Publications for the collection HAL LS2N-SIMS for 2022
Total of the publications found : 46International journals with reviewing committee (ART_INT)
- [1] B. Pascal, R. Bardenet. A covariant, discrete time-frequency representation tailored for zero-based signal detection. In IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing ; éd. Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, 2022, vol. 70.
- [2] D. Förster, L. Liberti, A. Mucherino, J. Lin, T. Malliavin, J. Idier. Low-resolution description of the conformational space for intrinsically disordered proteins. In Scientific Reports ; éd. Nature Publishing Group, 2022.
- [3] E. Scharbarg, J. Greck, E. Le Carpentier, L. Chaillous, C. Moog. A metamodel-based flexible insulin therapy for type 1 diabetes patients subjected to aerobic physical activity. In Scientific Reports ; éd. Nature Publishing Group, 2022, vol. 12, num. 1.
- [4] G. Pelluet, M. Rizkallah, M. Tardy, O. Acosta, D. Mateus. Multi-scale Graph Neural Networks for Mammography Classification and Abnormality Detection. In Lecture Notes in Computer Science ; éd. Springer, 2022.
- [5] L. Michel, C. Silva, D. Torres. Model-free based control of a HIV/AIDS prevention model. In Mathematical Biosciences and Engineering ; éd. AIMS Press, 2022, vol. 19, num. 1.
- [6] P. Aumond, A. Can, F. Gontier, C. Lavandier, M. Lagrange. Multidimensional analyses of the noise impacts of COVID-19 lockdown. In Journal of the Acoustical Society of America ; éd. Acoustical Society of America, 2022, vol. 151, num. 2.
- [7] P. Warrick, V. Lostanlen, M. Eickenberg, M. Homsi, A. Campoy Rodriguez, J. Andén. Arrhythmia classification of 12-lead and reduced-lead electrocardiograms via recurrent networks, scattering, and phase harmonic correlation. In Physiological Measurement ; éd. IOP Publishing, 2022, vol. 43, num. 9.
- [8] R. Ben Mhenni, S. Bourguignon, J. Ninin. Global optimization for sparse solution of least squares problems. In Optimization Methods and Software ; éd. Taylor & Francis, 2022, vol. 37, num. 5.
- [9] A. Jiménez-Sánchez, D. Mateus, S. Kirchhoff, C. Kirchhoff, P. Biberthaler, N. Navab, G. Piella, M. González Ballester. Curriculum learning for improved femur fracture classification: Scheduling data with prior knowledge and uncertainty. In Medical Image Analysis ; éd. Elsevier, 2022, vol. 75.
- [10] T. Yu, K. Akhmadeev, E. Le Carpentier, Y. Aoustin, D. Farina. Highly accurate real-time decomposition of single channel intramuscular EMG(minor revison). In IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering ; éd. Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, 2022, vol. 69, num. 2.
- [11] M. Tardy, D. Mateus. Leveraging Multi-Task Learning to Cope With Poor and Missing Labels of Mammograms. In Frontiers in Radiology, vol. 1. 11-01-2022
- [12] B. Hilloulin, M. Lagrange, M. Duvillard, G. Garioud. ε-greedy automated indentation of cementitious materials for phase mechanical properties determination. In Cement and Concrete Composites ; éd. Elsevier, 2022, vol. 129.
- [13] C. Wang, E. Benetos, V. Lostanlen, E. Chew. Adaptive Scattering Transforms for Playing Technique Recognition. In IEEE/ACM Transactions on Audio, Speech and Language Processing ; éd. Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, 2022, vol. 30.
- [14] G. Collewet, M. Musse, C. El Hajj, S. Moussaoui. Multi-exponential MRI T2 maps: A tool to classify and characterize fruit tissues. In Magnetic Resonance Imaging ; éd. Elsevier, 2022, vol. 87.
- [15] B. Pascal, P. Abry, N. Pustelnik, S. Roux, R. Gribonval, P. Flandrin. Nonsmooth convex optimization to estimate the Covid-19 reproduction number space-time evolution with robustness against low quality data. In IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing ; éd. Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, 2022, vol. 70.
- [16] M. Millardet, S. Moussaoui, J. Idier, D. Mateus, M. Conti, C. Bailly, S. Stute, T. Carlier. A Multiobjective Comparative Analysis of Reconstruction Algorithms in the Context of Low-Statistics 90 Y-PET Imaging. In IEEE Transactions on Radiation and Plasma Medical Sciences ; éd. Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, 2022, vol. 6, num. 6.
- [17] P. Grumiaux, S. Kitić, L. Girin, A. Guérin. A survey of sound source localization with deep learning methods. In Journal of the Acoustical Society of America ; éd. Acoustical Society of America, 2022, vol. 152, num. 1.
- [18] C. Fourcade, L. Ferrer, N. Moreau, G. Santini, A. Brennan, C. Rousseau, M. Lacombe, V. Fleury, M. Colombié, P. Jézéquel, M. Rubeaux, D. Mateus. Deformable image registration with deep network priors: a study on longitudinal PET images. In Physics in Medicine and Biology ; éd. IOP Publishing, 2022, vol. 67, num. 15.
- [19] M. Amrouche, H. Carfantan, J. Idier, V. Martin. Statistical Destriping of Pushbroom-Type Images Based on an Affine Detector Response. In IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing ; éd. Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, 2022, vol. 60.
- [20] N. Laroche, E. Carcreff, S. Bourguignon, J. Idier, A. Duclos, P. Lhuillier. Super-resolution ultrasonic imaging of close reflectors in coarse-grained steels based on a deconvolution approach. In Journal of Nondestructive Evaluation ; éd. Springer Verlag, 2022, vol. 41, num. 66.
- [21] T. Souaille, J. Petiot, N. Misdariis, M. Lagrange. An interactive bi-objective optimisation process to guide the design of electric vehicle warning sounds. In Design Science ; éd. Cambridge University Press, 2022, vol. 8.
- [22] M. Amrouche, H. Carfantan, J. Idier. Efficient Sampling of Bernoulli-Gaussian-Mixtures for Sparse Signal Restoration. In IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing ; éd. Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, 2022, vol. 70.
- [23] B. van Doren, V. Lostanlen, A. Cramer, J. Salamon, A. Dokter, S. Kelling, J. Bello, A. Farnsworth. Automated acoustic monitoring captures timing and intensity of bird migration. In Journal of Applied Ecology ; éd. Wiley, 2022.
- [24] C. Lucas, B. Pascal, N. Pustelnik, P. Abry. Hyperparameter selection for Discrete Mumford-Shah. In Signal, Image and Video Processing ; éd. Springer Verlag, 2022.
- [25] R. Walsh, M. Tardy. A Comparison of Techniques for Class Imbalance in Deep Learning Classification of Breast Cancer. In Diagnostics ; éd. MDPI, 2022, vol. 13, num. 1.
- [26] M. Outidrarine, P. Baudet, V. Lostanlen, M. Lagrange, J. Ulloa. Exploring Eco-Acoustic Data with K-Determinantal Point Processes. In International Workshop on Detection and Classification of Acoustic Scenes and Events (DCASE), 2022, Nancy, France.
- [27] G. Samain, S. Bourguignon, J. Ninin. La dualité convexe comme accélération d'un algorithme de Branch-and-Bound dédié à l'optimisation parcimonieuse. In 23ème congrès annuel de la Société Française de Recherche Opérationnelle et d'Aide à la Décision, février 2022, Villeurbanne - Lyon, France.
- [28] S. Levilly, S. Moussaoui, J. Serfaty. NAVIER-STOKES-BASED REGULARIZATION FOR 4D FLOW MRI SUPER-RESOLUTION. In International Symposium on Biomedical Imaging (ISBI), mars 2022, Kolkata, France.
- [29] G. Samain, S. Bourguignon, J. Ninin. Techniques for accelerating branch-and-bound algorithms dedicated to sparse optimization. In EUROPT 19th Workshop on Advances in Continuous Optimization, juillet 2022, Lisbonne, Portugal.
- [30] S. Levilly, S. Moussaoui, J. Serfaty. Reconstruction super-résolue du flux sanguin en IRM de flux 4D par pénalisation des équations de Navier-Stokes sans pré-segmentation. In Colloque du GRETSI (Groupe de Recherche et d'Etudes de Traitement du Signal et des Images), septembre 2022, Nancy, France.
- [31] C. Huneau, F. Rigal, J. Idier. Estimateur explicite de modèles polynomiaux inverses par moindres carrés pondérés. In 28e colloque GRETSI, septembre 2022, Nancy, France.
- [32] G. Samain, S. Bourguignon, J. Ninin. Techniques d'accélération d'une méthode de Branch-and-bound pour l'optimisation parcimonieuse. In GRETSI'22 XXVIIIème Colloque Francophone de Traitement du Signal et des Images, septembre 2022, Nancy, France.
- [33] J. Muradeli, C. Vahidi, C. Wang, H. Han, V. Lostanlen, M. Lagrange, G. Fazekas. Differentiable Time-Frequency Scattering On GPU. In Digital Audio Effects Conference (DAFx), septembre 2022, Vienna, Autriche.
- [34] P. Baudet, M. Outidrarine, V. Lostanlen, M. Lagrange, J. Ulloa. Un processus ponctuel déterminantal fini pour l'exploration de données éco-acoustiques. In GRETSI 2022, septembre 2022, Nancy, France.
- [35] G. Collewet, G. Hajjar, S. Quellec, S. Moussaoui, S. Challois, C. Deleu, L. Leport, M. Musse. Tissue characterization of potato tubers using localized MRI T2 Relaxometry. In International Plant Spectroscopy Conference, 2022, Nantes., septembre 2022, Nantes, France.
- [36] S. Levilly, S. Moussaoui, J. Serfaty. Segmentation-free Super-resolved 4D FLox MRI Reconstruction Exploiting Navier-Stokes Equations and Spatial Regularization. In IEEE ICIP (International Conference on Image Processing), octobre 2022, Bordeaux, France.
- [37] I. Nolasco, S. Singh, E. Vidaña-Vila, E. Grout, J. Morford, M. Emmerson, F. Jensen, I. Kiskin, H. Whitehead, A. Strandburg-Peshkin, L. Gill, H. Pamuła, V. Lostanlen, V. Morfi, D. Stowell. Few-shot bioacoustic event detection at the DCASE 2022 challenge. In Detection and Classification of Acoustic Scenes and Events, novembre 2022, Nancy, France.
- [38] A. Merasli, T. Liu, T. Carlier, D. Mateus, M. Millardet, S. Moussaoui, S. Stute. Nested ADMM for PET reconstruction with two constraints: Deep Image Prior and non-negativity in projection space. In 2022 IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium, Medical Imaging Conference and Room Temperature Semiconductor Detector Conference, novembre 2022, Milan, Italie.
- [39] L. Louis, A. van Langhenhove, V. Roualdes, S. Moussaoui, I. Milleville-Pennel. Effect of Task Ludification on Subjective Responses to Mental Workload During Digitalized Cognitive Task.. In 63rd annual meeting of the Psychonomic Society, novembre 2022, Boston, France.
- [40] Y. Jus, A. Nassef, H. Lejeune, C. Alzard, R. Turpin, G. Lebret, S. Moussaoui, F. Plestan. Digital twin of a hydraulic loop: application to fault detection and parameter estimation. In NAFEMS NRC22 France, novembre 2022, Senlis, France.
- [41] Y. Belkahla, A. Taieb Brahimi, S. Moussaoui. Eddy Current Nondestructive Testing using Surface Impedance Boundary Condition and Global Optimization. In 2022 International Conference of Advanced Technology in Electronic and Electrical Engineering (ICATEEE), novembre 2022, M'Sila, Algérie.
- [42] G. Pelluet, M. Rizkallah, M. Tardy, O. Acosta, D. Mateus. Multi-scale Graph Neural Networks for Mammography Classification and Abnormality Detection. In 26th Annual Conference on Medical Image Understanding and Analysis, MIUA 2022, juillet 2022, Cambridge, Royaume-Uni.In Yang G.Aviles-Rivero A.Roberts M.Schonlieb C.-B. (éds.), . Springer Science and Business Media Deutschland GmbH, 2022.
- [43] J. Lefeuvre, S. Moussaoui, L. Grosset, A. Siqueira, F. Delayens. Procédé et dispositif électronique d’estimation d’un ensemble de composant(s) d’un produit à partir d’un dispositif de spectrométrie, programme d’ordinateur et système de mesure associés. N° brevet : WO 2022/069649 A1.
- [44] J. Lefeuvre, S. Moussaoui, L. Grosset, A. Siqueira, F. Delayens. Supervised Mixture Analysis and Source Detection from Multimodal Measurements. In Systems, Signals and Image Processing. 02-03-2022
- [45] M. Millardet. Amélioration de la quantification des images TEP à l'yttrium 90. Thèses : École centrale de Nantes.
- [46] C. Fourcade. Longitudinal monitoring of metastatic breast cancer through PET image registration and segmentation based on trained and untrained networks. Thèses : École centrale de Nantes.