Publication de la collection HAL LS2N-CODEX pour 2023
Nombre de publications retournées : 31ART_INT | COMM_INT | COMM_NAT | THESE |
11 | 16 | 1 | 3 |
Revues internationales avec comité de lecture (ART_INT)
- [1] C. Letellier, S. Mangiarotti, L. Minati, M. Frasca, J. Barbot. Optimal placement of sensor and actuator for controlling low-dimensional chaotic systems based on global modeling. In Chaos: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Nonlinear Science ; éd. American Institute of Physics, 2023, vol. 33, num. 1.
- [2] S. Messaoudi, F. Nicolau, M. Ghanes, L. Sbita, J. Barbot. Flatness-Based Control Strategy for n Parallel Connected Boost Choppers and n Sources With Differing Characteristics. In IEEE Control Systems Letters ; éd. IEEE, 2023, vol. 7.
- [3] A. Bourgeade, M. Ghanes, B. Jean-Pierre, B. Abdelkader, F. Maurice, B. Robert. New PWM inverter control based on optimal pulse pattern computation without phases symmetry constraints. In Control Engineering Practice ; éd. Elsevier, 2023, vol. 132.
- [4] J. Gao, F. Claveau, A. Pashkevich, P. Chevrel, R. Abdessamed. Real-time motion planning for an autonomous mobile robot with wheelground adhesion constraint. In Advanced Robotics ; éd. Taylor & Francis, 2023.
- [5] I. Balogoun, S. Marx, D. Astolfi. ISS Lyapunov Strictification via Observer Design and Integral Action Control for a Korteweg–de Vries Equation. In SIAM Journal on Control and Optimization ; éd. Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics, 2023, vol. 61, num. 2.
- [6] M. Rasool Mojallizadeh, B. Brogliato, A. Polyakov, S. Subischa, L. Michel, F. Plestan, M. Ghanes, J. Barbot, Y. Aoustin. A survey on the discrete-time differentiators in closed-loop control systems: experiments on an electro-pneumatic system. In Control Engineering Practice ; éd. Elsevier, 2023, vol. 136, num. 105546.
- [7] E. Alvaro-Mendoza, J. de León-Morales, M. Hamida, M. Ghanes. Adaptive sensorless control for interior permanent magnet synchronious motor based on sliding mode approach. In ISA Transactions ; éd. Elsevier, 2023, vol. 139.
- [8] P. Hamon, L. Michel, F. Plestan, D. Chablat. Model-free based control of a gripper actuated by pneumatic muscles. In Mechatronics ; éd. Elsevier, 2023, vol. 95.
- [9] B. Abdelkader, F. Maurice, A. Bourgeade, M. Ghanes, J. Barbot. Open problem: WTHD reduction understanding for a synchronous saw-tooth injection PWM control. In IFAC-PapersOnLine ; éd. Elsevier, 2023, vol. 56, num. 2.
- [10] C. Boultifat, J. Lohéac, M. Yagoubi, P. Chevrel. A position-dependent acoustic model relevant for some active noise control applications. In Journal of Vibration and Control ; éd. SAGE Publications, 2023, vol. 29, num. 23-24.
- [11] P. Blaud, P. Haurant, P. Chevrel, F. Claveau, A. Mouraud. Multi-flow optimization of a greenhouse system: A hierarchical control approach. In Applied Energy ; éd. Elsevier, 2023, vol. 351.
- [12] A. Gauché, R. Chenouard, D. Morin, M. Ghanes. Gestion de l’énergie avec contrôle prédictif du stockage de l’hydrogène sur un micro-réseau iloté. In ROADEF 2023, février 2023, Rennes, France.
- [13] M. Boudana, S. Ladaci, J. Loiseau. Direct Model Reference Adaptive Control for Linear Fractional System of Commensurate Order with Time Delay Using Smith Predictor. In First International Conference on Advances in Electrical and Computer Engineering (ICAECE 2023), mai 2023, Tebassa, Algérie.
- [14] M. Laaziz, F. Nicolau, M. Ghanes, N. Machkour, J. Barbot, F. Plestan. Estimation des pertes dans un onduleur triphasé connecté au réseau via des filtres LCL. In 1 er Congrés Annuel de la Société Française d'Automatique, de Génie Industriel et de Productique (SAGIP), juin 2023, Marseille, France.
- [15] F. Gauthier-Clerc, H. Le Capitaine, F. Claveau, P. Chevrel. Operating data of a specific Aquatic Center as a Benchmark for dynamic model learning: search for a valid prediction model over an 8-hour horizon. In ECC 2023: European Control Conference, juin 2023, Bucharest, Roumanie.
- [16] L. Gruss, P. Chevrel, M. Yagoubi, M. Thieffry, A. Grossetête. Moving horizon estimation of xenon in pressurized water nuclear reactors using variable-step integration. In ECC 2023: European Control Conference, juin 2023, Bucharest, Roumanie.
- [17] K. Moussa, E. Coevoet, C. Duriez, M. Thieffry, F. Claveau, P. Chevrel, S. Caro. FEM-based Dynamic Model for Cable-Driven Parallel Robots with Elasticity and Sagging. In CableCon 2023: 6th International Conference on Cable-Driven Parallel Robots, juin 2023, Nantes, France.
- [18] T. Rasheed, L. Michel, S. Caro, J. Barbot, Y. Aoustin. Dynamic Parameter Identification for Cable-Driven Parallel Robots. In The Sixth International Conference on Cable-Driven Parallel Robots (CableCon 2023), juin 2023, Nantes, France.
- [19] A. Gauché, D. Morin, R. Chenouard, M. Ghanes. Algorithms comparison for hydrogen storage predictive control on an islanded microgrid. In IFAC World Congress 2023, juillet 2023, Yokohama, Japon.
- [20] I. Balogoun, S. Marx, Y. Orlov, F. Plestan. Active disturbance rejection control for a transport equation via a differentiatior. In IFAC World Congress 2023, juillet 2023, Yokohama, Japon.
- [21] D. Igbokwe, M. Ghanes. Sensorless HOSM Control based VGE Observer for a 7-Phase PMSM. In 2023 IEEE Conference on Control Technology and Applications (CCTA), août 2023, Bridgetown, France.
- [22] M. Laaziz, F. Nicolau, M. Ghanes, N. Machkour, J. Barbot, R. Boisliveau. Flatness of the Three-Phase Grid Connected DC-AC Inverter with LCL Filter. In The 2nd International Conference on Green Energy Conversion System: ICGECS 2023, 29 September - 1 October 2023, Djerba, Tunisia, septembre 2023, Djerba Island, Tunisie.
- [23] S. Messaoudi, F. Nicolau, M. Ghanes, L. Sbita, J. Barbot. Control Design of Two Boost Choppers in Parallel by Petri Net and Flatness Approaches. In The 2nd International Conference on Green Energy Conversion System GECS 2023, septembre 2023, Djerba, Tunisie.
- [24] J. Barbot, C. Letellier, G. Millerioux. Similarities and differences between the control theory of discrete and continuous time chaotic systems. In OttoChaos: From the nonlinear dynamical systems theory to observational chaos, octobre 2023, Toulouse, France.
- [25] J. Loiseau, V. Bartolucci, C. Martinez, D. Scaradozzi. Invariance causale contrôlée pour les systèmes max-plus linéaires. In Modélisation des Systèmes Réactifs (MSR'23), novembre 2023, Toulouse, France.
- [26] S. Messaoudi, F. Nicolau, M. Ghanes, L. Sbita, J. Barbot. Flatness-Based Control Strategy for Two Boost Choppers and One Bidirectional Buck-Boost Chopper Connected in Parallel. In Proc. of the 16th Conference Control in Power Electronics and Electric Drives - "SENE 2023, novembre 2023, Łódź, Pologne.
- [27] F. Gauthier-Clerc, H. Le Capitaine, F. Claveau, P. Chevrel. A Hybrid Linear-Nonlinear ARX Model for reliable Multi-Step Prediction: application to SwPool Benchmark. In Conference on Decision and Control, décembre 2023, Singapore, Singapour.
- [28] F. Gauthier-Clerc, H. Le Capitaine, F. Claveau, P. Chevrel. Optimisation du pilotage industriel d'une piscine publique grâce à la modélisation dirigée par les données : proposition d'un jeu de données applicatif. In 9ème Conférence Nationale sur les Applications Pratiques de l’Intelligence Artificielle APIA@PFIA2023, juillet 2023, Strasbourg, France.In Christelle Launois (éds.), . AFIA-Association Française pour l'Intelligence Artificielle, 2023.
- [29] I. Balogoun. Contributions to control theory for infinite-dimensional systems subjected to disturbances/uncertainties. Thèses : École centrale de Nantes.
- [30] H. Bin Anuar. Sliding mode based control of an unmanned aerial manipulator. Thèses : École centrale de Nantes.
- [31] G. Dupre. Conception de systèmes de contrôle avancé de reacteur PWR flexible. Thèses : Ecole nationale supérieure Mines-Télécom Atlantique.