Publication de la collection HAL LS2N pour 2018
Nombre de publications retournées : 737ART_INT | ART_NAT | COMM_INT | COMM_NAT | OUV | BRE | THESE | AUTRES |
230 | 4 | 342 | 35 | 46 | 10 | 40 | 30 |
Revues internationales avec comité de lecture (ART_INT)
- [1] A. Bessam, T. Otmane-Cherif, M. Ghanes, I. Koussaila. A passivity-based controller for coordination of converters in a fuel cell system used in hybrid electric vehicle propelled by two seven phase induction motor. In International Journal of Hydrogen Energy ; éd. Elsevier, 2018.
- [2] A. Bougouin, F. Boudin, B. Daille. Modélisation à base de graphe pour l’indexation en domaines de spécialité.. In Recherche d’Information, Document et Web Sémantique ; éd. ISTE OpenScience, 2018, vol. 1, num. 1.
- [3] A. Coutrot, R. Silva, E. Manley, W. de Cothi, S. Sami, V. Bohbot, J. Wiener, C. Hölscher, R. Dalton, M. Hornberger, H. Spiers. Global Determinants of Navigation Ability. In Current Biology - CB ; éd. Elsevier, 2018, vol. 28, num. 17.
- [4] A. Dolgui, D. Ivanov, B. Sokolov. Ripple effect in the supply chain: an analysis and recent literature. In International Journal of Production Research ; éd. Taylor & Francis, 2018, vol. 56, num. 1-2.
- [5] A. Dolgui, N. Bakhtadze, V. Pyatetsky, R. Sabitov, G. Smirnova, D. Elpashev, E. Zakharov. Data Mining-Based Prediction of Manufacturing Situations. In IFAC-PapersOnLine ; éd. Elsevier, 2018, vol. 51, num. 11.
- [6] A. Dolgui, S. Kovalev, M. Kovalyov, S. Malyutin, A. Soukhal. Optimal workforce assignment to operations of a paced assembly line. In European Journal of Operational Research ; éd. Elsevier, 2018, vol. 264, num. 1.
- [7] A. Ferdjoukh, F. Galinier, E. Bourreau, A. Chateau, C. Nebut. Measurement and Generation of Diversity and Meaningfulness in Model Driven Engineering. In International Journal On Advances in Software ; éd. IARIA, 2018, vol. 11, num. 1/2.
- [8] A. Gerasimenko, M. Ritou, V. Godreau, B. Furet. Monitoring of trimming operation for lightweight composite structure. In Procedia CIRP ; éd. ELSEVIER, 2018, vol. 72.
- [9] A. Klimchik, A. Pashkevich, D. Chablat. MSA-technique for stiffness modeling of manipulators with complex and hybrid structures. In IFAC-PapersOnLine ; éd. Elsevier, 2018, vol. 51, num. 22.
- [10] A. Klimchik, A. Pashkevich. Robotic manipulators with double encoders: accuracy improvement based on advanced stiffness modeling and intelligent control. In IFAC-PapersOnLine ; éd. Elsevier, 2018, vol. 51, num. 11.
- [11] A. Klimchik, A. Pashkevich. Stiffness modelling of serial under-constrained manipulators using matrix structural analysis. In IFAC-PapersOnLine ; éd. Elsevier, 2018, vol. 51, num. 11.
- [12] A. Martin, S. Caro, P. Cardou. Design of a Cable-Driven Parallel Robot with Grasping Device. In Procedia CIRP ; éd. ELSEVIER, 2018, vol. 70.
- [13] A. Moyon, E. Poirson, J. Petiot. Experimental study of the physical impact of a passive exoskeleton on manual sanding operations. In Procedia CIRP ; éd. ELSEVIER, 2018, vol. 70.
- [14] A. Nayak, S. Caro, P. Wenger. Comparison of 3-[PP]S Parallel Manipulators based on their Singularity Free Orientation Workspace, Parasitic Motions and Complexity. In Mechanism and Machine Theory ; éd. Elsevier, 2018, vol. 129.
- [15] A. Negash, S. Labouesse, P. Chaumet, K. Belkebir, H. Giovannini, M. Allain, J. Idier, A. Sentenac. Two-photon speckle illumination for super-resolution microscopy. In Journal of the Optical Society of America. A Optics, Image Science, and Vision ; éd. Optical Society of America, 2018, vol. 35, num. 6.
- [16] A. Rakitzis, P. Castagliola, P. Maravelakis. Cumulative sum control charts for monitoring geometrically inflated Poisson processes: An application to infectious disease counts data. In Statistical Methods in Medical Research ; éd. SAGE Publications, 2018, vol. 27, num. 2.
- [17] A. Saadi, M. Oussalah, A. Henni. An Approach for Managing the Dynamic Reconfiguration of Software Architectures. In International Journal of Computational Science and Engineering ; éd. Inderscience, 2018, vol. 17, num. 2.
- [18] B. Daille, S. Barreaux, A. Bougouin, F. Boudin, D. Cram, A. Hazem. Indexation d’articles scientifiques. Présentation et résultats du défi fouille de textes DEFT 2016. In Recherche d’Information, Document et Web Sémantique ; éd. ISTE OpenScience, 2018, vol. 1, num. 1.
- [19] C. Guéret, F. Lehuédé, J. Mendoza, O. Péton, M. Sevaux. Introduction to the special issue on advances in vehicle routing and logistics optimization: heuristics. In EURO Journal on Transportation and Logistics ; éd. Springer, 2018, vol. 7, num. 2.
- [20] C. Rabreau, J. Kekula, M. Ritou, M. Sulitka, J. Shim, S. Loch, B. Furet. Influence of bearing kinematics hypotheses on ball bearing heat generation. In Procedia CIRP ; éd. ELSEVIER, 2018, vol. 77.
- [21] D. Andreev, S. Petrakieva, I. Taralova. A Novel Approach for Protection of Accounts' Names against Hackers Combining Cluster Analysis and Chaotic Theory. In Journal of Internet Technology and Secured Transactions (JITST) ; éd. Infonomics Society, 2018.
- [22] D. Cortés-Borda, E. Wimmer, B. Gouilleux, E. Barré, N. Oger, L. Goulamaly, L. Péault, B. Charrier, C. Truchet, P. Giraudeau, M. Rodriguez-Zubiri, E. Le Grognec, F. Felpin. An Autonomous Self-Optimizing Flow Reactor for the Synthesis of Natural Product Carpanone. In Journal of Organic Chemistry ; éd. American Chemical Society, 2018, vol. 83, num. 23.
- [23] D. Ivanov, S. Sethi, A. Dolgui, B. Sokolov. A survey on control theory applications to operational systems, supply chain management, and Industry 4.0. In Annual Reviews in Control ; éd. Elsevier, 2018, vol. 46.
- [24] D. Mourtzis, E. Vlachou, V. Zogopoulos, R. Gupta, F. Belkadi, A. Debbache, A. Bernard. Customer feedback gathering and management tools for product-service system design. In Procedia CIRP ; éd. ELSEVIER, 2018, vol. 67.
- [25] D. Tlalolini, M. Ritou, C. Rabréau, S. Le Loch, B. Furet. Modeling and characterization of an electromagnetic system for the estimation of Frequency Response Function of spindle. In Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing ; éd. Elsevier, 2018, vol. 104.
- [26] E. Sanfilippo. Ontological foundations for feature-based modeling. In Procedia CIRP ; éd. ELSEVIER, 2018, vol. 70.
- [27] F. Aldukali, Y. Shtessel, F. Plestan. Impulsive second-order sliding mode control in reduced information environment. In International Journal of Robust and Nonlinear Control ; éd. Wiley, 2018, vol. 28, num. 8.
- [28] F. Belkadi, M. Colledani, A. Bernard, M. Urgo, G. Colombo, G. Borzi, A. Ascheri. Modular design of production systems tailored to regional market requirements: A Frugal Innovation perspective. In IFAC-PapersOnLine ; éd. Elsevier, 2018, vol. 51, num. 11.
- [29] G. Daniel, G. Sunyé, J. Cabot. Advanced Prefetching and Caching of Models with PrefetchML. In Software and Systems Modeling ; éd. Springer Verlag, 2018.
- [30] G. Fertin, I. Rusu, S. Vialette. The S-labeling problem: An algorithmic tour. In Discrete Applied Mathematics ; éd. Elsevier, 2018, vol. 246.
- [31] G. Wu, S. Bai, S. Caro. A Transmission Quality Index for a Class of Four-limb Parallel Schönflies Motion Generators. In Journal of Mechanisms and Robotics ; éd. American Society of Mechanical Engineers, 2018, vol. 10, num. 5.
- [32] I. Bennis, H. Fouchal, K. Piamrat, M. Ayaida. Efficient queuing scheme through cross-layer approach for multimedia transmission over WSNs. In Computer Networks ; éd. Elsevier, 2018, vol. 134.
- [33] J. Béchennec, M. Brun, S. Faucou, L. Givel, O. Roux. Testing real-time systems with runtime enforcement. In IEEE Design & Test ; éd. IEEE, 2018.
- [34] J. Saturno, B. Holanda, C. Pöhlker, F. Ditas, Q. Wang, D. Moran-Zuloaga, J. F. de Brito, S. Carbone, Y. Cheng, X. Chi, J. Ditas, T. Hoffmann, I. Hrabe de Angelis, T. Könemann, J. Lavrič, N. Ma, J. Ming, H. Paulsen, M. Pöhlker, L. Rizzo, P. Schlag, H. Su, D. Walter, S. Wolff, Y. Zhang, P. Artaxo, U. Pöschl, M. Andreae. Black and brown carbon over central Amazonia: long-term aerosol measurements at the ATTO site. In Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics ; éd. European Geosciences Union, 2018, vol. 18, num. 17.
- [35] K. Schemeleva, X. Delorme, A. Dolgui. Evaluation of solution approaches for a stochastic lot-sizing and sequencing problem. In International Journal of Production Economics ; éd. Elsevier [1991-....], 2018, vol. 199.
- [36] L. Manzano, J. Abaline, S. Acounis, N. Beaupère, J. Beney, J. Bert, S. Bouvier, P. Briend, J. Butterworth, T. Carlier, H. Chanal, M. Cherel, J. Cussonneau, M. Dahoumane, S. Diglio, D. Giovagnoli, J. Idier, F. Kraeber-Bodere, F. Lefevre, O. Lemaire, P. Le Ray, S. Manen, J. Masbou, H. Mathez, E. Morteau, N. Pillet, L. Royer, M. Staempflin, J. Stutzmann, R. Vandaele, L. Virone, D. Visvikis, Y. Xing, Y. Zhu, D. Thers. XEMIS2: A liquid xenon detector for small animal medical imaging. In Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment ; éd. Elsevier, 2018, vol. 912.
- [37] L. Qu, M. Khoo, P. Castagliola, Z. He. Exponential cumulative sums chart for detecting shifts in time-between-events. In International Journal of Production Research ; éd. Taylor & Francis, 2018, vol. 56, num. 10.
- [38] L. Rodriguez Pelliere, C. da Cunha. Impacts of big data analytics and absorptive capacity on sustainable supply chain innovation: a conceptual framework. In LogForum, vol. 14. 2018
- [39] M. Bentaha, A. Dolgui, O. Battaïa, R. Riggs, J. Hu. Profit-oriented partial disassembly line design: dealing with hazardous parts and task processing times uncertainty. In International Journal of Production Research ; éd. Taylor & Francis, 2018, vol. 56, num. 24.
- [40] M. Gherari, A. Amirat, M. Oussalah, L. Ridda. MC-Sim: a mobile cloud simulation toolkit based on CloudSim. In International Journal of Computer Applications in Technology ; éd. Inderscience, 2018.
- [41] M. Hoarau, C. Charron, F. Mars. Revealing misleading schemes through operator activity analysis: A factory case study. In Human Factors and Ergonomics in Manufacturing and Service Industries ; éd. Wiley, 2018, vol. 28.
- [42] M. Maleki, A. Amiri, A. Taheriyoun, P. Castagliola. Phase I monitoring and change point estimation of autocorrelated poisson regression profiles. In Communications in Statistics - Theory and Methods ; éd. Taylor & Francis, 2018, vol. 47, num. 24.
- [43] M. Razzaq, L. Paulevé, A. Siegel, J. Saez-Rodriguez, J. Bourdon, C. Guziolowski. Computational Discovery of Dynamic Cell Line Specific Boolean Networks from Multiplex Time-Course Data. In PLoS Computational Biology ; éd. PLOS, 2018, vol. 14.
- [44] O. Kermorgant. A magnetic climbing robot to perform autonomous welding in the shipbuilding industry. In Robotics and Computer-Integrated Manufacturing ; éd. Elsevier, 2018, vol. 53.
- [45] P. Djondiné, J. Barbot, M. Ghanes. Comparison of Sliding Mode and Petri Nets Control for Multicellular Chopper. In International Journal of Nonlinear Science ; éd. World Academic Press, 2018, vol. 25, num. 2.
- [46] P. Djondiné, J. Barbot, M. Ghanes. Stability study and dynamical analysis of the multicellular chopper. In International Journal of Simulation and Process Modelling ; éd. Inderscience, 2018, vol. 13, num. 5.
- [47] P. Long, C. Chevallereau, D. Chablat, A. Girin. An industrial security system for human-robot coexistence. In Industrial Robot: An International Journal ; éd. Emerald, 2018, vol. 45, num. 2.
- [48] P. Poullain, E. Paquet, S. Garnier, B. Furet. On site deployment of 3D printing for the building construction – The case of YhnovaTM. In MATEC Web of Conferences ; éd. EDP sciences, 2018, vol. 163.
- [49] R. Jha, D. Chablat, L. Baron. Influence of Design Parameters on the Singularities and Workspace of a 3-RPS Parallel Robot. In Transactions of the Canadian Society for Mechanical Engineering ; éd. Canadian Society for Mechanical Engineering, 2018, vol. 42, num. 1.
- [50] R. Tito, S. Chaffron, C. Caenepeel, G. Lima-Mendez, J. Wang, S. Vieira-Silva, G. Falony, F. Hildebrand, Y. Darzi, L. Rymenans, C. Verspecht, P. Bork, S. Vermeire, M. Joossens, J. Raes. Population-level analysis of Blastocystis subtype prevalence and variation in the human gut microbiota. In Gut ; éd. BMJ Publishing Group, 2018.
- [51] S. Devie, P. Robet, Y. Aoustin, M. Gautier. Estimation of the External Force for a Co-Manipulation Task Using the Drive Chain Robot. In International Journal of Mechanical and Mechatronics Engineering ; éd. World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology, 2018, vol. 12, num. 10.
- [52] S. Lessanibahri, P. Cardou, S. Caro. Parasitic Inclinations in Cable-Driven Parallel Robots using Cable Loops. In Procedia CIRP ; éd. ELSEVIER, 2018, vol. 70.
- [53] S. Saha, M. Khoo, M. Lee, P. Castagliola. A side-sensitive modified group runs double sampling (SSMGRDS) control chart for detecting mean shifts. In Communications in Statistics - Simulation and Computation ; éd. Taylor & Francis, 2018, vol. 47, num. 5.
- [54] S. Thiriet-Rupert, G. Carrier, C. Trottier, D. Eveillard, B. Schoefs, G. Bougaran, J. Cadoret, B. Chénais, B. Saint-Jean. Identification of transcription factors involved in the phenotype of a domesticated oleaginous microalgae strain of Tisochrysis lutea. In Algal Research - Biomass, Biofuels and Bioproducts ; éd. Elsevier, 2018, vol. 30.
- [55] V. Arakelian, J. Geng, A. Fomin. Minimizing the inertial loads of flat manipulators of a parallel structure through optimal control. In Проблемы машиностроения и надежности машин, num. 4. 2018
- [56] V. Bondarenko, S. Petrakieva, I. Taralova, D. Andreev. Forecasting Time Series for Power Consumption Data in Different Buildings Using the Fractional Brownian Motion. In International Journal of Circuits, Systems and Signal Processing ; éd. North Atlantic University Union, 2018.
- [57] V. Gibert, F. Plestan, L. Burlion, J. Boada, A. Chriette. Visual estimation of deviations for the civil aircraft landing. In Control Engineering Practice ; éd. Elsevier, 2018, vol. 75.
- [58] V. Léchappé, E. Moulay, F. Plestan. Prediction-based control for LTI systems with uncertain time-varying delays and partial state knowledge. In International Journal of Control ; éd. Taylor & Francis, 2018, vol. 91, num. 6.
- [59] V. Léchappé, E. Moulay, F. Plestan. Prediction-based control of LTI systems with input and output time-varying delays. In Systems and Control Letters ; éd. Elsevier, 2018, vol. 112.
- [60] V. Léchappé, J. de Leon, E. Moulay, F. Plestan, A. Glumineau. Delay and state observation for SISO nonlinear systems with input delay. In International Journal of Robust and Nonlinear Control ; éd. Wiley, 2018, vol. 28, num. 6.
- [61] W. Yeong, S. Lim, M. Khoo, P. Castagliola. Monitoring the coefficient of variation using a variable parameters chart. In Quality Engineering ; éd. Taylor & Francis, 2018, vol. 30, num. 2.
- [62] Y. Briheche, F. Barbaresco, F. Bennis, D. Chablat. Optimization of Radar Search Patterns in Localized Clutter and Terrain Masking under Direction-Specific Scan Update Rates Constraints. In IET Radar Sonar and Navigation ; éd. Institution of Engineering and Technology, 2018.
- [63] Y. Zhang, A. Bernard. A KBE CAPP framework for qualified additive manufacturing. In CIRP Annals - Manufacturing Technology ; éd. Elsevier, 2018, vol. 67, num. 1.
- [64] Z. Cheng, M. Tisi. Slicing ATL Model Transformations for Scalable Deductive Verification and Fault Localization. In International Journal on Software Tools for Technology Transfer ; éd. Springer Verlag, 2018, vol. 20, num. 6.
- [65] Z. Yahouni, N. Mebarki, F. Belkadi, A. Shahzad, A. Bernard. Human-machine cooperation in planning and scheduling: a case study on an unstable environment. In European Journal of Industrial Engineering ; éd. Inderscience, 2018, vol. 12, num. 6.
- [66] Z. Yahouni, N. Mebarki, Z. Sari. Tardiness minimization heuristic for job shop scheduling under uncertainties using group sequences. In International Journal of Intelligent Engineering Informatics ; éd. Inderscience Publishers, 2018.
- [67] . Kotta, C. Moog, M. Tõnso. Remarks on realization of time-varying systems. In Proceedings of the Estonian Academy of Sciences ; éd. Estonian Academy Publishers, 2018, vol. 67, num. 3.
- [68] A. Mostefaoui, H. Moumen, M. Raynal. Randomized k -set agreement in crash-prone and Byzantine asynchronous systems. In Theoretical Computer Science ; éd. Elsevier, 2018, vol. 709.
- [69] C. Mehl, J. Idier, B. Fiorina. Evaluation of deconvolution modelling applied to numerical combustion. In Combustion Theory and Modelling ; éd. Taylor & Francis, 2018, vol. 22, num. 1.
- [70] E. Arafailova, N. Beldiceanu, H. Simonis. Deriving generic bounds for time-series constraints based on regular expressions characteristics. In Constraints ; éd. Springer Verlag, 2018, vol. 23, num. 1.
- [71] G. Le Meur, P. Lebranchu, F. Billaud, O. Adjali, S. Schmitt, S. Bézieau, Y. Péréon, R. Valabregue, C. Ivan, C. Darmon, P. Moullier, F. Rolling, M. Weber. Safety and Long-Term Efficacy of AAV4 Gene Therapy in Patients with RPE65 Leber Congenital Amaurosis. In Molecular Therapy ; éd. Cell Press, 2018, vol. 26, num. 1.
- [72] J. Idier, S. Labouesse, M. Allain, P. Liu, S. Bourguignon, A. Sentenac. On the super-resolution capacity of imagers using unknown speckle illuminations. In IEEE Transactions on Computational Imaging ; éd. IEEE, 2018, vol. 4, num. 1.
- [73] R. Bourcier, S. Le Scouarnec, S. Bonnaud, M. Karakachoff, E. Bourcereau, S. Heurtebise-Chrétien, C. Menguy, C. Dina, F. Simonet, A. Moles, C. Lenoble, P. Lindenbaum, S. Chatel, B. Isidor, E. Génin, J. Deleuze, J. Schott, H. Le Marec, G. Loirand, H. Desal, R. Redon, B. Daumas-Duport, J. Connault, P. Lebranchu, T. Le Tourneau, P. Viarouge, C. Papagiannaki, M. Piotin, H. Redjem, M. Mazighi, J. Desilles, O. Naggara, D. Trystram, M. Edjlali-Goujon, C. Rodriguez, W. Ben Hassen, S. Saleme, C. Mounayer, O. Levrier, P. Aguettaz, X. Combaz, A. Pasco, E. Berthier, M. Bintner, M. Molho, P. Gauthier, C. Chivot, V. Costalat, C. Darganzil, A. Bonafé, A. Januel, C. Michelozzi, C. Cognard, F. Bonneville, P. Tall, J. Darcourt, A. Biondi, C. Iosif, E. Pomero, J. Ferré, J. Gauvrit, F. Eugène, H. Raoult, J. Gentric, J. Ognard, R. Anxionnat, S. Bracard, A. Derelle, R. Tonnelet, L. Spelle, L. Ikka, R. Fahed, A. Rouchaud, A. Ozanne, J. Caroff, N. Ben Achour, J. Moret, E. Chabert, J. Berge, G. Marnat, X. Barreau, F. Gariel, F. Clarençon, M. Aggour, F. Ricolfi, A. Chavent, P. Thouant, P. Lebidinsky, B. Lemogne, D. Herbreteau, R. Bibi, L. Pierot, S. Soize, M. Labeyrie, C. Vandendries, E. Houdart, A. Kazemi, X. Leclerc, J. Pruvo, S. Gallas, S. Velasco. Rare Coding Variants in ANGPTL6 Are Associated with Familial Forms of Intracranial Aneurysm. In American Journal of Human Genetics ; éd. Elsevier (Cell Press), 2018, vol. 102, num. 1.
- [74] R. Gupta, F. Belkadi, C. Buergy, F. Bitte, C. da Cunha, J. Buergin, G. Lanza, A. Bernard. Gathering, evaluating and managing customer feedback during aircraft production. In Computers & Industrial Engineering ; éd. Elsevier, 2018, vol. 115.
- [75] T. Mohammadridha, M. Aït-Ahmed, L. Chaillous, M. Krempf, I. Guilhem, J. Poirier, C. Moog. Model Free iPID Control for Glycemia Regulation of Type-1 Diabetes. In IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering ; éd. Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, 2018, vol. 65, num. 1.
- [76] D. Six, S. Briot, A. Chriette, P. Martinet. The Kinematics, Dynamics and Control of a Flying Parallel Robot with Three Quadrotors. In IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters ; éd. IEEE, 2018, vol. 3, num. 1.
- [77] H. Zhang, A. Pizzi, X. Zhou, X. Lu, Z. Wang. The study of linear vibrational welding of moso bamboo. In Journal of Adhesion Science and Technology ; éd. Taylor & Francis, 2018, vol. 32, num. 1.
- [78] M. Kermadi, S. Moussaoui, A. Taieb Brahimi, M. Feliachi. Defect localization and characterization in Eddy current nondestructive testing by change detection and global optimization. In COMPEL: The International Journal for Computation and Mathematics in Electrical and Electronic Engineering ; éd. Emerald, 2018, vol. 37, num. 2.
- [79] S. Kilens, D. Meistermann, D. Moreno, C. Chariau, A. Gaignerie, A. Reignier, Y. Lelièvre, M. Casanova, C. Vallot, S. Nedellec, L. Flippe, J. Firmin, J. Song, E. Charpentier, J. Lammers, A. Donnart, N. Marec, W. Deb, A. Bihouée, C. Le Caignec, C. Pecqueur, R. Redon, P. Barriere, J. Bourdon, V. Pasque, M. Soumillon, T. Mikkelsen, C. Rougeulle, T. Freour, L. David, M. Intérieur Consortium. Parallel derivation of isogenic human primed and naive induced pluripotent stem cells. In Nature Communications ; éd. Nature Publishing Group, 2018, vol. 9, num. 1.
- [80] C. Le Jeune, F. Chebli, L. Leon, E. Anthoine, M. Weber, A. Péchereau, P. Lebranchu. Reliability and reproducibility of disc-foveal angle measurements by non-mydriatic fundus photography. In PLoS ONE ; éd. Public Library of Science, 2018, vol. 13, num. 1.
- [81] J. Li, J. Wang, M. Barkowsky, P. Le Callet. Exploring the effects of subjective methodology on assessing visual discomfort in immersive multimedia. In Journal of Electronic Imaging ; éd. SPIE and IS&T, 2018, vol. 2018, num. 14.
- [82] P. Le Callet, E. David, M. Perreira da Silva, P. Lebranchu. How are ocular behaviours affected by central and peripheral vision loss? A study based on artificial scotomas and gaze-contingent paradigm.. In Journal of Electronic Imaging ; éd. SPIE and IS&T, 2018, vol. 2018, num. 14.
- [83] S. Ling, P. Le Callet, Z. Yu. The Role of Structure and Textural Information in Image Utility and Quality Assessment Tasks. In Journal of Electronic Imaging ; éd. SPIE and IS&T, 2018, vol. 2018, num. 14.
- [84] A. Jovanović, D. Lime, O. Roux. A game approach to the parametric control of real-time systems. In International Journal of Control ; éd. Taylor & Francis, 2018.
- [85] A. Dolgui, M. Tiwari, Y. Sinjana, S. Kumar, Y. Son. Optimising integrated inventory policy for perishable items in a multi-stage supply chain. In International Journal of Production Research ; éd. Taylor & Francis, 2018, vol. 56, num. 1-2.
- [86] A. Dolgui. Leading scholars in Production Research for the 55th volume anniversary of IJPR. In International Journal of Production Research ; éd. Taylor & Francis, 2018, vol. 56, num. 1-2.
- [87] A. Dolgui, M. Kovalyov, A. Quilliot. Simple paths with exact and forbidden lengths. In Naval Research Logistics ; éd. Wiley-Blackwell, 2018, vol. 65, num. 1.
- [88] A. Mesaros, T. Heittola, E. Benetos, P. Foster, M. Lagrange, T. Virtanen, M. Plumbley. Detection and Classification of Acoustic Scenes and Events: Outcome of the DCASE 2016 Challenge. In IEEE/ACM Transactions on Audio, Speech and Language Processing ; éd. Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, 2018, vol. 26, num. 2.
- [89] C. Chevallereau, H. Razavi, D. Six, Y. Aoustin, J. Grizzle. Self-synchronization and Self-stabilization of 3D Bipedal Walking Gaits. In Robotics and Autonomous Systems ; éd. Elsevier, 2018, vol. 100.
- [90] H. Le Capitaine. Constraint selection in metric learning. In Knowledge-Based Systems ; éd. Elsevier, 2018.
- [91] J. Gao, A. Bernard. An overview of knowledge sharing in new product development. In International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology ; éd. Springer Verlag, 2018, vol. 94, num. 5-8.
- [92] M. Ammar, M. Mitrea, M. Hasnaoui, P. Le Callet. MPEG-4 AVC stream-based saliency detection: application to robust watermarking. In Signal Processing: Image Communication ; éd. Elsevier, 2018, vol. 60.
- [93] O. Bellenguez-Morineau, D. Prot. A survey on how the structure of precedence constraints may change the complexity class of scheduling problems. In Journal of Scheduling ; éd. Springer Verlag, 2018, vol. 21, num. 1.
- [94] R. Giraldo, S. Dabo-Niang, S. Martinez. Statistical modeling of spatial big data: An approach from a functional data analysis perspective. In Statistics and Probability Letters ; éd. Elsevier, 2018, vol. 136.
- [95] Y. Bian, D. Lemoine, T. Yeung, N. Bostel, V. Hovelaque, J. Viviani, F. Gayraud. A dynamic lot-sizing-based profit maximization discounted cash flow model considering working capital requirement financing cost with infinite production capacity. In International Journal of Production Economics ; éd. Elsevier [1991-....], 2018, vol. 196.
- [96] S. Briot, A. Goldsztejn. Topology Optimization of Industrial Robots: Application to a Five-bar Mechanism. In Mechanism and Machine Theory ; éd. Elsevier, 2018, vol. 120.
- [97] L. Tao, D. Wu, S. Liu, A. Dolgui. Optimal due date quoting for a risk-averse decision-maker under CVaR. In International Journal of Production Research ; éd. Taylor & Francis, 2018, vol. 56, num. 5.
- [98] M. Tomić, K. Jovanović, C. Chevallereau, V. Potkonjak, A. Rodić. Toward optimal mapping of human dual-arm motion to humanoid motion for tasks involving contact with the environment. In International Journal of Advanced Robotic Systems ; éd. InTech, 2018, vol. 15, num. 1.
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