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Publications  for  the  collection  HAL LS2N-RIO  for  2020

Total of the publications found : 8

Overview of LS2N-RIO publications by types

International journals with reviewing committee (ART_INT)

    • [1] H. Park, K. Piamrat, K. Singh, H. Chen. Data Analysis for Self-Driving Vehicles in Intelligent Transportation Systems. In Journal of Advanced Transportation ; éd. Hindawi Publishing Corporation, 2020, vol. 2020.
    • [2] H. Mroue, B. Parrein, S. Hamrioui, P. Bakowski, A. Nasser, E. Cruz, W. Vince. LoRa+: An extension of LoRaWAN protocol to reduce infrastructure costs by improving the Quality of Service. In Internet of Things ; éd. Elsevier, 2020, vol. 9.

International conferences with reviewing committee (COMM_INT)

    • [3] O. Aouedi, K. Piamrat, D. Bagadthey. A Semi-supervised Stacked Autoencoder Approach for Network Traffic Classification. In 2020 IEEE 28th International Conference on Network Protocols (ICNP), octobre 2020, Madrid, Espagne.
    • [4] A. Bitaillou, B. Parrein, G. Andrieux. New results on Q-routing protocol for wireless networks. In EAI ADHOCNETS 2020, novembre 2020, Paris, France.

Books - books sections - directions of work or proceedings (OUV)

    • [5] B. Confais, A. Lebre, B. Parrein. A Fog storage software architecture for the Internet of Things. In Advances in Edge Computing: Massive Parallel Processing and Applications. 2020

Other publications (AUTRES)

    • [6] A. Bitaillou, B. Parrein, G. Andrieux. Routage et apprentissage par renforcement. In Journées non thématiques GDR-RSD 2020, janvier 2020, Nantes, France.
    • [7] M. Perera, K. Piamrat, S. Hamma. Network Traffic Classification using Machine Learning for Software Defined Networks. In Journées non thématiques GDR-RSD 2020, janvier 2020, Nantes, France.
    • [8] O. Aouedi, K. Piamrat, B. Parrein. Network Feature Selection based on Machine Learning for Resource Management. In GDR-RSD, janvier 2020, Nantes, France.
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