Publications for the collection HAL LS2N for 2022
Total of the publications found : 619International journals with reviewing committee (ART_INT)
- [1] A. Desormiere, L. Gzara, J. Bigeon, L. Nguyen-Thê. Hierarchical Clustering of Power Models for circuits design. In Procedia Computer Science ; éd. Elsevier, 2022, vol. 204.
- [2] A. Menasria, M. Oussalah, A. Abdelkrim, H. Bahi. Software Connector as Software Process. In International Journal of Simulation and Process Modelling ; éd. Inderscience, 2022, vol. Vol. 16.
- [3] A. Régimbeau, M. Budinich, A. Larhlimi, J. Pierella Karlusich, O. Aumont, L. Mémery, C. Bowler, D. Eveillard. Contribution of genome‐scale metabolic modelling to niche theory. In Ecology Letters ; éd. Wiley, 2022, vol. 25, num. 6.
- [4] A. Saadi, Y. Hammal, M. Oussalah. Automata-Based Approach to Manage Self-Adaptive Component-Based. In International Journal of Software Innovation ; éd. IGI Global, 2022, vol. 10, num. 22.
- [5] A. Yelles-Chaouche, E. Gurevsky, N. Brahimi, A. Dolgui. Minimizing task reassignments under balancing multi-product reconfigurable manufacturing lines. In Computers & Industrial Engineering, vol. 173. 2022
- [6] B. Farraa, R. Abbou, J. Loiseau. Predictive Feedback Control for Inventory Systems Subject to Delays and Constraints. In IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control ; éd. Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, 2022.
- [7] B. Marinescu, O. Gomis-Bellmunt, F. Dorfler, H. Schulte, L. Sigrist. Dynamic Virtual Power Plant: A New Concept for Grid Integration of Renewable Energy Sources. In IEEE Access ; éd. IEEE, 2022, vol. 10.
- [8] B. Pano, P. Chevrel, F. Claveau, C. Sentouh, F. Mars. Obstacle avoidance in highly automated cars: can progressive haptic shared control make it safer and smoother?. In IEEE Transactions on Human-Machine Systems ; éd. IEEE, 2022, vol. 52, num. 4.
- [9] B. Pascal, R. Bardenet. A covariant, discrete time-frequency representation tailored for zero-based signal detection. In IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing ; éd. Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, 2022, vol. 70.
- [10] C. Ed-Driouch, F. Mars, P. Gourraud, C. Dumas. Addressing the Challenges and Barriers to the Integration of Machine Learning into Clinical Practice: An Innovative Method to Hybrid Human–Machine Intelligence. In Sensors ; éd. MDPI, 2022, vol. 22, num. 21.
- [11] C. Gauzente, P. Kuntz, A. Milliat, Y. Roy. Q sorting dynamics - A note on a computer-mediated tool and its added value to Q-methodology. In Operant Subjectivity - The international Journal of Q Methodology ; éd. International Society for the Scientific Study of Subjectivity, 2022, vol. 43.
- [12] C. Gonnermann, S. Hashemi-Petroodi, S. Thevenin, A. Dolgui, R. Daub. A skill- and feature-based approach to planning process monitoring in assembly planning. In International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology ; éd. Springer Verlag, 2022, vol. 122, num. 5-6.
- [13] D. Förster, L. Liberti, A. Mucherino, J. Lin, T. Malliavin, J. Idier. Low-resolution description of the conformational space for intrinsically disordered proteins. In Scientific Reports ; éd. Nature Publishing Group, 2022.
- [14] D. Justeau-Allaire, C. Prud'Homme. Global domain views for expressive and cross-domain constraint programming. In Constraints ; éd. Springer Verlag, 2022, vol. 27, num. 1-2.
- [15] D. Saingre, T. Ledoux, J. Menaud. Measuring performances and footprint of blockchains with BCTMark: a case study on Ethereum smart contracts energy consumption. In Cluster Computing ; éd. Springer Verlag, 2022, vol. 25, num. 4.
- [16] D. Sandic-Stankovic, D. Kukolj, P. Le Callet. Quality Assessment of DIBR-Synthesized Views Based on Sparsity of Difference of Closings and Difference of Gaussians. In IEEE Transactions on Image Processing ; éd. Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, 2022, vol. 31.
- [17] E. Gurevsky, A. Rasamimanana, A. Pirogov, A. Dolgui, A. Rossi. Stability factor for robust balancing of simple assembly lines under uncertainty. In Discrete Applied Mathematics, vol. 318. 2022
- [18] E. Gurevsky, D. Kopelevich, S. Kovalev, M. Kovalyov. Min‐sum controllable risk problems with concave risk functions of the same value range. In Networks, vol. 79, num. 1. 2022
- [19] E. Kamal, L. Adouane. Optimized EMS and a Comparative Study of Hybrid Hydrogen Fuel Cell/Battery Vehicles. In Energies ; éd. MDPI, 2022, vol. 15, num. 3.
- [20] E. Maleki, F. Belkadi, A. Bernard. A conceptual framework for through-life services in industrial machinery. In Procedia CIRP ; éd. ELSEVIER, 2022, vol. 109.
- [21] E. Maleki, M. Le Dain, L. Gzara, F. Belkadi, A. Bernard. Factors influencing the integration of product and service design in Product-Service System development. In Computer-Aided Design and Applications ; éd. CAD Solutions LLC (imprimé) and Taylor & Francis Online (en ligne), 2022.
- [22] E. Moulay, V. Léchappé, E. Bernuau, F. Plestan. Robust fixed-time stability: application to sliding mode control. In IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control ; éd. Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, 2022, vol. 67, num. 2.
- [23] E. Scharbarg, J. Greck, E. Le Carpentier, L. Chaillous, C. Moog. A metamodel-based flexible insulin therapy for type 1 diabetes patients subjected to aerobic physical activity. In Scientific Reports ; éd. Nature Publishing Group, 2022, vol. 12, num. 1.
- [24] F. Abdoune, M. Nouiri, O. Cardin, P. Castagna. An enhanced methodology of Fault Detection and Diagnosis based on Digital Twin. In IFAC-PapersOnLine ; éd. Elsevier, 2022, vol. 55, num. 19.
- [25] F. Abdoune, M. Nouiri, O. Cardin, P. Castagna. Integration of Artificial Intelligence in the life cycle of industrial Digital Twins. In IFAC-PapersOnLine ; éd. Elsevier, 2022, vol. 55, num. 10.
- [26] F. Goualard. Drawing random floating-point numbers from an interval. In ACM Transactions on Modeling and Computer Simulation ; éd. Association for Computing Machinery, 2022, vol. 32, num. 3.
- [27] F. Larroche, O. Bellenguez, G. Massonnet. Clustering-based solution approach for a capacitated lot-sizing problem on parallel machines with sequence-dependent setups. In International Journal of Production Research ; éd. Taylor & Francis, 2022.
- [28] F. Xie, P. Castagliola, Z. Li, J. Sun, X. Hu. One-sided Adaptive Truncated Exponentially Weighted Moving Average X Schemes for Detecting Process Mean Shifts. In Quality technology & quantitative management ; éd. ICAQM, 2022, vol. 19, num. 5.
- [29] G. Cantin, C. Silva. Complex network near-synchronization for non-identical predator-prey systems. In AIMS Mathematics ; éd. AIMS Press, 2022, vol. 7, num. 11.
- [30] G. Pelluet, M. Rizkallah, M. Tardy, O. Acosta, D. Mateus. Multi-scale Graph Neural Networks for Mammography Classification and Abnormality Detection. In Lecture Notes in Computer Science ; éd. Springer, 2022.
- [31] H. Duan, X. Min, Y. Zhu, G. Zhai, X. Yang, P. Le Callet. Confusing Image Quality Assessment: Toward Better Augmented Reality Experience. In IEEE Transactions on Image Processing ; éd. Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, 2022, vol. 31.
- [32] H. Takhi, L. Moysis, N. Machkour, C. Volos, K. Kemih, M. Ghanes. Predictive control and synchronization of uncertain perturbed chaotic permanent-magnet synchronous generator and its microcontroller implementation. In The European Physical Journal. Special Topics ; éd. EDP Sciences, 2022.
- [33] I. Correia, T. Melo, O. Péton. Introduction to the Special Issue on Advances in Facility Location and Logistics. In EURO Journal on Transportation and Logistics ; éd. Springer, 2022, vol. 11.
- [34] J. Aimonier-Davat, H. Skaf-Molli, P. Molli, A. Grall, T. Minier. Online approximative SPARQL query processing for COUNT-DISTINCT queries with Web Preemption. In Semantic Web – Interoperability, Usability, Applicability ; éd. IOS Press, 2022.
- [35] J. Malela‐majika, S. Shongwe, P. Castagliola, R. Mutambayi. A novel single composite Shewhart-EWMA control chart for monitoring the process mean Short running head: Single CSEWMA monitoring scheme. In Quality and Reliability Engineering International ; éd. Wiley, 2022, vol. 38, num. 4.
- [36] J. Queiros, C. Coquidé, F. Queyroi. Toward Random Walk Based Clustering of Variable-Order Networks. In Network Science ; éd. Cambridge University Press, 2022.
- [37] L. Michel, C. Silva, D. Torres. Model-free based control of a HIV/AIDS prevention model. In Mathematical Biosciences and Engineering ; éd. AIMS Press, 2022, vol. 19, num. 1.
- [38] M. Chollet, S. Marsella, S. Scherer. Training public speaking with virtual social interactions: effectiveness of real-time feedback and delayed feedback. In Journal on Multimodal User Interfaces ; éd. Springer, 2022, vol. 16, num. 1.
- [39] M. Furet, A. Abourachid, C. Böhmer, V. Chummun, C. Chevallereau, R. Cornette, X. de La Bernardie, P. Wenger. Estimating motion between avian vertebrae by contact modeling of joint surfaces. In Computer Methods in Biomechanics and Biomedical Engineering ; éd. Taylor & Francis, 2022, vol. 25, num. 2.
- [40] M. Habermann, E. Shiguemori, V. Frémont. Unsupervised Cluster-Wise Hyperspectral Band Selection for Classification. In Remote Sensing ; éd. MDPI, 2022, vol. 14, num. 21.
- [41] M. Lennon-Bertrand, K. Maillard, N. Tabareau, . Tanter. Gradualizing the Calculus of Inductive Constructions. In ACM Transactions on Programming Languages and Systems (TOPLAS) ; éd. ACM, 2022.
- [42] M. Mohammadi, M. Dehghan, A. Pirayesh, A. Dolgui. Bi‐objective optimization of a stochastic resilient vaccine distribution network in the context of the COVID‐19 pandemic. In Omega ; éd. Elsevier, 2022, vol. 113.
- [43] M. Métillon, C. Charron, K. Subrin, S. Caro. Performance and interaction quality variations of a collaborative Cable-Driven Parallel Robot. In Mechatronics ; éd. Elsevier, 2022, vol. 86.
- [44] M. Sharbaf, B. Zamani, G. Sunyé. Conflict Management Techniques for Model Merging: A Systematic Mapping Review. In Software and Systems Modeling ; éd. Springer Verlag, 2022.
- [45] M. Spur, V. Tourre, G. Moreau, P. Le Callet. Virtual data sphere: inverse stereographic projection for immersive multi-perspective geovisualization. In ISPRS Annals of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences ; éd. Copernicus Publications, 2022, vol. V-4-2022.
- [46] N. Kumar, S. Chakraborti, P. Castagliola. Phase II Exponential Charts for Monitoring Time Between Events Data: Performance Analysis Using Exact Conditional Average Time to Signal Distribution. In Journal of Statistical Computation and Simulation ; éd. Taylor & Francis, 2022, vol. 92, num. 7.
- [47] O. Tellez, S. Vercraene, F. Lehuédé, O. Péton, T. Monteiro. The time-consistent dial-a-ride problem. In Networks ; éd. Wiley, 2022, vol. 79, num. 4.
- [48] P. Aumond, A. Can, F. Gontier, C. Lavandier, M. Lagrange. Multidimensional analyses of the noise impacts of COVID-19 lockdown. In Journal of the Acoustical Society of America ; éd. Acoustical Society of America, 2022, vol. 151, num. 2.
- [49] P. Blaud, P. Chevrel, F. Claveau, P. Haurant, A. Mouraud. ResNet and PolyNet based identification and (MPC) control of dynamical systems: a promising way. In IEEE Access ; éd. IEEE, 2022, vol. 2022.
- [50] P. Clément Blaud, P. Chevrel, F. Claveau, P. Haurant, A. Mouraud. Four MPC implementations compared on the Quadruple Tank Process Benchmark: pros and cons of neural MPC. In IFAC-PapersOnLine ; éd. Elsevier, 2022, vol. 55, num. 16.
- [51] P. Maravelakis, A. Rakitzis, P. Castagliola. EWMA Charts for Monitoring Zero-inflated Proportions with Applications in Health-Care. In Statistical Methods in Medical Research ; éd. SAGE Publications, 2022, vol. 31, num. 5.
- [52] P. Marti, C. Jallais, A. Koustanaï, A. Guillaume, F. Mars. Impact of the driver's visual engagement on situation awareness and takeover quality. In Transportation Research Part F: Traffic Psychology and Behaviour ; éd. Elsevier, 2022, vol. 87.
- [53] P. Warrick, V. Lostanlen, M. Eickenberg, M. Homsi, A. Campoy Rodriguez, J. Andén. Arrhythmia classification of 12-lead and reduced-lead electrocardiograms via recurrent networks, scattering, and phase harmonic correlation. In Physiological Measurement ; éd. IOP Publishing, 2022, vol. 43, num. 9.
- [54] R. Ben Mhenni, S. Bourguignon, J. Ninin. Global optimization for sparse solution of least squares problems. In Optimization Methods and Software ; éd. Taylor & Francis, 2022, vol. 37, num. 5.
- [55] R. Garcia, A. Volkova, M. Kumm, A. Goldsztejn, J. Kühle. Hardware-aware Design of Multiplierless Second-Order IIR Filters with Minimum Adders. In IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing ; éd. Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, 2022, vol. 70.
- [56] R. Gupta, C. Ucler, A. Bernard. Remote customer interaction in frugal product development: model with customer evaluation. In International Journal of Product Lifecycle Management ; éd. Inderscience, 2022, vol. 14, num. 4.
- [57] S. Haridy, N. Chong, M. Khoo, M. Shamsuzzaman, P. Castagliola. Synthetic control chart with curtailment for monitoring shifts in fraction nonconforming. In European Journal of Industrial Engineering ; éd. Inderscience, 2022, vol. 16, num. 2.
- [58] S. Mecheri, R. Lobjois, F. Mars. Gaze and steering strategies while driving around bends with shoulders. In Applied Ergonomics ; éd. Elsevier, 2022, vol. 103.
- [59] S. Rousseau, C. Chevallereau, S. Caro. Human-Cable Collision Detection with a Cable-Driven Parallel Robot. In Mechatronics ; éd. Elsevier, 2022, vol. 86.
- [60] S. Thevenin, O. Ben-Ammar, N. Brahimi. Robust Optimization Approaches for Purchase Planning with Supplier Selection under Lead Time Uncertainty. In European Journal of Operational Research ; éd. Elsevier, 2022.
- [61] V. Guda, S. Mugisha, C. Chevallereau, M. Zoppi, R. Molfino, D. Chablat. Motion Strategies for a Cobot in a Context of Intermittent Haptic Interface. In Journal of Mechanisms and Robotics ; éd. American Society of Mechanical Engineers, 2022, vol. 14, num. 4.
- [62] W. Garzón, L. Benavides Navarro, A. Gaignard, R. Redon, M. Südholt. A taxonomy of tools and approaches for distributed genomic analyses. In Informatics in Medicine Unlocked ; éd. Elsevier, 2022, vol. 32.
- [63] X. Delorme, A. Cerqueus. Toward scalability evaluation of multi-model lines. In IFAC-PapersOnLine ; éd. Elsevier, 2022, vol. 55, num. 10.
- [64] X. Schepler, A. Rossi, E. Gurevsky, A. Dolgui. Solving robust bin-packing problems with a branch-and-price approach. In European Journal of Operational Research, vol. 297, num. 3. 2022
- [65] X. Song, E. Poirson, Y. Ravaut, F. Bennis. Multi-objective optimization of layout with functional constraints. In Optimization and Engineering ; éd. Springer Verlag, 2022.
- [66] Y. Deng, V. Léchappé, C. Zhang, E. Moulay, D. Du, F. Plestan, Q. Han. Designing Discrete Predictor-Based Controllers for Networked Control Systems with Time-varying Delays: Application to A Visual Servo Inverted Pendulum System. In IEEE/CAA Journal of Automatica Sinica ; éd. IEEE;Chinese Association of Automation, 2022, vol. 9, num. 10.
- [67] Y. Zheng, W. Chen, R. Lin, T. Zhao, P. Le Callet. UIF: An Objective Quality Assessment for Underwater Image Enhancement. In IEEE Transactions on Image Processing ; éd. Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, 2022, vol. 31.
- [68] Z. Cheng, M. Tisi. Deep Specification and Proof Preservation for the CoqTL Transformation Language. In Software & Systems Modeling. 2022
- [69] Z. Toman, L. Hamel, S. Toman, M. Graiet. Correct-by-Construction Approach for Formal Verification of IoT Architecture. In Procedia Computer Science ; éd. Elsevier, 2022, vol. 207.
- [70] A. Jiménez-Sánchez, D. Mateus, S. Kirchhoff, C. Kirchhoff, P. Biberthaler, N. Navab, G. Piella, M. González Ballester. Curriculum learning for improved femur fracture classification: Scheduling data with prior knowledge and uncertainty. In Medical Image Analysis ; éd. Elsevier, 2022, vol. 75.
- [71] A. Jovanovic, D. Lime, O. Roux. Control of Real-Time Systems With Integer Parameters. In IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control ; éd. Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, 2022, vol. 67, num. 1.
- [72] D. Hauweele, R. Koutsiamanis, B. Quoitin, G. Papadopoulos. Thorough Performance Evaluation & Analysis of the 6TiSCH Minimal Scheduling Function (MSF). In Journal of Signal Processing Systems ; éd. Springer, 2022, vol. 94, num. 1.
- [73] E. Idá, S. Briot, M. Carricato. Identification of the Inertial Parameters of Underactuated Cable-Driven Parallel Robots. In Mechanism and Machine Theory ; éd. Elsevier, 2022, vol. 167.
- [74] H. Al Attar, M. Hamida, M. Ghanes, M. Taleb. LLC DC-DC Converter Performances Improvement for Bidirectional Electric Vehicle Charger Application. In World Electric Vehicle Journal ; éd. MDPI, 2022, vol. 13, num. 1.
- [75] H. Hamadi, B. Lussier, I. Fantoni, C. Francis. Data fusion fault tolerant strategy for a quadrotor UAV under sensors and software faults. In ISA Transactions ; éd. Elsevier, 2022, vol. 129, num. Part A.
- [76] K. Iwatsuki, F. Boudin, A. Aizawa. Extraction and evaluation of formulaic expressions used in scholarly papers. In Expert Systems with Applications ; éd. Elsevier, 2022, vol. 187.
- [77] K. Saadi, R. Abbou. On IEC 61850 communication networks in smart grids system: Methodology of implementation and performances analysis on an experimental platform. In International Journal of Energy Research ; éd. Wiley, 2022, vol. 46, num. 1.
- [78] N. Moreau, C. Rousseau, C. Fourcade, G. Santini, A. Brennan, L. Ferrer, M. Lacombe, C. Guillerminet, M. Colombié, P. Jézéquel, M. Campone, N. Normand, M. Rubeaux. Automatic Segmentation of Metastatic Breast Cancer Lesions on 18F-FDG PET/CT Longitudinal Acquisitions for Treatment Response Assessment. In Cancers ; éd. MDPI, 2022, vol. 14, num. 1.
- [79] S. Bulteau, A. Laurin, K. Bach-Ngohou, M. Péré, M. Vibet, J. Hardouin, V. Sebille, L. Lagalice, . Faurel-Paul, D. Acier, T. Rabeyron, V. Riche, A. Sauvaget, F. Melki, T. Vigier, M. Perreira da Silva, O. Charlet, Y. Prié. Feasibility of combining transcranial direct current stimulation and active fully embodied virtual reality for visual height intolerance : a double-blind randomized controlled study. In Journal of Clinical Medicine ; éd. MDPI, 2022, vol. 11, num. 2.
- [80] Q. Chen, A. Allot, R. Leaman, R. Islamaj, J. Du, L. Fang, K. Wang, S. Xu, Y. Zhang, P. Bagherzadeh, S. Bergler, A. Bhatnagar, N. Bhavsar, Y. Chang, S. Lin, W. Tang, H. Zhang, I. Tavchioski, S. Pollak, S. Tian, J. Zhang, Y. Otmakhova, A. Yepes, H. Dong, H. Wu, R. Dufour, Y. Labrak, N. Chatterjee, K. Tandon, F. Laleye, L. Rakotoson, E. Chersoni, J. Gu, A. Friedrich, S. Pujari, M. Chizhikova, N. Sivadasan, S. Vg, Z. Lu. Multi-label classification for biomedical literature: an overview of the BioCreative VII LitCovid Track for COVID-19 literature topic annotations. In Database - The journal of Biological Databases and Curation ; éd. Oxford University Press, 2022, vol. 2022.
- [81] A. Dolgui, F. Sgarbossa, M. Simonetto. Design and management of assembly systems 4.0: systematic literature review and research agenda. In International Journal of Production Research ; éd. Taylor & Francis, 2022, vol. 60, num. 1.
- [82] A. Dolgui. Editorial board contributions celebrating the 60th anniversary of IJPR: parts 1 and 2. In International Journal of Production Research ; éd. Taylor & Francis, 2022, vol. 60, num. 1.
- [83] F. Boyer, V. Lebastard, F. Candelier, F. Renda. Extended Hamilton's principle applied to geometrically exact Kirchhoff sliding rods. In Journal of Sound and Vibration ; éd. Elsevier, 2022, vol. 516.
- [84] T. Yu, K. Akhmadeev, E. Le Carpentier, Y. Aoustin, D. Farina. Highly accurate real-time decomposition of single channel intramuscular EMG(minor revison). In IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering ; éd. Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, 2022, vol. 69, num. 2.
- [85] M. Tardy, D. Mateus. Leveraging Multi-Task Learning to Cope With Poor and Missing Labels of Mammograms. In Frontiers in Radiology, vol. 1. 11-01-2022
- [86] Y. Combot, V. Salo, G. Chadeuf, M. Hölttä, K. Ven, I. Pulli, S. Ducheix, C. Pecqueur, O. Renoult, B. Lak, S. Li, L. Karhinen, I. Belevich, C. Le May, J. Rieusset, S. Le Lay, M. Croyal, K. Tayeb, H. Vihinen, E. Jokitalo, K. Törnquist, C. Vigouroux, B. Cariou, J. Magré, A. Larhlimi, E. Ikonen, X. Prieur. Seipin localizes at endoplasmic-reticulum-mitochondria contact sites to control mitochondrial calcium import and metabolism in adipocytes. In Cell Reports ; éd. Elsevier Inc, 2022, vol. 38, num. 2.
- [87] A. Dolgui, D. Ivanov. 5G in digital supply chain and operations management: fostering flexibility, end-to-end connectivity and real-time visibility through internet-of-everything. In International Journal of Production Research ; éd. Taylor & Francis, 2022, vol. 60, num. 2.
- [88] A. Johannssen, N. Chukhrova, G. Celano, P. Castagliola. A number-between-events control chart for monitoring nite horizon production processes. In Quality and Reliability Engineering International ; éd. Wiley, 2022, vol. 38, num. 4.
- [89] O. Aouedi, K. Piamrat, B. Parrein. Intelligent Traffic Management in Next-Generation Networks. In Future internet ; éd. MDPI, 2022.
- [90] C. Benchehida, M. Kamel Benhaoua, H. Zahaf, G. Lipari. Memory-processor co-scheduling for real-time tasks on network-on-chip manycore architectures. In International Journal of High Performance Systems Architecture (IJHPSA) ; éd. InderScience Publisher, 2022, vol. 11, num. 1.
- [91] A. Johannssen, N. Chukhrova, P. Castagliola. The performance of the hypergeometric n p chart with estimated parameter. In European Journal of Operational Research ; éd. Elsevier, 2022, vol. 296, num. 3.
- [92] B. Fasquelle, P. Khanna, C. Chevallereau, D. Chablat, D. Creusot, S. Jolivet, P. Lemoine, P. Wenger. Identification and Control of a 3-X Cable-Driven Manipulator Inspired From the Bird’s Neck. In Journal of Mechanisms and Robotics ; éd. American Society of Mechanical Engineers, 2022, vol. 14, num. 1.
- [93] E. Moulay, V. Léchappé, E. Bernuau, M. Defoort, F. Plestan. Fixed-time sliding mode control with mismatched disturbances. In Automatica ; éd. Elsevier, 2022, vol. 136.
- [94] I. Mouakher, F. Dhaou, J. Attiogbé. Event-Based Semantics of UML 2.X Concurrent Sequence Diagrams for Formal Verification. In Journal of Computer Science and Technology ; éd. Springer Verlag, 2022, vol. 37, num. 1.
- [95] S. Garnier, K. Subrin. A metrological device for robot identification. In Robotics and Computer-Integrated Manufacturing ; éd. Elsevier, 2022, vol. 73.
- [96] T. Chatain, M. Comlan, D. Delfieu, L. Jezequel, O. Roux. Pomset bisimulation and unfolding for reset Petri nets. In Information and Computation ; éd. Elsevier, 2022, vol. 283.
- [97] F. Zaccaria, E. Idá, S. Briot, M. Carricato. Workspace Computation of Planar Continuum Parallel Robots. In IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters ; éd. IEEE, 2022, vol. 7, num. 2.
- [98] S. Briot, A. Goldsztejn. Singularity Conditions for Continuum Parallel Robots. In IEEE Transactions on Robotics ; éd. IEEE, 2022, vol. 38, num. 1.
- [99] . André, D. Lime, O. Roux. Reachability and liveness in parametric timed automata. In Logical Methods in Computer Science ; éd. Logical Methods in Computer Science Association, 2022, vol. 18, num. 1.
- [100] D. Salunkhe, G. Michel, S. Kumar, M. Sanguineti, D. Chablat. An efficient combined local and global search strategy for optimization of parallel kinematic mechanisms with joint limits and collision constraints. In Mechanism and Machine Theory ; éd. Elsevier, 2022, vol. 173.
- [101] J. García Fontán, A. Nayak, S. Briot, M. Safey El Din. Singularity Analysis for the Perspective-Four and Five-Line Problems. In International Journal of Computer Vision ; éd. Springer Verlag, 2022, vol. 130.
- [102] C. Nich, J. Behr, V. Crenn, N. Normand, H. Mouchère, G. D’assignies. Applications of artificial intelligence and machine learning for the hip and knee surgeon: current state and implications for the future. In International Orthopaedics ; éd. Springer Verlag, 2022.
- [103] R. Balderas Hill, S. Briot, A. Chriette, P. Martinet. Performing Energy-Efficient Pick-and-Place Motions for High-Speed Robots by using Variable Stiffness Springs. In Journal of Mechanisms and Robotics ; éd. American Society of Mechanical Engineers, 2022, vol. 14.
- [104] W. Zhao, A. Klimchik, A. Pashkevich, D. Chablat. Non-linear stiffness behavior of planar serial robotic manipulators. In Mechanism and Machine Theory ; éd. Elsevier, 2022, vol. 172, num. June.
- [105] B. Confais, B. Parrein. Emerging Trends and Challenges in Fog and Edge Computing for the Internet of Things. In IoT ; éd. MDPI, 2022, vol. 3.
- [106] J. Ducloyer, R. Marignier, S. Wiertlewski, P. Lebranchu. Optic neuritis classification in 2021. In European Journal of Ophthalmology ; éd. Wichtig Editore, 2022, vol. 32, num. 2.
- [107] J. He, F. Chu, A. Dolgui, F. Zheng, M. Liu. Integrated stochastic disassembly line balancing and planning problem with machine specificity. In International Journal of Production Research ; éd. Taylor & Francis, 2022, vol. 60, num. 5.
- [108] T. Choi, A. Dolgui, D. Ivanov, E. Pesch. OR and analytics for digital, resilient, and sustainable manufacturing 4.0. In Annals of Operations Research ; éd. Springer Verlag, 2022, vol. 310, num. 1.
- [109] Z. Che, A. Borji, G. Zhai, S. Ling, J. Li, X. Min, G. Guo, P. Le Callet. SMGEA: A New Ensemble Adversarial Attack Powered by Long-Term Gradient Memories. In IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems ; éd. IEEE, 2022, vol. 33, num. 3.
- [110] B. Hilloulin, M. Lagrange, M. Duvillard, G. Garioud. ε-greedy automated indentation of cementitious materials for phase mechanical properties determination. In Cement and Concrete Composites ; éd. Elsevier, 2022, vol. 129.
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