2020), juin 2020, Angers, France.
    • [437] T. Gomez, H. Mouchère, T. Fréour, M. Feyeux. Apprentissage profond appliqué à la classification d’images microscopiques embryonnaires. In Rencontres des Jeunes Chercheur·ses en Intelligence Artificielle (RJCIA 2020), juin 2020, Angers, France.
    • [438] B. Moreau, P. Serrano-Alvarado, M. Perrin, E. Desmontils. Modéliser la Compatibilité Entre les Licences. In 31es Journées francophones d'Ingénierie des Connaissances (IC), juin 2020, Angers, France.
    • [439] Z. Touati. Mixité professionnelle : images et représentations genrées dans les médias et les contenus numériques.. In Normes sociales de mixité professionnelle, septembre 2020, Nantes, France.
    • [440] T. Lagos Jenschke, G. Papadopoulos, R. Koutsiamanis, N. Montavont. Stratégies d'ancêtre commun pour les réseaux RPL multi-chemins. In CORES 2020 - 5ème Rencontres Francophones sur la Conception de Protocoles, l’Evaluation de Performance et l’EXpérimentation des Réseaux de Communication, septembre 2020, Lyon, France.
    • [441] A. Suzanne, G. Raschia, J. Martinez. Temporal Aggregation of Spanning Event Stream: A General Framework (Abstract). In 36ème Conférence sur la Gestion de Données – Principes, Technologies et Applications.BDA 2020, octobre 2020, Conférence virtuelle, France.
    • [442] B. Moreau, P. Serrano-Alvarado. Ensuring License Compliance in Federated Query Processing. In 36ème Conférence sur la Gestion de Données – Principes, Technologies et Applications (BDA 2020), octobre 2020, (Online), France.
    • [443] A. Caubrière, S. Rosset, Y. Estève, A. Laurent, E. Morin. Où en sommes-nous dans la reconnaissance des entités nommées structurées à partir de la parole ?. In 6e conférence conjointe Journées d'Études sur la Parole (JEP, 33e édition), Traitement Automatique des Langues Naturelles (TALN, 27e édition), Rencontre des Étudiants Chercheurs en Informatique pour le Traitement Automatique des Langues (RÉCITAL, 22e édition). Volume 1 : Journées d'Études sur la Parole, 2020, Nancy, France.In Benzitoun, Christophe (éds.), . ATALA, 2020.
    • [444] S. Elguendouze. Simplification de textes : un état de l’art. In 6e conférence conjointe Journées d'Études sur la Parole (JEP, 33e édition), Traitement Automatique des Langues Naturelles (TALN, 27e édition), Rencontre des Étudiants Chercheurs en Informatique pour le Traitement Automatique des Langues (RÉCITAL, 22e édition). Volume 3 : Rencontre des Étudiants Chercheurs en Informatique pour le TAL, juin 2020, Nancy, France.In Benzitoun, Christophe (éds.), . ATALA, 2020.

Brevets (BRE)

    • [445] D. Placko, J. Barbot, S. Gourlaouen, A. Rivollet. Procédé de simulation d'un flux dans lequel est plongée une structure. N° brevet : FR3084939.
    • [446] M. Kneveler, A. Girin, S. Caro. Mobile Platform for Cable-Driven Parallel Robot, Cable-Driven Parallel Robot, Installation and Method for Draping using such a Robot. N° brevet : US 2020/0001552 A1.
    • [447] A. Messali, M. Ghanes, M. Koteich. Procédé d'estimation de la vitesse et de la position d'un rotor d'une machine synchrone à rotor bobine. N° brevet : FR3083863.
    • [448] S. Kerkeni, F. Rongere, B. Penin, S. Caro. Système de largage et de récuperation d'un objet en un point d’une étendue d’eau, procéde de largage ét procédé de récuperation d’un objet. N° brevet : FR2002346.
    • [449] A. Messali, M. Ghanes, M. Koteich. Procédé de détermination de la position et de la vitesse du rotor d'une machine électrique synchrone à rotor bobine. N° brevet : FR3084222.
    • [450] S. Bonnet, B. Furet, G. Gallot, S. Garnier. Systeme de Bras Robot, et Procédé pour Emettre un Signal d'information en Cas de Détection d'un Etat Critique dans Ledit Système de Bras Robot. N° brevet : FR3086571A1; WO2020064991A1.
    • [451] A. Roos, S. Caro, D. Chablat. A Mobile X-Ray Imaging System Including a Parallel Robotic Structure. N° brevet : US 10,820,871 B1.

Ouvrages - Chapitres d‘ouvrages et directions d‘ouvrages (OUV)

    • [452] A. Kalouguine, C. Chevallereau, S. Dalibard, Y. Aoustin. Periodic walking motion of a Humanoid robot based on human data. In EuCoMeS 2020 New Trends in Mechanism and Machine Science. EuCoMeS 2020. Mechanisms and Machine Science. 2020
    • [453] B. Confais, A. Lebre, B. Parrein. A Fog storage software architecture for the Internet of Things. In Advances in Edge Computing: Massive Parallel Processing and Applications. 2020
    • [454] G. Michel, D. Salunkhe, D. Chablat, P. Bordure. A new RCM mechanism for an ear and facial surgical application. In Advances in Service and Industrial Robotics. 2020
    • [455] H. Boisaubert, C. Sinoquet. Machine learning and combinatorial optimization to detect gene-gene interactions in genome-wide real data: looking through the prism of four methods and two protocols. In Biomedical Engineering Systems and Technologies, 12th International Joint Conference, BIOSTEC2019, Czech Republic, Prague, 22-24 february, Extended Selected Papers, Communication in Computer and Information Science, A. Fred and H. Gamboa (eds.), Springer, 29 pages. 2020
    • [456] M. Jahjah. Du "Web 2.0" à "Candide 2.0" : programmes, maîtres et communautés de vérité en terre impensée. In Pascal Robert (dir.), L'impensé numérique (2). 2020
    • [457] M. Langard, Y. Aoustin, V. Arakelian, D. Chablat. Investigation of the stresses exerted by an exosuit of a human arm. In Advanced Technologies in Robotics and Intelligent Systems, Mechanisms and Machine Science 80.. 2020
    • [458] P. Castagliola, K. Tran, G. Celano, P. Maravelakis. The Shewhart Sign Chart with Ties: Performance and Alternatives. In Distribution-Free Methods for Statistical Process Monitoring and Control. 2020
    • [459] P. Wenger, M. Furet. Kinematic analysis of a planar manipulator with anti-parallelogram joints and offsets. In Advances in Robot Kinematics. 2020
    • [460] S. Benferhat, P. Leray, K. Tabia. Belief Graphical Models for Uncertainty representation and reasoning. In A Guided Tour of Artificial Intelligence Research, volume II: AI Algorithms. 2020
    • [461] V. Muralidharan, P. Wenger, M. Furet. Static analysis and design strategy of two antagonistically actuated joints. In New Trends in Mechanism and Machine Science. 2020
    • [462] Z. Xu, M. Harzallah, F. Guillet, R. Ichise. Towards a Term Clustering Framework for Modular Ontology Learning. In Knowledge Discovery, Knowledge Engineering and Knowledge Management. 2020
    • [463] S. Ghazaryan, M. Harutyunyan, N. Zakaryan, V. Arakelian. Design Concepts for Human Walking and Sitting Wearable Exoskeletons. In In: Misyurin S., Arakelian V., Avetisyan A. (eds) Advanced Technologies in Robotics and Intelligent Systems. Mechanisms and Machine Science, vol 80. Springer,. 02-01-2020
    • [464] V. Arakelian, J. Geng. Design of High-Speed Manipulators via Optimal Control of the Acceleration of the Total Mass Center. In In: Misyurin S., Arakelian V., Avetisyan A. (eds) Advanced Technologies in Robotics and Intelligent Systems. Mechanisms and Machine Science, vol 80. Springer. 02-01-2020
    • [465] Y. Zhang, V. Arakelian. Legged Walking Robots: Design Concepts and Functional Particularities. In In.: Misyurin S., Arakelian V., Avetisyan A. (eds) Advanced Technologies in Robotics and Intelligent Systems. Mechanisms and Machine Science, vol 80. Springer,. 02-01-2020
    • [466] Y. Briheche, F. Barbaresco, F. Bennis, D. Chablat. Branch-and-Bound Method for Just-in-Time Optimization of Radar Search Patterns. In Nature-Inspired Methods for Metaheuristics Optimization. 18-01-2020
    • [470] D. Ivanov, B. Sokolov, A. Dolgui. Introduction to Scheduling in Industry 4.0 and Cloud Manufacturing Systems. In Scheduling in Industry 4.0 and Cloud Manufacturing. 09-06-2020
    • [471] D. Ivanov, B. Sokolov, F. Werner, A. Dolgui. Proactive Scheduling and Reactive Real-Time Control in Industry 4.0. In Scheduling in Industry 4.0 and Cloud Manufacturing. 09-06-2020
    • [472] J. Geng, V. Arakelian, D. Chablat. Shaking Force Balancing of the Orthoglide. In In: Zeghloul S., Laribi M., Sandoval Arevalo J. (eds) Advances in Service and Industrial Robotics. RAAD 2020. Mechanisms and Machine Science, vol 84. Springer. 19-06-2020
    • [473] A. Issa Alaa Aldine, M. Harzallah, G. Berio, N. Béchet, A. Faour. DHPs: Dependency Hearst’s Patterns for Hypernym Relation Extraction. In Knowledge Discovery, Knowledge Engineering and Knowledge Management. 26-06-2020
    • [474] E. Picard, S. Caro, F. Plestan, F. Claveau. Stiffness Oriented Tension Distribution Algorithm for Cable-Driven Parallel Robots. In In : Lenarcic J., Siciliano B. (eds) Advances in Robot Kinematics 2020. ARK 2020. Springer Proceedings in Advanced Robotics. 28-06-2020
    • [475] J. Geng, V. Arakelian. Partial Shaking Force Balancing of 3-RRR Parallel Manipulators by Optimal Acceleration Control of the Total Center of Mass. In In: Kecskeméthy A., Geu Flores F. (eds) Multibody Dynamics 2019. ECCOMAS 2019. Computational Methods in Applied Sciences, vol 53. Springer. 28-06-2020
    • [476] C. Lourdais, E. Poirson, L. Ma. Emotional Responses to Health Data Visualization. In Human-Computer Interaction. Human Values and Quality of Life. 10-07-2020
    • [477] V. Guda, D. Chablat, C. Chevallereau. Safety in a Human Robot Interactive: Application to Haptic Perception. In Virtual, Augmented and Mixed Reality. Design and Interaction. 10-07-2020
    • [478] S. Venkateswaran, D. Chablat. Singularity and workspace analysis of 3-SPS-U and 4-SPS-U tensegrity mechanisms. In Advances in Robot Kinematics 2020. 18-07-2020
    • [479] J. Chang, W. Wang, D. Chablat, F. Bennis. Evaluating the Effect of Crutch-using on Trunk Muscle Loads. In 22nd International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction. 20-07-2020
    • [480] G. Michel, P. Bordure, R. Jha, S. Venkateswaran, D. Chablat. Joint space and workspace analysis of a 2-DOF Spherical Parallel Mechanism. In New Trends in Mechanism and Machine Science. 21-08-2020
    • [481] E. Capawa Fotsoh, N. Mebarki, P. Castagna, P. Berruet, F. Gamboa. Towards a Reference Model for Configuration of Reconfigurable Manufacturing System (RMS). In Advances in Production Management Systems. The Path to Digital Transformation and Innovation of Production Management Systems. 25-08-2020
    • [482] A. Grall, H. Skaf-Molli, P. Molli, M. Perrin. Collaborative SPARQL Query Processing for Decentralized Semantic Data. In Database and Expert Systems Applications - 31st International Conference, {DEXA} 2020, Bratislava, Slovakia, September 14-17, 2020, Proceedings, Part {I}. 14-09-2020
    • [484] N. Pedemonte, T. Rasheed, D. Marquez-Gamez, P. Long, . Hocquard, F. Babin, C. Fouché, G. Caverot, A. Girin, S. Caro. FASTKIT: A Mobile Cable-Driven Parallel Robot for Logistics. In Advances in Robotics Research: From Lab to Market. 18-09-2020
    • [486] L. Morvan, C. Nanni, A. Michaud, B. Jamet, C. Bailly, C. Bodet-Milin, S. Chauvie, C. Touzeau, P. Moreau, E. Zamagni, F. Kraeber-Bodéré, T. Carlier, D. Mateus. Learned Deep Radiomics for Survival Analysis with Attention. In Predictive Intelligence in Medicine (PRIME) 2020, Held in Conjunction with MICCAI 2020, Lima, Peru. 01-10-2020
    • [487] N. Najid, P. Castagna, K. Kouiss. System Engineering-Based Methodology to Design Reconfigurable Manufacturing Systems. In Reconfigurable Manufacturing Systems: From Design to Implementation. 20-10-2020
    • [488] O. Bordron, C. Huneau, E. Le Carpentier, Y. Aoustin. Human squat motion: joint torques estimation with a 3D model and a sagittal model. In New trends in medical and service robotics (Springer). 11-11-2020
    • [490] F. Makssoud, O. Battaïa, A. Dolgui. Multi-objective Approach and Model for Transfer Line Reconfigurations. In Reconfigurable Manufacturing Systems: From the Design to Implementation. 2020
    • [491] J. Petiot, D. Blumenthal, E. Poirson. Interactive Genetic Algorithm to Collect User Perceptions. Application to the Design of Stemmed Glasses. In Nature-Inspired Methods for Metaheuristics Optimization. 2020
    • [492] O. Battaïa, L. Benyoucef, X. Delorme, A. Dolgui, S. Thevenin. Sustainable and Energy Efficient Reconfigurable Manufacturing Systems. In Reconfigurable Manufacturing Systems: From Design to Implementation. 2020
    • [493] F. Alexandre, L. Amgoud, C. Bessiere, J. Bonnefon, T. Cazenave, R. Chatila, A. Cornuejols, F. Cuppens, S. Destercke, B. Daille, D. Dubois, J. Euzenat, J. Ganascia, M. Ghallab, M. Geist, A. Herzig, S. Konieczny, F. Koriche, J. Lang, F. Maris, P. Marquis, N. Maudet, E. Mephu-Nguifo, J. Nicolas, C. Pelachaud, V. Perchet, H. Prade, M. Rousset, P. Saint Dizier, F. Saubion, C. Solnon, K. Tabia, T. van de Cruys, C. Vrain, C. Wolf. L’intelligence Artificielle: De quoi s’agit-il vraiment ?. 01-01-2020
    • [494] D. Chablat, G. Moroz, F. Rouillier, P. Wenger. Using Maple to analyse parallel robots. In Maple in Mathematics Education and Research. 28-02-2020
    • [495] P. Marangé, D. Lemoine, A. Aubry, S. Himmiche, S. Norre, C. Bloch, J. Pétin. Coupling robust optimization and Model-Checking techniques for robust scheduling in the context of Industry 4.0. In Scheduling in Industry 4.0 and Cloud Manufacturing. 06-2020
    • [496] S. Caro, J. Merlet. Failure Analysis of a Collaborative 4-1 Cable-Driven Parallel Robot. In In: Pisla D., Corves B., Vaida C. (eds) New Trends in Mechanism and Machine Science. EuCoMeS 2020. Mechanisms and Machine Science. 21-08-2020
    • [497] A. Cerqueus, X. Delorme, A. Dolgui. Analysis of the Scalability for Different Configurations of Lines. In Reconfigurable Manufacturing Systems: From Design to Implementation. 20-10-2020

Theses et HDR (THESE)

    • [499] S. Bourguignon. Modèles et algorithmes dédiés pour la résolution de problèmes inverses parcimonieux en traitement du signal et de l'image.
    • [506] Y. Wang. Evaluating and modeling the energy impacts of data centers, in terms of hardware / software architecture and associated environment. Thèses : Ecole nationale supérieure Mines-Télécom Atlantique.
    • [507] R. Bao. Modélisation formelle de systèmes de drones civils à l'aide de méthodes probabilistes paramétrées. Thèses : Université de Nantes.
    • [509] S. Levilly. Quantification de biomarqueurs hémodynamiques en imagerie cardiovasculaire par résonance magnétique de flux 4D. Thèses : École centrale de Nantes.
    • [515] D. Schnebelen. Étude et modélisation des stratégies visuelles en situation de conduite automobile autonome. Thèses : Université de Nantes.
    • [516] F. Khenfri. Optimisation holistique pour la configuration d’une architecture logicielle embarquée : application au standard AUTOSAR. Thèses : UNiversité de Nantes.
    • [517] R. Gaboriau. Les ateliers Rob'Autisme : Le robot extension comme médiation thérapeutique auprès des personnes présentant un trouble du spectre autistique.. Thèses : École centrale de Nantes.
    • [518] I. Slama. Modélisation et optimisation de problème de planification de désassemblage dans un environnement incertain. Thèses : Ecole nationale supérieure Mines-Télécom Atlantique, Université de Sfax (Tunisie). Faculté des Sciences économiques et de gestion, .
    • [520] E. Cadorel. Energy-aware management of scientific workflows in the Cloud : a Cloud provider-centric vision. Thèses : Ecole nationale supérieure Mines-Télécom Atlantique.
    • [525] M. Furet. Analyse cinéto-statique de mécanismes de tenségrité : Application à la modélisation de cous d'oiseaux et de manipulateurs bio-inspirés. Thèses : École centrale de Nantes.
    • [527] M. Chardet. Reconciling parallelism expressivity and separation of concerns in reconfiguration of distributed systems. Thèses : Ecole nationale supérieure Mines-Télécom Atlantique.
    • [528] R. Ling. Design of resilient networked control systems. Thèses : Ecole nationale supérieure Mines-Télécom Atlantique, Zhejiang University (Hangzhou, Chine), .
    • [529] Z. Wang. Decision-aid in machining based on business rules and unsupervised machine learning. Thèses : Université de Nantes (1962-2021).

Autres publications (AUTRES)

    • [537] F. Picard, M. Ferro, A. Cleynen, M. Doumic, X. Duchemin, G. Fertin, J. Filee, P. Juin, R. Koszul, R. Laboissiere, D. Lavenier, T. Malliavin, A. Monari, I. Nondier, F. Peyrin, P. Pouget, D. Vallenet, R. Vanrullen, S. Vezian, A. Walczak. Rapport de conjoncture 2019 : CID 51 Modélisation mathématique, informatique et physique pour les sciences du vivant. Rapport technique, 2020 ; Comité national de la recherche scientifique.
    • [538] R. Cherrueau, M. Delavergne, A. Lebre, J. Rojas Balderrama, M. Simonin. Edge Computing Resource Management System: Two Years Later!. Rapport technique, 2020 ; Inria Rennes Bretagne Atlantique.
    • [539] A. Bauskar, A. da Silva, A. Lebre, C. Mommessin, P. Neyron, Y. Ngoko, Y. Ricordel, D. Trystram, A. van Kempen. Investigating Placement Challenges in Edge Infrastructures through a Common Simulator (extended version). Rapport technique, 2020 ; INRIA.
    • [540] D. Espinel Sarmiento, A. Lebre, L. Nussbaum, A. Chari. Decentralized SDN Control Plane for a Distributed Cloud-Edge Infrastructure: A Survey. Rapport technique, 2020 ; INRIA.
    • [541] R. Garcia, A. Volkova, A. Goldsztejn. Design of optimal multiplierless digital filters. Rapport technique, 2020 ; Université de Nantes.
    • [542] P. Molli, H. Skaf-Molli, A. Grall. SemCat: Source Selection Services for Linked Data. Rapport technique, 2020 ; université de Nantes.
    • [543] V. Muralidharan. Wrench-feasible workspace and stiffness characteristics of revolute and antiparallelogram tensegrity joints. Rapport technique, 2020 ; LS2N, Université de Nantes, Ecole Centrale de Nantes (ECN), .
    • [545] A. Bitaillou, B. Parrein, G. Andrieux. Routage et apprentissage par renforcement. In Journées non thématiques GDR-RSD 2020, janvier 2020, Nantes, France.
    • [546] M. Perera, K. Piamrat, S. Hamma. Network Traffic Classification using Machine Learning for Software Defined Networks. In Journées non thématiques GDR-RSD 2020, janvier 2020, Nantes, France.
    • [547] O. Aouedi, K. Piamrat, B. Parrein. Network Feature Selection based on Machine Learning for Resource Management. In GDR-RSD, janvier 2020, Nantes, France.
    • [548] D. Deuff, E. Coronado, I. Milleville-Pennel, I. Ocnarescu, G. Venture. Un robot dans les foyers. In Drôles d'objets - Un nouvel art de faire, avril 2020, La Rochelle, France.
    • [549] S. Gassama, N. Philippe, K. Akhmadeev, L. Souquières, A. Houssein, S. Moussaoui, D. Laplaud, P. Gourraud. The Rise of Connected Tools in Medicine : Evaluating Neurological Deficits in Lower Limbs With The MYO Armband in Multiple Sclerosis Patients. In 2020 Annual Meeting of American Academy of Neurology, avril 2020, Toronto, Canada.
    • [550] M. Chollet, T. Massachi, S. Scherer. Etude de l'influence du comportement d'un public virtuel sur le stress ressenti lors de prises de paroles simulées. In Workshop sur les Affects, Compagnons artificiels et Interactions, juin 2020, Saint Pierre d'Oléron, France.
    • [551] N. Fourati, M. Chollet. Vers un système de production de feedbacks personnalisé pour l'entraînement de la prise de parole en public. In Workshop sur les Affects, Compagnons artificiels et Interactions, juin 2020, Saint Pierre d'Oléron, France.
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