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Séminaire invité – L’équipe STACK reçoit la société iExec : « Blockchain-based decentralized, trusted and transparent cloud computing »

20 novembre 2020 @ 15 h 15 min - 16 h 30 min

Gilles Fedak (anciennement chercheur Inria) et Anthony Simonet-Boulogne (anciennement post-doc au sein de l’équipe STACK puis à Rutgers University) feront une présentation autour d’un modèle de cloud computing décentralisé et authentifié grâce à une blockchain
vendredi 20 novembre à partir de 15h15 sur Zoom (mot de passe: recherche).
Gilles Fedak a quitté le monde académique pour co-créer la société IExec dans laquelle il supervise ces activités.
Title: iExec: Blockchain-Based Decentralized, Trusted and Transparent Cloud Computing
Abstract: iExec is a French startup company based in Lyon which built the first decentralized marketplace in which entities (e.g. traditional cloud providers, research centers and even individuals) can contribute and monetize cloud computing resources (CPU, GPU), decentralized applications (dapps) and data-sets (data renting) in a secure and confidential way, ensuring the confidentiality and ownership of data.
During this seminar, we will present how iExec combines Ethereum Smart Contracts, a unique Proof-of-Contribution (PoCo) protocol and Trusted Execution Environments (TEE) to ensure trust between providers and consumers of resources. The project, however, is still facing several scientific and technological barriers related to scalability, interoperability and to supporting more classes of applications. We will discuss several research topics (e.g. ZK-proofs and rollups) and two H2020 projects in which iExec is involved: OntoChain, which aims at building a trusted and transparent knowledge management ecosystem and Datacloud, which goal is to build a platform for big data analytics in the edge-to-cloud continuum.
La présentation devrait durer environ 45 min suivie de 20 à 30 min d’échanges.


Intervenant(s) :
Gilles Fedak, Anthony Simonet-Boulogne
Date :
20 novembre 2020
Heure :
15 h 15 min - 16 h 30 min

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